Author Topic: Gun hating proglodyte now wants armed progressive militia  (Read 1563 times)

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Re: Gun hating proglodyte now wants armed progressive militia
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2016, 07:47:37 AM »
And EVERY ONE OF THEM would have to lie on the background check form about drug use.

...and about being mentally defective and/or renouncing their US citizenship.
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Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: Gun hating proglodyte now wants armed progressive militia
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2016, 06:47:34 PM »
Not one of these yahoos would take a safety course. They would all get arrested for pulling their guns and pointing them in people's faces. The progressive militia would gather to camp in the woods. smoke weed, and shoot near campers and kids...

serious types would not be bragging and boasting on the net. More importantly they would have to drop around $1k to get an AR. Thats a lot of weed and Cheetos.

Now that would be an epic gofundme story:

Hey guys?  I needs some cash to go buy me an evil gun to repel the Trumpista hordes. I had one but I had to pawn it to get my meds. When I went to make the payment the evil retrumplican that runs the place told me that I needed the ticket, which they didn't give me, or by evil retrumplican trump law he could not let me make a payment on it.  So my gun is now gone!   :banghead:  So I really need about $3000 so I can buy me an evil gun to protect myself from the Trumpian hordes.

Can you help a fellow DU out?   :blowkiss:  I promise to kill some evil retrumplicans if I only had a gun!    :killemall:

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Re: Gun hating proglodyte now wants armed progressive militia
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2016, 08:24:18 PM »
Looks like the delicate flowers in Castle Bansalot locked the thread  :lmao:
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Re: Gun hating proglodyte now wants armed progressive militia
« Reply #28 on: November 30, 2016, 04:31:20 AM »
Oh, so militias are ok now? When conservatives set them up, the DUmmies were all about how they must all be violent, psychotic terrorist groups that the FBI should forcibly disband.

"I mean, all the weapons should be legal and we should train properly."
What a remarkable coincidence, DUmmy: That's exactly how the big bad NRA feels about its members owning guns.

Speaking of which, to the genius who suggested a black NRA, it should be known that the NRA has done a lot to encourage safe, responsible gun ownership among minorities. Civil rights leader Robert F. Williams was given a charter by the NRA to set up a rifle club, which actively defended blacks from KKK attackers.

Not one of these yahoos would take a safety course. They would all get arrested for pulling their guns and pointing them in people's faces. The progressive militia would gather to camp in the woods. smoke weed, and shoot near campers and kids...

serious types would not be bragging and boasting on the net. More importantly they would have to drop around $1k to get an AR. Thats a lot of weed and Cheetos.

Perfect summation all the way! H5!