Author Topic: How does one express "unhinged" concerning those who were never hinged?  (Read 520 times)

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riversedge (28,256 posts)

Maddow is stunned. I am also. McConnell said NOT to tell the public before the election. WH
wanted it out to the public.

This says it better than I can.

(((RB Blair))) and 1 other Retweeted
A Once Great Nation ‏@ResisttheNazis 14m14 minutes ago

McConnell blocked CIA going public b4 election with info that Putin was directly helping Trump, Comey opposed it 2 …
5 replies 48 retweets 30 likes

David Corn Verified account ‏@DavidCornDC 4m4 minutes ago

Explosive. CIA finds Moscow tried to help Trump AND GOP Hill leaders opposed calling out Russia for hacking. 

Q - How does a Senate Majority Leader block intel from being released?

A - The all-powerful he-sad, she-said of an election season!

riversedge (28,256 posts)

2. McConnell raised doubts about intel. Told WH he would say it was partison if make public before

the election. Whow. Just whow.

So, that's all it takes to shut you guys down, huh?

Cha (188,399 posts)

24. DAMN... but it was alright for comey to come out with false

info about Hillary.

We got ****ing cheated.

You're doing great, rivers.. I just thought if you put that in your OP it wouldn't confuse others about what's going on.


What false info?

First Speaker (1,286 posts)

3. McConnell and the Repubs are goddam traitors. It's as simple as that.

I am reluctant to throw this word around carelessly. **** it. If this isn't treason nothing is. Cooperating with a foreign dictator to destroy American democracy. And no one will ever convince me that Turtleman wasn't consciously doing just that.

Treason is disputing a the Dem's interpretation of a CIA...

...but Dems disputing an FBI notification to Congress is righteous skepticism.

rurallib (42,844 posts)

5. they have been traitors since Nixon

Like John Kerry slandering troops or meeting the Vietnamese communists?

Or Ted Kennedy working with the Soviets?

Or Kerry working with Daniel Ortega?

Or Jim McDermott working with Saddam Hussein?

Or John Murtha slandering the troops?

Or Obama showing Putin his flexibility?

riversedge (28,256 posts)

4. CIA had briefed 12 members of Congress in Sept. Dems wanted to tell the public but Repugs

were divided as to whether to tell the public. McConell said NO. Now his wife has cabinet position in Trump WH. Rachel repeated that twice.

Saying "no" is all it takes to shut you down... now you're whipped into a froth and hungry for a civil war.

You might want to slow down enough to figure out everything you're saying.

trueblue2007 (7,569 posts)


MFM008 (6,877 posts)

10. Exactly

Obama should have done it.
McConnell is a ****ing traitor.

Yet, he didn't.

So maybe you're chasing #FakeNews

femmocrat (24,434 posts)

16. Agree. It could have been leaked.

Happens all the time in Washington.

But it wasn't.

So maybe you're chasing #FakeNews

NYC Liberal (17,671 posts)

59. Would have been covered Constitutionally too.

"for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place."

Had they revealed it on the floor of Congress they could not have been charged with anything.

Yet, we didn't hear a peep.

So, maybe you're chasing #FakeNews

jonno99 (2,483 posts)

60. We need to find out why they didn't press the release of this informtion! nt

Might I suggest...


roamer65 (10,233 posts)

8. We need the electors to step in and make it right.

They need to do their patriotic duty and put Hillary into the WH.

rzemanfl (13,320 posts)

19. The President needs to address the public before the electoral college meets.

Lay out the facts and set a date for a new election. Donald doesn't want to move into the White House anyway. Position troops so he can declare martial law and call up the National Guard.

You really think the troops are going to kill Americans for you.

That's so cute.


longship (35,084 posts)

49. There is no law to allow for election redos.

I am afraid that we are stuck with this.

TheFrenchRazor (502 posts)

72. i'm pretty sure there are laws against treason. nt

Not giving Hillary the presidency has been declared treason.

My Dog, how I wish DI was up and running.

True_Blue (2,508 posts)

65. Yes a new election with UN poll watchers

To make sure we have a fair election this time.

We can gather the libs and the UN into one neat, easy-to-flush package?


Satch59 (744 posts)

9. Yes, treason behavior...

But wouldn't he and others have known that and not warned McConnell?

What can happen now? Is this an illegitimate election?

