Author Topic: Trump’s autobiography provides Chinese insight into the president’s mind  (Read 801 times)

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By Curtis Stone (People's Daily Online)    14:51, April 14, 2017

U.S. President Donald Trump lauded Chinese President Xi Jinping in recent comments and reversed his position on China’s currency. His comments shocked some of his core supporters; but in doing so, Trump is practicing the art of the deal rather than the art of war, at least for now. This is good news for China-U.S. relations.

Despite China’s love-hate relationship with Trump, many Chinese are trying to understand Trump better.

 What do Chinese really think of Trump? While opinions are certainly mixed, some of China’s netizens who have read Trump’s autobiography have posted their two cents’ worth to Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, as well as other sites. Below is a look at some of their comments.

One Weibo user wrote, “I didn’t know he is such a smart, interesting, and fun doer until after reading his book!”

On Dangdang, China’s biggest online bookseller, there are thousands of comments. “I haven’t finished reading it yet, but I think Trump is simple and direct. As a successful businessman, he must be a very capable person.” Another user wrote, “Who knows if he’ll be a good president, but he is a successful businessman.” Trump “is a man who is ready to make America great again,” said a different user. One user said the book will give you a deeper understanding of Trump, the risk taker.

Not everyone was impressed. One user on Dangdang called him "a weirdo," but added that his book is a must read for understanding the history of this president and his impact on the U.S. and China.


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What do Chinese really think of Trump? While opinions are certainly mixed, some of China’s netizens who have read Trump’s autobiography have posted their two cents’ worth to Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, as well as other sites. Below is a look at some of their comments.

ShadrachSmith • 16 hours ago

All American prez have been generals or politicians. A businessman prez is new for America too. On the upside, he is the first American prez in my lifetime that owes nothing to political donors: our ruling class. On the downside, nobody knows what he will do.

America got so sick of it's established government, that they signed up for an experimental cure: Trump. May you live in interesting times.


 Keng Long • 2 hours ago

Jews rule USA, Trump is not in charge, Jews are in charge


 Tatarewicz Zhu • a day ago

Trump is chairman of the board of America Inc, serving at the pleasure of the board of directors which is Congress whose members have been prescreened for loyalty to Israel by the Israel lobby and associates before getting election campaign funding and other support for success at the polls. As long as Israel gets US security (against enemies it's created by stealing Palestinian lands), the Democrats and Republicans in Congress get their sinecures, Trump gets job security as long as he does the bidding of the Tribe.


 Zhu Tatarewicz • 15 hours ago

A possible outcome of this is an increasing likelihood of a full scale tax revolt when US citizens decide they are not going to keep paying for these wars.

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        Tatarewicz Zhu • 6 hours ago

    Tax revolt not likely because, like LarryO says, folks are too busy making a living, spare time spent watching TV, sports; half the potential workforce is unemployed, surviving on food stamps, food banks, so not affected by taxes.
    US is sufficiently resource-rich and has the trained manpower to carry on on its own internally as long as money printing presses don't break down.
    If there's any revolt it would be among the junior ranks of the military who have gotten fed up with fighting crazy wars for Israel, having to come home in body bags or as mental and physical cripples and to no jobs.
    They simply tell their generals we're taking over Washington, giving Congress 48 hours to take off for Israel or face treason charges in military courts. States invited to send to Congress competent board-of-directors type people who have a proven administrative record like Tillerson to direct domestic infrastructure refurbishment, etc., rather than being preoccupied protecting a Tribe of thieves who insist of taking land from Palestinians by armed force rather buying it.