Author Topic: Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is  (Read 1049 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is
« on: September 12, 2019, 05:36:22 PM »
Archae (40,800 posts)

Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is...
He was just on MSNBC's morning show, and he blamed "the left" (no specific names, of course,) for the "evil" of political correctness, for democrats "always losing." (Where was he in 2018?)

He an anti-vaxxer, a religious bigot, liar and simply an asshole.

anyone who speaks the truth is hated by the left.

Star Member Hortensis (32,897 posts)

100. I'd say a scorpion. Over 2500 years ago Aesop described people like him in the fable about the scorpion and the frog, and the moral is as valid now as it was before Aristotle and Alexander the Great were born.

Maher's an intelligent man who understands what needs to be done to stand up for his avowed principles, but he can't and/or won't stick it.


Panich52 (5,801 posts)

2. Yes, he's an asshole, but I disagree about him being a "religious bigot." He's an atheist and, like me, considers organized religion essentially harmful. Repubs are religious bigots—anyone who isn't pretending to be Christian is on their hate list (Jews are reprieved because they'll convert at End Times).


UniteFightBack (4,857 posts)

3. I like Bill Mahar and he's right and often. Have a great day! nt


Archae (40,800 posts)

12. "Right and often?"

He just blamed everything on "the left," and he's an anti-vaxxer.

Even if he makes some good points here and there, he's still an asshole.

Star Member spanone (114,869 posts)

4. He's full of shit. Not a good way to start off the day.

Star Member bobbieinok (10,943 posts)

6. He irritates me because he smirks at his own jokes, ie, what he thinks is his cleverness

Star Member Farmer-Rick (3,167 posts)

39. Well, he has guts to stand up against religion. Considering how much Christianity is shove down our throats on a daily bases.

Yeah, he's gotten kind of weird lately, but I give him credit for not bowing to the religiously insane.

Star Member avebury (9,714 posts)

74. Living in an uber red state, religion is paraded about on a constant basis.

I work for a state agency where I have seen employees close their official state emails with Have a Blessed Day. Some people will end a conversation with Have A Blessed Day or other religious type reference. Prayer is common place. Not long after he moved in, my new next door neighbor was telling me about a service being held on the night in question as his church. Have a Blessed Day is frequently used by employees in the private sector as well. Christian beliefs are definitely a huge factor in the voting booth to the point that many will vote against their on best interests if it means that they get their way in terms of religious beliefs.


stopdiggin (625 posts)

80. you haven't ???

I must conclude that you live in a VERY different zip code. How's the women's health issues (as just ONE example) fairing in the country you live in?


virgogal (9,338 posts)

94. The topic is religion,not women's health.

stopdiggin (625 posts)

96. you don't see the connection?

the all out assault on Planned Parenthood?


BruceWane (186 posts)

87. Taxes

How many parcels of land in your area are exempt from property taxes because a church sits on them?

Quick example - Lakewood Church, here in Houston, sits on some very prime real estate and pays $0 in property tax to the city and county. A car dealership just down the freeway from Lakewood sits on a similarly sized parcel of land and pays nearly $1,000,000 a year in property taxes.

That's money that is NOT going to police and fire protection, roads, infrastructure, all kinds of services and benefits that Lakewood receives just like any other property owner, not to mention other public issues like aid for the needy, health care, etc.

$1,000,000 per year. And that's one church. I can easily name a dozen more that sit on equally prime parcels of land in the Houston area, and of course there are a few thousand more smaller churches throughout the region, paying nothing to support the community which sustains them.

So you and I get to pay more taxes in order to support our communities, essentially subsidizing religion.

Are you getting the feeling that you're being forced to financially support some things that you don't want to yet?


BruceWane (186 posts)

105. So what?

Support of religion is being forced upon all of us by law via taxation.

Christianity is one of those religions. And in the USA, it is by far the predominant religion.

Therefore, support of christianity is being forced upon all of us by law. Just because christianity isn't the only religion being forced upon us doesn't mean that it is not being forced upon us.

See how that works?

Besides this irrefutable point, you have all the various efforts to inject religion, especially christianity, into government via opening prayers, introducing "bible as literature" classes into public schools (as literature, the bible's really quite bad, LOL), "voluntary" prayers at school events, "protection of marriage/whatever" bills that aim to codify religious persecution into law, etc.

