Author Topic: Military Dumped Hundreds Of Dead Troops In Landfills During Bush Presidency  (Read 1280 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Where do they get this shit?

BigBearJohn (8,416 posts)

UTTERLY REVOLTING! Military Dumped Hundreds Of Dead Troops In Landfills During Bush Presidency

Oh yes, THIS is a fine example of the kind of respect the Republicans show our dear soldiers in the military -- NOT

As if Barry and the dems give a **** about the military or veterans.

EdwardBernays (690 posts)
1. If Americans cared about the troops they would

- pay more attention to foreign policy
- be less gung ho when it comes to war
- redistribute some of the runaway military spending cash to veterans
- stop electing hawks
- demand a return of the draft
- take the time to learn the history of US foreign policy


MADem (121,880 posts)
2. FIVE YEARS OLD!!!!!!! Why are you recycling this ANCIENT STORY??????

I mean, if we're going to get all "ALL CAPS!" and EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! about something that was publicized back when LEON PANETTA WAS SECDEF!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is NOT a "dirty little secret" -- there was a Congressional INVESTIGATION (!!!!!!!!!!) into it. It was WELL COVERED --here at DU and across the web, in actual fact.

 There's lots to be upset about in this world--this is not one of those things. This HAS been addressed, (Thanks, Obama), corrective action has been taken (Thanks, Obama) and DOVER isn't seeing the traffic that it did under BUSHCO, anyway (yeah...THANKS, OBAMA!!!).


The Port Mortuary's practice was that remains that were either unidentified or were subsequently discovered but families said they didn't want to know about were cremated, then incinerated and disposed of as medical waste. The contractor taking them to a Virginia landfill wasn't informed about the content, investigators found.

Landfill story

The press, Devillier said, conflated the landfill story with that of the mishandled remains.

"The press is often factually accurate but contextually inaccurate," Devillier said. "And that landfill thing is contextually inaccurate. But it was tied together with the things that happened here at the Port Mortuary because of the whistleblowers.

"They're two separate issues. They are two separate issues. They are not related at all. But they came out at the same time," he said.

The remains that ended up in a landfill weren't body parts, Devillier contends.

"We would cremate those remains, those remains would then be incinerated, and the incineration would leave a little bit of dust," Devillier said. "And that little bit of dust would go into a biowaste bag. And that's what went into a landfill."

Yup- Bush's fault.  :banghead:

BigBearJohn (8,416 posts)
9. Bush nearly destroyed this country 8 years ago and that needs repeating as well.

People need to be reminded!!! The Republicans are constantly disseminating how much they care about the military. We need to remind the public just how much they don't care.

malaise (135,968 posts)
12. George Bush refused to allow photos or video of the bodies of troops returning home

Where was the outrage from families. How many of them have thanked Obama for removing this atrocity.
It's all bullshit from ReTHUGs re the troops. It's all about war profits.

Quantess (26,822 posts)
37. Holy shit! Is this true? I had not heard this before. But if it happened under GW Bush, I kind of believe it.


The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Boudicca

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Not that this story is anything but bogus, but DUmmies, where was the outrage for all the murdered Christian minorities in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and I'm sure other places?  Where's the outrage about the burned alive for hideous, hellish sport pilot on their sick, twisted propaganda film?

GWB NEVER, EVER met four grieving families of the fallen and promised to arrest the filmmaker responsible for their deaths.
Actually, both Obola and HilLiar have been in WH proganda piece films, and they both helped murder those four men in Benghazi by their failure to act at all during a 13 hour crisis.  ****, my nephew in the Navy could have SWUM from where he is stationed in Sigonella over to Libya for a relief effort.  You put once proud, now disgraceful government people out there to claim nothing could have been done because well, pick the excuse, we've heard them all at this point.

Obola, HilLiar and their  :lalala: :leghump: :loser2:  supporters make me  hurl.
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Offline IndiCon15

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The whole purpose of "BigBearJohn's" post can be summed up in "Quantess'" response.  Indoctrination.  He's not posting it so liberals can talk about it, he's posting it so liberals who haven't heard about it(like Quantess, who I'm picturing as an uptight college girl who's actually really hot but she doesn't know it) can be reminded of how evil Bush and the Republicans are.  And then Quantess can go to her women's study group and say, "hey, did you hear about evil George Bush......."  They all drink red wine and talk about the rape culture on campus, even though their group leader is hoping that Quantess drinks just enough that she'll consider some "experimentation."     

