Author Topic: Conservatives and rethugs claim they are not racist. I beg to differ.  (Read 7514 times)

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Re: Conservatives and rethugs claim they are not racist. I beg to differ.
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2008, 09:08:06 PM »
Paint It Black (95 posts)      Mon Jan-21-08 03:49 PM
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Conservatives and rethugs claim they are not racist. I beg to differ.
 If you spend any amount of time listening to RW talk shows, they're always quick to point out that they're not racist. Yet, it seems like whenever there is an African-American accused of something (OJ, Wesley Snipes, Barry Bonds, Michael Jackson, etc etc), these folks will almost always assume the person is guilty. Yet when it's a white person involved (ie the Duke Lacrosse players), they're quick to say "innocent until proven guilty".

Well, I don't have a clue about the Wesley Snipes thing, but with OJ his little getaway that wasn't and the trail of blood that led from his ex wife's house to his pretty much gave it away. The cast of Blue's Clues could've solved the case, in spite of the genius jury of his "peers"; especially the one who declared, after seeing DNA BLOOD EVIDENCE, "Well, we all gots blood".

Michael he really black?...the first time I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but when it happens twice, I'd say it's time to forbid the kiddies to have slumber parties with Bubbles the Chimp. Besides, it's not like OJ and MJ are big advocates for the black community...both mostly ignored it until they needed the support and then forgot all about their "people" when they'd outlived their usefulness, which is basically democrat policy anyway.

Barry Bonds, haven't followed the steroid thing too closely (and don't really care, unless they can find a steroid to dramatically speed up the pace of the game), but I don't know he's guilty until I've seen the evidence.

It's not just that, but it's their policies as well. Taking money out of inner-city schools, being against affirmative action, idiotic drug laws that seem designed to target young black men, etc. They claim that they'd rather people help themselves, but then they take away the tools that would allow them to do just that.

If evil republicans are screwing over the black man by taking money out of inner-city schools why is it that Washington DC is consistently in the top 5 of per capita school funding (something around $13,000 I think) and South Dakota, not exactly the hip-hop capital of the world, is down at the bottom?

Affirmative action is one of the most racist policies in the world! It says "you're not good enough or smart enough to do this on your own, so we're just going to give it to you"...and this from the people who treat self esteem like a constitutional mandate.

As far as drug policy goes, wouldn't you tend to be less of a target if you didn't use or deal drugs? Granted, I'm just a middle class white girl from the suburbs, but I was a pretty wild child when I was a teenager and believe me...I wish my race and socioeconomic circumstances would've gotten me out of trouble a couple of times.

It just seems to me that on any given issue that involves race, they will almost always come down on the wrong side. I'm not saying that every single conservative or rethug is a closet racist - but their party and their policies sure as hell are.

The "wrong" side? How about just a different point of view? Clean your own house first. When you folks on the left can stop referring to black conservatives as "Uncle Toms", "house Negroes", Aunt Jemima", to name but a few, just because they don't have the same world view as those of you who think black folk need to live on the government plantation, then maybe we can talk. Frankly, I think its mostly a case of too many uppity black people and you'll lose a major voting block.

You may not have them picking cotton anymore but if NOLA is an example of democratic largess, it's a good thing the left also controls the education system and can keep them oblivious to what's really going on. Then again, maybe it's really just that you're subliminally SO guilt-ridden about the utter failure of your policies, keeping all the downtrodden in one place gives you a central location to focus all that angst. Besides, it makes it easier to trot them out every 4 years when you need their votes. But, hey, at least your intentions are good.




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Re: Conservatives and rethugs claim they are not racist. I beg to differ.
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2008, 09:22:48 PM »
In a liberals mind it's perfectly ok to be white; as long as you feel appropriatly guilty for being so.  If you're a minority however then you can do no wrong.  Personally, I think an asshole's an asshole, regardless of what color their skin may be.
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Women and children are precious resources to be protected at all costs.  Men are expendable commodities whose function is to protect those resources, at all costs.

So how does it feel to know that someone's kid in the heart of america has blood on their hands to defend your rights so you can maintain a lifestyle that insults his family's existence?