Author Topic: What's your view on compulsory voting?  (Read 637 times)

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Offline dutch508

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What's your view on compulsory voting?
« on: May 10, 2019, 12:38:16 PM »
Star Member canetoad (9,516 posts)

What's your view on compulsory voting?

Obama admired the concept on his last visit to Australia. Would it ever fly in the US?

I ask because I voted today. Our Federal election is still two weeks away, but all over the country, early voting stations are set up three weeks in advance. Technically, to vote early you are required to not be in your electorate on polling day. Practically, the Electoral Commission wants to make it as easy as possible for people to vote and thus avoid fines for non-voting.

They really do everything possible to make (compulsory) voting accessible to all; no ID requirements - you state your name and address and are asked if you've voted anywhere else. Voting details are updated automatically via data-matching with various Gov. agencies such as changing your vehicle registration address. Is this too Big Brother-ish for the US?


NanceGreggs (24,572 posts)

2. I'm against.

Compulsory voting means people who are not interested in politics – and are therefore generally ill-informed about the topic – will be part of a voting pool that already consists of too many ill-informed people.

You get more people interested in voting by educating them as to the importance of their participation in the process, not by forcing them to participate in a process they can’t, don’t, or refuse to understand.

We should be looking for ways to engage people and peak their interest, not looking for ways to intimidate those who – for whatever reason – don’t want to be engaged.

Do you really want someone who is resentful of the fact they have to vote or else deciding the outcome of any election?

I don't.


bamagal62 (1 post)

14. I'm all for it!

I think we should make it compulsory. We have to show up for jury duty. We have to have a drivers license to drive. We have to pay taxes. We have to pay a fine if we go over the speed limit. We have many things in our country that we “have to do”. We should have to vote. Australia also has voting on Saturdays and they make a big party out of it with community BBQs, etc. We should celebrate our democracy. We should also make it easier for people to vote. And, if voters don’t like their choices, they can write that on their ballot. But, we should be required to participate or face a fine.


Star Member Hekate (54,635 posts)

19. Election day should be a federal holiday, and not a workday. Compulsory voting does not address...

...the issues of voter suppression via New Jim Crow laws and strategies.

We have so damn many problems that need addressing.


forthemiddle (656 posts)

22. Against it

Years ago, I was watching the evening news from Green Bay, Wi.
It was an Election Day, and one of the questions was about remodeling Lambeau Field (Packers stadium). There was a line at the polls, and the local stations were interviewing those waiting to vote.
They asked multiple people who they intended to vote for (I think it was a mayoral election), and the majority of those asked had no idea who was even running! They were all much more worried about the Packers than who would be running their city!
From that point forward I was against mandatory voting. I want informed voters, not just people that would choose randomly.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: What's your view on compulsory voting?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 01:41:38 PM »
bamagal62 (1 post)

14. I'm all for it!

I think we should make it compulsory. We have to show up for jury duty. Unless you are an illegal alien. We have to have a drivers license to drive. Unless you are an illegal alien. We have to pay taxes. Unless you are an illegal alien. We have to pay a fine if we go over the speed limit. Unless you are an illegal alien. We have many things in our country that we “have to do”. We should have to vote. Australia also has voting on Saturdays and they make a big party out of it with community BBQs, etc. We should celebrate our democracy. We should also make it easier for people to vote. And, if voters don’t like their choices, they can write that on their ballot. But, we should be required to participate or face a fine.
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