Maybe Obama is in on it.

still_one (48,295 posts)

15. Will the electors disqualify trump?

maddiemom (2,727 posts)

68. They SHOULD, but the outrage from violent, ignorant Trump voters would stun the imagination!

Not a hint of a sense of irony or self-awareness.

democrank (6,967 posts)

17. Democrats with this information should have

grabbed the nearest microphone.

rzemanfl (13,320 posts)

20. They thought, as I did, that *****gate sank Drumpf. n/t

Yavin4 (23,245 posts)

23. I'm neither stunned nor surprised at all.

Yes, Republicans will sell out national security if it means that they will win an election. They have no morality nor loyalty to their country. They just want money and power by any means necessary.

rzemanfl (13,320 posts)

25. You have just defined treason. What do you think should be done? n/t

Yavin4 (23,245 posts)

26. Nothing will be done about this. Nothing.

Too many people have too much invested in seeing the Republicans run the country.

First Speaker (1,286 posts)

36. Then I hope to God some patriotic Army officers take matters into their own hands...

...and save the country. I mean this literally, and God help me for thinking it. If treason is going to be committed with impunity, and a traitor assumes the Presidency, nothing matters. The Constitution is dead anyway. Let's have a goddam coup--an *open* coup--and, dare I say it, drain the swamp. Reboot our national franchise, and maybe we can save something from the wreckage. Otherwise, everything is lost.

I wonder if Maddow and PMSNBC anticipated this level of psychosis when they decided to air their little segment.

sofa king (10,593 posts)

42. It's more than treason. It's a coup attempt.

The Republicans have been planning to steal it from both candidates, all year long. Make sure both candidates appear to be disqualified for the job, toss the election into Congress, then not hold a vote. Paul Ryan becomes Acting President.

If they succeed, they'll never give the country back. This is the birth of the Fourth Reich.

Wait a minute...

I thought Bush was the Fourth Reich.

Wouldn't this, then, be the Fifth Reich.

(Not to be confused with Robert "Half" Reich)

lonestarnot (77,097 posts)

46. Attempt! And it ain't happening! Let's stop them!


riversedge (28,256 posts)

40. Last Word--CIA viewing Trump statement with alarm. Esseentially saying that Trump does

not trust the CIA

And this would be the first time Proglodytes trusted the CIA.

flamingdem (34,245 posts)

41. Why did people roll when McConnell threatened
There is more to this story

Threatened what?

What can a Senate Majority Leader do to stop the CIA?

On any other day you infants would be accusing the CIA of effortlessly toppling entire regimes. Now, suddenly, they're stymied by Mitch McConnell, of all people.

You fools are being played for fools.

lonestarnot (77,097 posts)

52. Coup is not going to work out for either of them.

Rex (64,568 posts)

53. Gonna be a hell of a party on coronation day.

This shit ain't over.

lonestarnot (77,097 posts)

56. No it's not over by a long damn shot!

Paging: Agent Mike.


Ccarmona (254 posts)

51. Trumpsters

Don't believe a word of this. This is a problem. Comments to WaPo & NYT stories are very disturbing. What will it take for them to see they've been played.

You think McConnell stymied the CIA and every Senator in the briefing and now you want Obama to nullify the election, position troops throughout the nation, have the UN come in and have the electors install Hillary...

...but you think WE'RE the ones being played.

pressbox69 (489 posts)

76. So maybe they will build a wall on the border.

it worked well when our new masters built one in Germany.

Except the commies built a wall to keep their citizens trapped.

If you left and took 20 million of your criminal friends with you I would agree to subsidize your relocation.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Adam Wood

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Re: How does one express "unhinged" concerning those who were never hinged?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 04:33:27 AM »
So, the suddenly all-powerful Mitch McConnell was able to just magically stop this supposedly damning information?

Raise your hand if you actually believe that Milquetoast McConnell would even vaguely attempt to slow down Democrats who had damning information on Trump.

I'll wait.

Anyone at all.  Don't hold back.

Any minute now.


Offline Carl

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Re: How does one express "unhinged" concerning those who were never hinged?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2016, 05:45:39 AM »
My take on the Readers Digest version of what if anything happened.

The Obozo CIA (the ones claimed to have said Benghazi was about a video) said that Russia was helping Assange.
A few complete moonbat lib Congress critters wanted to announce that Putin was hacking our election.
McConnell said don`t disgrace us with flat out lies and even most dems agreed with him.

The end.