Author Topic: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.  (Read 1239 times)

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The Hillary vs Everybody wars go on in the fairy land known as DU.

RBInMaine (10,960 posts)

Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact. And she'd be DAMN good !
Warren is not running and is getting sick and tired of that question. That is just the fact. So enough of that foolishness.

Bernie is a good guy and I really like him, but as a confirmed "socialist" a snowball has a better chance of surviving in hell than he has of becoming President. That is just the fact.

Webb and O'Malley are good guys too, but it just isn't gonna happen. They are good VEEP prospects as are others.

That's most likely it. And that is just the fact. Clinton is TOUGH, has the experience, and is brilliant. Those, too, are the plain facts.

Facts are stubborn things, but that's why they are facts.

And anyone who claims to be a "progressive" who doesn't get behind her, when she wins the nomination, which, again, will most likely occur, is throwing away his/her vote and helping the RePUKElican.

It's so nice to exist in the real world.

Make no mistake, I'm all for a rigorous primary, and I think we'll have one. But this is Clinton's to lose, and she most likely won't. She's my first choice because I think she is STRONG and VERY WELL QUALIFIED. Is she pure? No. But no one really is. Heck, Bernie voted for ObamaCare when some were screaming it didn't go far enough. Some were even calling HIM a sellout. Does that put him outside the purity realm too?

I prefer reality to purity

A vote for Hill isn't gonna get you reality...

leveymg (29,886 posts)
2. This is what I think is going to happen: HRC will have minimal ground game, it will be played out

largely by media buys. Months of negative shock and awe ads will turn-off all but the most motivated voters. It will be a low turnout election. Whoever gets elected will have no real mandate, but also feel hardly any bounds of public opinion. The potential for disaster in this, particularly in foreign policy, should be obvious.

Hope I'm wrong.

This is going to be a massive Anyone but a Dem vote in 2016.

guillaumeb (169 posts)
4. Another Clinton?

Does HRC inspire? Generally the answer is no. She is not a speaker like President Obama, but where did his oratorical skills get him? He was opposed at every turn, for mainly racial reasons, and because current Republican politicians really do not seem to believe in a 2 party system.

Is HRC intelligent? Absolutely. Can she win? Again absolutely. Demographics favor the Democrats on a national level.

You are right on the mark when you say that: "... anyone who claims to be a "progressive" who doesn't get behind her, when she wins the nomination, which, again, will most likely occur, is throwing away his/her vote and helping the RePUKElican. "

The problem with many Democrats, Progressives, and liberals is they let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Every vote for a Green, Socialist, or other marginal candidate ON A NATIONAL LEVEL will have no good impact. They are feel-good votes for the "more progressive than thou" crowd.

All that said, will HRC be good for the country, or will we elect a Compromiser in Chief who will blur the lines between the Democrats and Republicans in the name of pragmatism?

it's for the children.

DonCoquixote (8,794 posts)
6. Clinton is TOUGH, has the experience, and is brilliant

Tough on leftists and the working class
experienced at selling them down the river
and Brilliant at hiding behind Bill.


beerandjesus (897 posts)
31. What's incredible to me about the "inevitability" statements is the underlying self-pity.

These statements fundamentally presuppose the superiority of the Republican party.

These statements fundamentally presuppose that Democrats, in spite of the enormous popularity of our issues nationwide, are incapable of moving our party even an iota to the left--even though the Republicans accomplished the exact same thing on their end in less than five years.

These statements fundamentally presuppose that wanting something better is a luxury only Republicans can afford. Democrats have to take what we can get and had damn well better be satisfied with it.

These statements fundamentally presuppose that there's no point in hoping for a move away from the nation's rightward drift since the 1980s. As for fighting for it, forget it. We're no match for the Republicans, no matter how many Americans are on our side.

These statements fundamentally presuppose that Democrats are weak. Or at the very least, weaker than the big bad Republicans, with whom we must compromise, no matter how insane the issue in question, because SCOTUS, or something, whatever this week's boogeyman is.

These statements fundamentally boil down to "woe is me, and woe are we as a party". They are pusillanimous.

