Author Topic: Syrians Nabbed South of the Border - Arizona Arrests  (Read 1346 times)

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Offline libertybele

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Syrians Nabbed South of the Border - Arizona Arrests
« on: November 20, 2015, 07:39:45 AM »
Na, we don't need our borders secured.  In reality, Barry wants to let thousands of these terrorist refugees in but there should be little doubt in addition to those, some have already crossed our southern borders into this country and are already here.

Testing the gates? Syrians nabbed south of the border, Arizona arrests stoke terror fears

Two separate reports of groups of America-bound Syrians detained below the U.S. southern border and the arrests of six other Middle Eastern men nabbed with smugglers in Arizona in recent days are raising concerns that Islamic State militants could be probing security – and stoking fears some may already be here.

On Monday, five Pakistani nationals and one Afghan were nabbed in Arizona along with two suspected smugglers, a Department of Homeland Security official confirmed. Then, on Tuesday, Honduran authorities arrested five Syrians they said were headed for the U.S. with stolen or doctored Greek passports, but later said the men were college students fleeing war at home. On the same day and 1,800 miles north, two Syrian families were taken into custody at a border checkpoint in Texas.

“Members of two Syrian families, two men, two women and four children, presented themselves at a port of entry in Laredo,” a Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman told Thursday. “They were taken into custody by CBP and turned over to ICE for further processing.”

    "We know that terrorist groups look for the weakest link, or any way they can gain entry."

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Offline Boudicca

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Re: Syrians Nabbed South of the Border - Arizona Arrests
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 09:48:08 AM »
I feel so secure here in Sierra Vista.  :sarcasm:

Those probable :mo: illegal criminal border crossers just blended right in with the northward bound brown flow.  Hell, our Tucson and Phoenix populations ALREADY harbor many criminal aliens, those with alleged peaceful motives and those who are jihadi jacks and jills.  Four Muslim men from Phoenix were busted in the attempted Garland murder over a cartoon contest.

It's way past time we stop giving ANY gate crasher the benefit of the doubt.  Women and children can be recruited by drug runners and much worse, terrorists, same as men.  Trump has been right since his first campaign speech about what Mexico foists on us and we the sane people of America know it.  There is a bonafide reason he's been first in the polls ever since.  Cruz is the only other candidate who has been as consistently outspoken on the issue.  There's no act of love involved, you foolish Jeb and no, we DO NOT have to surrender our national security in a foolish attempt to prove our values, you piece of unworthy shit clogging the Oval Office plumbing system, Obola.

Obola is attempting to run out the clock on all the problems he's either created or exacerbated until he exits DC, en route to his perpetual golf game a la OJ Simpson.  Of course, where he belongs is not on a golf course but same place OJ ended up!

Obola must have looked all the way back to antiquity for his role model, and although he doesn't fiddle, he sure does a lot of figurative tap dancing while America is in peril.  Nero only presided over a burned city though...I pray Obola doesn't end up igniting the entire country in his profound detachment from reality and his equally profound attachment to all things Muslim. :fuelfire:

And PS, yeah I know the story of Nero fiddling while Rome burned is a historical inaccuracy; however, Obola IS fiddling away our national security every day, in every way.
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
(Poster bolky from blog discussion)