Author Topic: Paul Ryan And Nancy Pelosi Are Equally Disliked According To Latest Polling  (Read 1534 times)

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Paul Ryan has got to be getting a little worried about his popularity among Republicans. The latest polling has him on par with Nancy Pelosi, and we know she’s not liked by Republicans and maybe Democrats as well.

The only one on lower par is Mitch McConnell. Imagine that!

Breitbart has the stats:

To no one’s surprise, a just-released NBC News poll reveals that feckless Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has succeeded in becoming just as unpopular as his polarizing predecessor, San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

The Survey/Monkey poll shows that 30% of those surveyed view Pelosi favorably, a statistical tie with Paul Ryan’s 31%. The two are also tied up in the unfavorable department, with 64% holding an unfavorable view of Pelosi, compared to 63% for Ryan.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is in even worse shape. A Harvard-Harris poll released last week showed the Kentucky Republican with a dismal approval rating of just 19%, the lowest of any politician in the country. In this same poll, Ryan’s favorable rating is 33%, which is in line with the NBC poll.

One need not be a political scientist to understand these dismal numbers for Ryan and McConnell. Both have been exposed as massive liars and frauds, both have serially-betrayed their base, both are terrible leaders who are unable to use a historic, once-in-a-generation opportunity to get a single thing done.


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Re: Paul Ryan And Nancy Pelosi Are Equally Disliked According To Latest Polling
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2017, 10:00:31 AM »
Paul Ryan Condemns Antifa As ‘A Scourge On Our Country’ A DAY AFTER Nancy Pelosi Did

Paul Ryan Condemns Antifa As ‘A Scourge On Our Country’ A Day After Nancy Pelosi Did

Swamp. Update to this story.

Via Daily Caller:

    House Speaker Paul Ryan condemned violent leftist Antifa protesters Wednesday a day after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the group.

    “Speaker Ryan believes, as is obvious, these individuals are left-wing thugs, and those who are committing violence need to be arrested and prosecuted. Antifa is a scourge on our country,” Ryan’s spokeswoman AshLee Strong said in a statement provided exclusively to The Daily Caller.

    Speaker Ryan has been criticized by many conservatives for what was viewed as a weak response to the violent activists. President Donald Trump blamed “many sides” for the violence surrounding a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., but Ryan said in a statement, “There are no sides.”

    “That is why we all need to make clear there is no moral relativism when it comes to neo-Nazis. We cannot allow the slightest ambiguity on such a fundamental question,” the House speaker said.


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Re: Paul Ryan And Nancy Pelosi Are Equally Disliked According To Latest Polling
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2017, 10:17:22 AM »
Published: 08/26/2017

Shock charge: Paul Ryan standing with 'Antifa'

Primary challenger Paul Nehlen on how GOP establishment is betraying grassroots

A challenger to Paul Ryan in the Republican primary contends the speaker is betraying the GOP grassroots by failing to forcefully condemn “Antifa.”

Ryan recently criticized the president by proclaiming “there are no sides” when it comes to the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Businessman Paul Nehlen said Ryan could not bring himself to criticize the militant leftists known as “Antifa” who had instigated the violence in Charlottesville.

Paul Ryan is a coward,” said Nehlen, author of the new book “Wage The Battle.” “What he is doing is working to further divide the country so that he can keep his hands on the levers of power. People aren’t buying what Ryan is selling in terms of this fake narrative that there is only one side to the violence.”

Nehlen argues the populist wave in American politics has yet to crest and, as shown by the rise of both Trump and Sen. Bernie Sanders, is deeply affecting both parties. Whichever party can capitalize on these sentiments, he believes, will succeed.

However, instead of appealing to populist sentiments on issues such as trade and immigration, the GOP leadership has attempted to crush the grassroots of its own party, even if it means siding with militant leftists against Trump, Nehlen said.

The establishment on both sides of the aisle are scared to death of the populist supporters of President Trump and Bernie Sanders,” he said. “What the liberal media and the establishment Republicans were attempting to do to economic nationalists was smear and tarnish them with labels such as racist and supremacist, when in fact the group has simply rejected the failed globalist orthodoxy. And now, in order to keep their hands on the levers of power, the so-called GOP leadership has made the craven and calculated decision to stand with Antifa against the populist uprising in this country.”

Indeed, Antifa attacked Trump supporters attending the president’s Tuesday night rally in Phoenix. Police were forced to use tear gas after protesters threw projectiles at law enforcement.

Video footage also showed Antifa attacking Trump supporters attempting to leave the venue in a pickup truck. Reuters drew criticism by describing the violent protesters as “peace activists.”

Nehlen said the Republican grassroots must no longer tolerate leaders who spend more time fighting their own party instead of the enemy. And among the most dangerous enemies, Nehlen said, is Antifa.

“We are waking up,” Nehlen said of grassroots conservatives. “And it is imperative that we, as the voice of true conservative values, don’t back down one inch on exposing the PC Marxists in our midst for what they are.”


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Re: Paul Ryan And Nancy Pelosi Are Equally Disliked According To Latest Polling
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2017, 11:43:25 AM »
FLASHBACK 2014: Paul Ryan Says DACA “Blatantly Unconstitutional” – Now He Wants to Keep It

In a 2014 interview with conservative Sean Hannity before he became Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said Obama’s Dreamer Act was unconstitutional.

But that was 2014. Today Paul Ryan is defending it.

This is @SpeakerRyan's comments in full:
10:38 AM - Sep 1, 2017