If you like Hillary, great. Obviously, a lot of well-informed, well-meaning Democrats on here (and elsewhere) do. That's fine, there's room in the tent for moderates as well as liberals. I for one am happy to include everyone in the discussion; and honest to God, I have no beef with anyone who sincerely believes Hillary is the best candidate for America in 2016. We can disagree and still be friends.

But don't bludgeon us with the notion that Hillary is the Great Progressive Hope, if only we ****ing retards (tm) would see it. Hillary probably would be an adequate president, but she clearly has no aspirations to making the sorts of changes many of us are clamoring for. And by trying to shut us down, you're denigrating our party. You're conceding all your power to the Republicans--and wallowing in cowardly self-pity.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 11:06:06 AM »
When a lib starts spouting off about facts, i know for a fact that I am being fed fiction.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Carl

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 11:47:57 AM »
Hillary is the dumbocrat partys worst nightmare.

Offline Bad Dog

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2015, 12:32:03 PM »
My best answer when confronted with the "brilliant" Hildabeast meme is; If she is so brilliant how in h@ll did two absolute clowns like Jim and Susan McDugal  get over on them so easily.

Offline thundley4

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2015, 01:16:00 PM »
My best answer when confronted with the "brilliant" Hildabeast meme is; If she is so brilliant how in h@ll did two absolute clowns like Jim and Susan McDugal  get over on them so easily.

Or just ask how an inexperienced, inept community organizer beat her so easily.  :-)

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 01:46:56 PM »

Take a pill

Vote Hill

Kill Bill

She will
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2015, 03:17:33 PM »
All that said, will HRC be good for the country,

Yeah.  Just not THIS one.
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Offline Bad Dog

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2015, 05:09:12 PM »

Take a pill

Vote Hill

Kill Bill

She will

CA Piggy must be so jealous.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2015, 05:27:13 PM »
Why our side is afraid of her, I dont know...brain washed by the media like the RINOs I guess. No one wants another Bush or Clinton. We have to stop thinking of their inevitability. All we have to do is elect a candidate who is positive and loudly professes his love for this country. Someone with experience who knows how to clean up Democrat messes. People are damn tired of hearing how terrible our country is. They're tired of a country that's seen as weak around the world. The world is on fire because there's no leadership. Even people who don't follow politics understand this. They don't want a president who's self absorbed and not just ignoring the Constitution, but governing against the will of the people. And the biggest reason of all: people just don't like the harpy from hell. If her own party find someone else to run they'll do it in a heartbeat. Like Rush says, the longer she's out of the public eye her poll numbers go up. She can't do that during a presidential campaign. And she's has absolute cornucopia of disasters to highlight, every single day. She won't be able to ride Bill's coattails anymore because he's not the rock star he used to be.

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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2015, 05:55:04 PM »
Why our side is afraid of her, I dont know...brain washed by the media like the RINOs I guess. No one wants another Bush or Clinton. We have to stop thinking of their inevitability. All we have to do is elect a candidate who is positive and loudly professes his love for this country. Someone with experience who knows how to clean up Democrat messes. People are damn tired of hearing how terrible our country is. They're tired of a country that's seen as weak around the world. The world is on fire because there's no leadership. Even people who don't follow politics understand this. They don't want a president who's self absorbed and not just ignoring the Constitution, but governing against the will of the people. And the biggest reason of all: people just don't like the harpy from hell. If her own party find someone else to run they'll do it in a heartbeat. Like Rush says, the longer she's out of the public eye her poll numbers go up. She can't do that during a presidential campaign. And she's has absolute cornucopia of disasters to highlight, every single day. She won't be able to ride Bill's coattails anymore because he's not the rock star he used to be.


I didn't know Carter would be a disaster, but I should have.
I thought that Bill would be a disaster, and in many ways he was.
I though Hillary would be a disaster and we got owebuma who may have been even worse.
Hitlery is a very clear and present danger of being the latest in a long string of lib disasters.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Delmar

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2015, 07:46:43 PM »
Wed Feb 11, 2015, 05:08 PM
RBInMaine (10,960 posts)

Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact. And she'd be DAMN good !

