Author Topic: Finally Time To Bitchslap Mitch Off His Oligarch Throne And Drain The GOPe SWAMP  (Read 1744 times)

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Conservative groups demand McConnell step down as Senate GOP leader

The leaders of several conservative groups called Wednesday for Mitch McConnell to step down as Senate majority leader, arguing the Kentucky Republican and the rest of his team should be ousted from their posts because they have not implemented the conservative agenda they promised.

“We call on all five members of the GOP Senate leadership to step down, or for their caucus to remove them as soon as possible,” Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general of Virginia who now leads the Senate Conservatives Fund, said at a Wednesday press conference on Capitol Hill.

“You and the rest of your leadership team were given the majority because you pledged to stop the steady flow of illegal immigration,” the letter states. “You have done nothing. You pledged to reduce the size of this oppressive federal government. You have done nothing. You pledged to reduce, and ultimately eliminate the out-of-control deficit spending that is bankrupting America. You have done nothing. You promised to repeal Obamacare, ‘root and branch.’ You have done nothing. You promised tax reform. You have done nothing.”


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Conservative groups call for Mitch McConnell's ouster: 'You have done nothing'

The Senate is not in session this week, which the conservative group also criticized.

"You don't even show up for work," the letter said.

Conservatives called the Senate's failure to advance a measure to repeal and replace Obamacare "the greatest betrayal," and they also criticized lack of action on legislation banning abortions after 20 weeks.

The letter points out many of the critical agenda items have passed the House and are ready for signature by President Trump.

"President Trump and the House of Representatives have done their part," the letter said. "You sank it all."

The letter is signed by Senate Conservatives Fund President Ken Cuccinelli, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin, FreedomWorks President Adam Brandon, Richard A. Viguerie, and Brent Bozell.


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Donors Sick and Tired of Karl Rove, Steven Law, Mitch McConnell Losing, Wasting Millions—‘It’s a New Game in Town’

“We’re going to cut off the oxygen to Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell’s biggest asset is the money,” Bannon said Monday on Fox News’ Hannity. “We’re going to make it the biggest liability. We’re going after these guys tooth and nail.”

He said that establishment fundraisers like Karl Rove and Steven Law, who poured in at least $10 million into the Alabama GOP Senate runoff against grassroots conservative candidate Roy Moore, “should get the joke” that some top donors “are coming to us because they’re tired of having their money burned up by trying to destroy people like Judge Moore.”

Rove and Law’s establishment American Crossroads groups infamously wasted $325 million during the 2012 election cycle with nothing to show for it. Donations to the groups reportedly dried up by 98% after Rove declared war on the Tea Party and amped up his efforts to protect establishment Republicans from grassroots conservative challengers.


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Give 'Em Shell! Are Conservatives Finally Getting Under Mitch McConnell's Skin?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is attempting to assuage the concerns that conservative activists have raised as late regarding the languid pace of judicial confirmations.

According to the Judicial Conference of the United States, 149 vacancies currently exist in the federal courts. President Donald Trump has named 50 judicial nominees since taking office, submitting a slate of approximately 10 candidates every month. Thus far, the Senate has confirmed just seven, including Justice Neil Gorsuch.


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by David M. Drucker | Oct 15, 2017

Insurgency against Mitch McConnell could falter for lack of alternative

An incipient populist insurgency to toss Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from atop the Senate could falter for lack of an alternative.

.. insurgent conservative figures and grassroots organizations also pressuring McConnell to step down, haven't identified a senator willing to challenge the Kentucky Republican, never mind beat him.

The Democratic and Republican caucuses in the House and Senate hold elections every two years two choose their leaders. These contests are held after the national general election and just as the next two-year legislative session is about to begin. But there is nothing preventing a member from challenging for a leadership post before then.

That hasn't happened too often in recent years because few among the influx of new Republicans who won seats in successive GOP midterm waves have been interested in running for leadership. Many are principled conservatives; most aren't comfortable with the philosophical compromises often required to lead a majority coalition in the Congress, nor the wrath they would likely incur from the grassroots and conservative media.

.. insurgents plot against McConnell, they're confronted with the challenge that the senators they would prefer hold sway over the Senate — populist-oriented Republicans like Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah aren't interested in the top job — or probably any leadership perch. It's unclear they could win a slot if they ran, given likely resistance from pragmatic and centrist Republicans.

These factors have contributed to McConnell's longevity, as has his adeptness at the inside game. "None of the young turks want to take McConnell on," a Republican lobbyist with relationships in the Senate said, on condition of anonymity in order to speak candidly.

Some Republican strategists who primarily advise outsider candidates argue that McConnell's image has become so toxic with the GOP, incumbents with otherwise pristine conservative voting records could lose their primaries — unless they disavow the majority leader.