Author Topic: 'No Social Security for Nazis'  (Read 509 times)

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Offline dutch508

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'No Social Security for Nazis'
« on: December 20, 2014, 12:09:57 AM »
Poor dying Steve cuts and pastes an article about Barry signing a law stating no NAZI war criminals can recieve SS payments... typical DUmpmonkey behavior will no doubt erupt...

Omaha Steve (45,106 posts) <-------- starting "Deathcount for Stevie: Day 1

It's law now: 'No Social Security for Nazis'

tularetom (19,536 posts)
1. Sorry, but I can't believe this is a big deal How many of these guys are still alive? And what's with the "suspected"? You don't have to actually BE a Nazi war criminal to lose your benefits, just be suspected of it? On the other hand maybe it can someday applied to former Vice Presidents of the US.

Starting out strong- right out of the gate.

Quasimodem (368 posts)
19. Guess What? Rick Perry has the names of 318 million suspected American Nazi war criminals in his briefcase.

Omaha Steve (45,106 posts)
6. I had 3 posts in LBN alone: Expelled Nazis got millions in Social Security

You go Steve. We are all very proud of you, struggling on during this difficult time.   :bawl:

 ::) AT least they are predictable.

OrwellwasRight (3,660 posts)
40. Still not sure it's good thing.

I don't want Social Security for Nazis either. However, when our government brought them over and used their talents and told them they would not be prosecuted for being a Nazi, then it seems to be going back on its word. Isn't it a little late when someone is 85 to say, sorry you paid in to Social Security for all those years, but **** you go die in the street? Yes, that was the attitude of a lots of Nazis toward Jews, LGBT peeps, communists, atheists, Roma, etc. But it is also true that a lot of "Nazis" were "go along to get along" cowards who joined the party but never did anything personally on the order to killing people. Do those people deserve to be thrown out into the street as a feeble, elderly person when they actually did pay into and earn SS? I'm not totally sure that is the moral answer.

I can imagine the law being challenged on two constitutional grounds:

1) Ex Post Facto: E.g. making it illegal to collect Social Security if you're a Nazi, but well after you made the choice to be a Nazi. Not fair. They can't go back and rewrite history and change the facts now to make themselves meet the new criteria.

2) Bill of Attainder: If the law only targeted four actual people, you could say it was directed at them, and directed to remove from them a particular government benefit (the right to collect Social Security), they might be able to argue it is an illegal bill of attainder.

More importantly, however, is this:

What does this mean for other "undesirables"? Who is next to lose his or her Social Security benefits? Sex offenders? Murderers? "Terrorists"? "Communists"? "Strong-Arm Robbers"? What is the standard by which people will be branded as ineligible? It is a slippery slope. And I am not interested to see where it goes.

America's fault.

onehandle (42,356 posts)
8. How about a 'No Social Security Benefits For Republicans' law? nt


Sunlei (7,423 posts)
25. I think history records now catches up to the old money nazis, a couple we did ban from the USA for a little while..but then for some reason the USA let them in. I would like to see their immigration papers.

Erich Koch (a high level Nazi official in charge of Prussia) invites Fred Koch to sell his oil in Nazi Germany when he is banned from doing business in the USA.

There's no relation between Ilse Koch & her husband Karl Koch and the Dutch-American Koch family. The story about Erich Koch partnering with Fred Koch appears to be invented out of whole cloth.

Fred Koch made his money selling oil to the USSR, not the Nazis.


OrwellwasRight (3,660 posts)
41. This is my point exactly. This is not a "justice for evil Nazis" bill. It is the first in a series of bills that will eventually strip away earned benefits from citizens deemed undesirable. i would have expected at least member of congress to get up and say that. Cowards.

First they came for the NAZIs...

SoapBox (9,059 posts)
23. Day late and dollar short. Another dirty little secret that finally (!!!!!!!) was exposed. So why didn't those "fiscally responsible" Pukes and Baggers take care of this year's ago?!?

Not too secret really. Everyone knew about this back in the 1970s.

OrwellwasRight (3,660 posts)
45. It's ugly, but that is the US government. Fear of the Soviet Union was more serious than those of us who didn't live it can imagine, so US made morally questionable choices about sneaking thousands of "useful" Nazis into the country where they didn't receive punishment. Instead they received positions in academia, govt and private sector where "we" could use their nuclear, rocketry, mechanical, chemical, intelligence ad other expertise, to be sure they didn't go hand over all their talents to the Soviets. It's not pretty but there it is.

I find it a little disconcerting that my government, after purposely bringing these people here and letting them contribute to our economy, etc. would then say to octogenarians: Surprise! You don't get that retirement benefit we promised you.

And worse yet is the precedent that you can have your Social Security benefits taken away. Who's next?

jtuck004 (9,969 posts)
32. If you are a Klan member, however, or a cop that killed a black kid, or a banker that donated to the party but were responsible for destroying the lives of millions of people, you have nothing to worry about. Heck, we will even send you money for bonuses.
Besides, we need the money we would otherwise pay to some 90 year old who can't hurt us any longer to pay for drones to blow the arms and legs off of innocent kids in Pakistan.

"Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International issued a pair of reports in October fiercely criticizing the secrecy that shrouds the administration's drone program, and calling for investigations into the deaths of drone victims with no apparent connection to terrorism. In Pakistan alone, TBIJ estimates, between 416 and 951 civilians, including 168 to 200 children, have been killed."

'Cause Nazis are scary,

1) it's a NAZI thread on DU and so there must be moral equalities between them and the Republican Party

« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 09:12:35 AM by dutch508 »
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: 'No Social Security for Nazis'
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2014, 07:18:02 AM »
H5 for working (what the DUmp thinks is) the real reason for this is.
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Re: 'No Social Security for Nazis'
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 10:30:40 AM »
Unless I missed my guess the Dummies want everyone in the world to be qualified to receive social security.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: 'No Social Security for Nazis'
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2014, 10:48:25 AM »
A law like this can be dangerous to give to Obama. After all, he gets to say who is or is not a Nazi.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: 'No Social Security for Nazis'
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2014, 11:45:07 AM »
A law like this can be dangerous to give to Obama. After all, he gets to say who is or is not a Nazi.

Yeah, that's the problem with the whole 'Suspected' part of that.  Is this going to be run like property seizures under the drug laws, where the property owner is presumed to be in the wrong and is basically screwed once the 'process' starts? Convicted war criminals?  Sure, though that leaves a legitimate question about whether we cut a deal with them in the first place when they came into the US and we're just choosing to lie about it now for political expediency, and how many convicted war criminals are even still alive ad in the US.
How many guys can there really be left who were actual bona fide war criminals, convicted or not?  It looks like there'd be a Fifth Amendment 'taking without due process' problem with this, for anyone affected who paid into the SSA system for decades.  To pass Constitutional muster, I'd think we'd at least have to refund any SSA contributions to people kicked out of the system, offsetting any payments already made against that balance with all the interest/present value of money accountant jiggery-pokery.
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