Maybe bigbearJohn thinks he's doing the right thing, and legitimately read this story TODAY, and felt like he needed to share, but somewhere down the line of bloggers who get their stories from other bloggers from other websites....etc someone said, "I'm gonna reprint this garbage so some liberal picks it up and starts talking about it again....."

These people are ridiculous......

Offline Big Dog

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And then Quantess can go to her women's study group and say, "hey, did you hear about evil George Bush......."  They all drink red wine and talk about the rape culture on campus, even though their group leader is hoping that Quantess drinks just enough that she'll consider some "experimentation."     

Aided by a little weed, patchouli scented candles, and some hand mirrors, as they explore their feminine mysteries.
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Offline BamaMoose

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Maybe my Nadin-to-English decoder ring is broken, but is she claiming that she tried to sign up for Military Duty during OIF :

nadinbrzezinski (142,691 posts)

88. I know who you are named for
And that actually part of the problem. After the attack on Pearl the military had to turn away volunteers. I expected the same. Hell, I talked to recruiters, and they were willing to ahem ignore a lot of things, well except my husband was active duty, and deployed. It would have gotten weird.

So I asked the recruiter out of curiosity. I mean zero line ok. This is a few days after. He got me, and a B-17 pilot. Well, this was after the keep shopping comment from Junior.

Think about that for a second and Nixon's comment.mind you, that old war pilot and me were not volunteering without knowledge. And as I said, hubby was active duty.

It is things like that, and the abuse of the force, and attempted back door draft, that have convinced many vets of the current adventures that Americans will not wake up until their kids are in formation at boot camp. And do not get me started with family who has never served but shit, no issue whatsoever if other kids go to the meat grinder.

Oh and the brass opposes a draft, of course they do. 

And of course standing in line with her was a WWII vet looking to re-up.  What's the MOS for fat, bald troll with a Bowie knife on her hip and peanut butter in her boots.

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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- demand a return of the draft

Uh huh.  Go on.....

nadinbrzezinski (142,691 posts)

88. I know who you are named for
And that actually part of the problem. After the attack on Pearl the military had to turn away volunteers. I expected the same. Hell, I talked to recruiters, and they were willing to ahem ignore a lot of things, well except my husband was active duty, and deployed. It would have gotten weird.

So I asked the recruiter out of curiosity. I mean zero line ok. This is a few days after. He got me, and a B-17 pilot. Well, this was after the keep shopping comment from Junior.

Think about that for a second and Nixon's comment.mind you, that old war pilot and me were not volunteering without knowledge. And as I said, hubby was active duty.

It is things like that, and the abuse of the force, and attempted back door draft, that have convinced many vets of the current adventures that Americans will not wake up until their kids are in formation at boot camp. And do not get me started with family who has never served but shit, no issue whatsoever if other kids go to the meat grinder.

Oh and the brass opposes a draft, of course they do.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 02:38:07 AM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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BigBearJohn (8,416 posts)

Nice 'stache, faggot.

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline IndiCon15

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Aided by a little weed, patchouli scented candles, and some hand mirrors, as they explore their feminine mysteries.

hand mirrors   :rofl:

Offline CollectivismMustDie

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EdwardBernays (690 posts)
1. If Americans cared about the troops they would

- pay more attention to foreign policy
- be less gung ho when it comes to war
- redistribute some of the runaway military spending cash to veterans
- stop electing hawks
- demand a return of the draft
- take the time to learn the history of US foreign policy

 If DUmmies cared about America they would

-Pay more attention to foreign policy, and things that happen overseas like oh, I dunno, benghazi, the european rapefest etc

-Be realistic. When you're attacked, you retaliate in such a way that your attacker never wants a piece of you again, or you invite more of the same. There is NO middleground there.

-Spend enough militarily to ensure that America and its interests are well protected, rather than interfering and placing roadblocks to it when and where ever you can.

-Stop electing wimps who prefer style over substance.  coughbathhousecough.

-Take time to learn the particulars of the constitution and bill of rights, rather than clinging to what you want them to mean because doing so means freebies.

-Not elect or even support blatant liars, otherwise known as putting reality before party allegiance.

Not that you clowns are capable of any of the above.



"Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." - John Adams

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.