I share Bill Maher's view that religion is a blight upon humanity. Where might we be in regards to a more peaceful world if the tensions between religions didn't exist? No Israel/Palestine conflict. No islam/everything else conflict. No christianity/everything else conflict.

What if all the money from religious tax exemptions was instead applied to problems?

What if people didn't have the option to feel like they're really, truly helping when they offer "thoughts and prayers"? What if the only way to feel like you're doing something meant actually doing something?


Star Member Farmer-Rick (3,167 posts)

125. What country do you live in?

From "One nation under God", to "In God we trust", to prayers at sports event by players, to prayers at opening of legislative agendas, to"Bring your bible to school" day, to the 10 commandments in the courthouse, to manger scenes decorating town square during the holidays, to have a blessed day greetings, to churches, priest's salaries and religions not paying their taxes, to laws allowing religions to discriminate and abuse others.

Every day stupid Christian stuff.


Act_of_Reparation (6,707 posts)

118. Bill Maher is a world-class butthole.

But not liking religion doesn't make you a ****ing bigot. Not when religion holds all the *******ed cards.

And I don't think the Rohinga or the Tamilians would describe Buddhists as "fairly harmless".

Star Member Paladin (20,141 posts)


Deprive him of the ratings he no longer deserves from us. Catch the highlights of his shows, here on DU.


Johnny2X2X (5,475 posts)

17. Bill Maher is not the enemy!

Guy is an ally to the Left.

Jeesh, of all the people to attack in the media, we go after Bill Maher? The guy who get's under Trump's skin so much he's sued him.

Maher is correct to point out that political correctness is one of the biggest losing issues for the Left. The Right has used it to paint the left as snowflakes and babies to Middle America for decades now.

And Maher is a voice of strength for atheism, he's one of the only ones out there pointing out the ridiculousness of all religion.

Love Bill Maher and love that he doesn't have a filter. Don't agree with everything he says, but this guy gets it on most issues.

Archae (40,800 posts)

19. Just great, we have a Bill Maher cult, like the Trump cult.

"Sure he can be an asshole, but he's OUR asshole..."


Star Member Bradshaw3 (3,126 posts)

48. We have religious cultists here and those who are incapable of critical thinking

Those are the real cultists. Sometimes people just don't like hearing the truth so they rant and name call and make ignorant comments comparing Maher fans to trumpists. Beats thinking, huh.

BTW, Maher donated $1M to Obama's 2012 campaign and $1M to the 2018 DNCC campaign. What did you do?


Oppaloopa (294 posts)

56. Friend of Ann Couilter sums it up nicely.

Initech (76,916 posts)

58. I'm so ****ing sick of the "liberals are too PC" argument.

I don't want to hear your racist and sexist bullshit. If that point is brought up in an argument or debate, I'm walking out. I'm done. I don't want to hear anything else you have to say because that makes it clear where you stand.

You might have been able to get away this in 2016, but in 2019 you're just beating a dead horse at this point.


Star Member jcgoldie (4,200 posts)

67. **** Bill Maher

I used to be a fan, and last year we even paid $40 to go see his act in St.Louis when he came through. In my opinion he has gotten much worse with the both sidesism, the PC bashing, and especially the blame democrats this year. He also regularly not just provides a platform for right wing assholes but also defends them on his show weekly. The nonsense is to the point my wife won't let me watch because I cant get through the show without getting mad and cussing out the television.

He's ok on pot and criticizing Trump, an idiot on everything else.

themaguffin (1,993 posts)

103. Oh, FFS, grow up.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2019, 06:01:14 PM »
I love it when the left flings pooh on one another. :fuelfire: :popcorn: :fuelfire:
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Offline Zathras

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Re: Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2019, 07:08:46 PM »
DUmbass: Christianity is evil and repressive but Islam is fine.
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Offline USA4ME

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Re: Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2019, 09:28:22 PM »
Impose PC on everyone and bash religion. Now *there's* a winning political platform.

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Offline SVPete

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Re: Bill Maher again shows what a total asshole he really is
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2019, 10:09:42 PM »
Maher doesn't have to abide by DU TOS, and DU-folk can't handle it.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.