Warren is not running and is getting sick and tired of that question. That is just the fact. So enough of that foolishness.

Bernie is a good guy and I really like him, but as a confirmed "socialist" a snowball has a better chance of surviving in hell than he has of becoming President. That is just the fact.

Webb and O'Malley are good guys too, but it just isn't gonna happen. They are good VEEP prospects as are others.

That's most likely it. And that is just the fact. Clinton is TOUGH, has the experience, and is brilliant. Those, too, are the plain facts.

Facts are stubborn things, but that's why they are facts.

No mention of the sitting vice president.  Could it be the DUmmies are biased against him because he's perceived as gay?

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Offline Carl

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2015, 08:08:50 PM »
Why our side is afraid of her, I dont know...brain washed by the media like the RINOs I guess. No one wants another Bush or Clinton. We have to stop thinking of their inevitability. All we have to do is elect a candidate who is positive and loudly professes his love for this country. Someone with experience who knows how to clean up Democrat messes. People are damn tired of hearing how terrible our country is. They're tired of a country that's seen as weak around the world. The world is on fire because there's no leadership. Even people who don't follow politics understand this. They don't want a president who's self absorbed and not just ignoring the Constitution, but governing against the will of the people. And the biggest reason of all: people just don't like the harpy from hell. If her own party find someone else to run they'll do it in a heartbeat. Like Rush says, the longer she's out of the public eye her poll numbers go up. She can't do that during a presidential campaign. And she's has absolute cornucopia of disasters to highlight, every single day. She won't be able to ride Bill's coattails anymore because he's not the rock star he used to be.


This a million times over,and what I meant earlier.
The power brokers of the dem party know she is toxic,the sad thing is that the same in the GOP don`t realize so is Jeb and a couple others.

To wax nostalgic,I have passed into what may be considered a geriatric age and remember clearly just how defeated we felt as Nation under Jimmuh.
Yes,Vietnam and Watergate were in the lead up but it was a feckless and incompetent President that put the seal on the document that the USAs best days were over and we just could not expect greatness.
It is a different time then 1980,with different issues and challenges but the country needs a person to stand up and say "Yes,we are a great country,we are the best place in the world and yes we will be proud of that fact".
I don`t know who it may be,Governor Walker interests me,Dr Carson as well but not sure how politically rounded out he is on issues.

Time will tell,President Reagan was not always the perfect conservative as we may regard one but to listen to his speeches from the 60s and 70s today still makes one feel good about who we are and what we stand for and that is being a force for good,warts and scars included.

I hope we recapture that.

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2015, 09:41:05 PM »
Hillary Clinton will not get nominated. Her chance was in 2008.  I think it will be someone else, probably someone we have never heard of. Jim Webb looks to be one. Joe Biden is very unlikely.
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Offline Bad Dog

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2015, 02:11:25 AM »
Hillary Clinton will not get nominated. Her chance was in 2008.  I think it will be someone else, probably someone we have never heard of. Jim Webb looks to be one. Joe Biden is very unlikely.

I think you are spot on.  The long knives are out for her from her own party.  The Dems don't nominate losers because ii is their turn like Dole and McLaim.  I think the WH wants Warren and I hope she's nominated.  Even Bush could probably beat her.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2015, 06:18:42 AM »
Hillary learned a lesson in 2008. this time she simply will not allow primary opponents.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 10:19:05 AM by Mr Mannn »

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Re: Hillary will most likely be the Dem nominee. That's just the fact.
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2015, 06:42:41 AM »
Hillary Clinton will not get nominated. Her chance was in 2008.  I think it will be someone else, probably someone we have never heard of. Jim Webb looks to be one. Joe Biden is very unlikely.

I tend to agree with you on this.  It may be O'Malley (Maryland governor), it may be Warren; I'd wager that it will not be Cuomo, but I'd also wager that it will not be HRC.  I think her health issues (strokes?) are going to come roaring to the fore soon.
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