Author Topic: Studying the African American (Group)  (Read 541 times)

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Offline USA4ME

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Studying the African American (Group)
« on: July 21, 2014, 09:10:33 PM »

Things being less than exciting on Skin's island for a few months now, I had noticed some posts by minority members requesting that in order for their fellow kooks to have a better understanding of the types of everyday obstacles with which they must contend, they visit the "African American (Group)" to read and study their discussions. I decided to take them up on the offer, which is more than can be said for over 99.9% of the primitives who are already sure they know exactly the burden of minorities and are confident they are actively engaging in ridding the world of "racism." IOW they're liberals, and by that alone it means they already get it.

Now, being a conservative, I know the dangers of reporting back what I have discovered since, without question, any conclusion that's not "I'm completely wrong, they're completely right, and I must give up all of my past knowledge and experiences and fully accept what I am informed by those who must live it everyday tell me." And I suffer from "racial privilege" which automatically excludes me from a having an opinion worth considering. I know anything I report other than what minorities have informed me about how I should view things is racist, bigoted, unnatural, unholy, a violation of the human race itself, a breach of at least two dozen rules enforced by the United Federation of Planets, and probably a criminal act worthy of life imprisonment or death.

But I'd rather just tell the truth of what I read.

I spent the two weeks observing this group and logged a minimum of 24 hours total reading and cross checking the links they provided. At this point any futher observation and time will not produce any significant new observations.

I can state emphatically from the start that the AA's on Skin's island have an overall feeling that no one listens to them at the site and that this wasn't something they expected to have happen on a liberal website. This message was echoed again and again on several threads as they lament the amount of racism at DU, and their astonishment that liberals would fail to recognize they are behaving in a racist fashion towards minorities. Even when the AA members made it clear to these other primitives (and there are many of them according to the AA's) that when addressing not only AA members but topics of specific concern to AA members, they are posting messages that are offensive and dismissive of AA's, the postings continued. Several AA's have stated they have had enough of the way they're being treated by other primitives, they question why they've put up with it as long as they have, and are either leaving or strongly considering doing so.

Along those same lines, the main theme of being a people who are still discriminated against in all aspects of life here in America is a thread that runs through virtually every topic. Because of this, the group itself is one giant pity party. I don't know if this is something of which they are self aware, or if just so common place of a feeling that it just naturally is part of the conversation, but it jumps off the page throughtout the topics discussed. The prevalent  idea of "You can't ever fully understand what we have to deal with if you aren't one of us, therefore you should accept what we say without question" not only shuts off any further debate the minority member might have to confront on the topic, but it's a logical fallacy in that they make themselves their own authority. It's hard to determine the specific reason behind this behavior (although common sense would dictate an answer that is reasonable) since liberals in general use this tactic on any number of topics. But in this case, any deviation from accepting this as a foundation from which any discussion on race can take place automatically places the objector in the "racist" category,

A few topics that come up: family, friends, etc... are more on a personal level, but there's more there than I could possibly cover. The discussion brought up that typically gets some play in GD is the idea of reparations. The AA's have generally concluded that when the subject is brought up to their fellow primitives, the topic of slavery seems to be the only caveat mentioned, and that the whole discussion on reparations should include not only that but also post-Civil War America, including Jim Crow laws, preditory lending upon minorities, etc... Those of us who are conservatives were already aware of these things, while the liberals, it seems, only view the talk of reparations in view of slavery. This slight by the left is fustrating to the AA's.

Another topic of interest is that of the meaning of the word "racism." The AA Group prefers the definition which says it's related to power, meaning that unless you have the ability to carry out your racist beliefs via institutional/systemic power, just hating people because of their skin color holds no meaning. For example, white people who hate black people or who don't fully acknowledge their white privilege in this society are racist, but if a black person hates a white person then it's not racism because they (supposedly) don't have the power to follow through on their hatred. This definition of the word is based upon the "academic work of social scientists." These are the same social scientists who would be completely ignored if their conclusions didn't agree with what the AA Group members wanted to already believe. The most you will get from the AA Group concerning black people who hate others who aren't black is to have them refered to as "bigots." And they are even reluctant to call them that.

There is also a full throated support of Obama in this group, though the specifics of why are not clearly stated. There's a general mention of how he's really trying  and those dastardly Republicans always getting in the way, but that's about it. There's a general consensus to agree with whatever policy, explanation, or reason provided by the Obama administration without question. While not expressed in overly direct terms, there is a strong understanding among the AA's that Obama, as a fellow AA, needs to be fully supported. The thought of "We AA's have to stick together" is unmistakable in their discussions. Oddly (or maybe not so oddly), I did not note any discussion of the increasing unemploment and general downward trend of quality of life in the AA community since Obama has taken office.  If there were any, no doubt the reasons behind it would never be blamed on him, his administration, or the Dem party. It's always, without fail, the fault of "the other."

Attitudes that are self-defeating can be easily observed in just a short time of reading the AA Group. One of the most noticable is that the AA's on Skin's island are looking for validation while playing the victim. From a study of the primitives, such a tactic should work, and to a large degree it does, but it still doesn't fully satisfy the needs of the AA members. Out in the real world, that type of attitude, the idea of "special consideration",  will immediately place you as one undeserving of being taken seriously, as those who are out working and trying to provide for themselves and their familes don't have time to have to deal with people who behave in that manner. The AA Group expects, and even demands, that special consideration from their fellow primitives.

Another notable observations is that the members of the AA Group are looking for reasons to explain why their own circumstances are beyond their control. I found this whole phenomenon to be strange.  According to them, they are the one's having to deal and live with all these obstacles in their way, and only they can fully understand what it all entails, and only they have the answers by which it can begin to improve. But without the full cooperation of others and their willingness to succumb to carrying out these directives, they admit things really won't get any better. It's an attitude of "My way or the highway, and if you don't agree then I'm stuck where I'm at and I'm going to blame you." I've never seen such a lack of initiative to grab the bull by the horns and make your own way, of which every individual in this country is perfectly capable of doing. There's way too many examples of it happening to deny that its impossible. But it's always impossible if you don't keep trying.

And my final observation is their growing belief that as minorities become the voting majority, that "their time has come. Revenge!" I suppose only time will tell, but that's an awfully flimsy hook upon which to hang your hat. My guess, as is the case with much of what liberals believe will be the case, is that things aren't going to happen the way they hope.

My overall impression of the AA group is they are frustrated by liberals who they had hoped would be their allies, however the AA's are learning to understand that they are nothing more to the party than a dependable part of the whole process of which they may find themselves being left behind. Several AA members have noted that they're confident that should Democrats/liberals reach their goals, the AA community will be thanked for their help, but that's about as much as they'll get. The other belief is that as the goals are met, Democrats/liberals will continue to set the concerns of the AA community to the side because "it's just not time for that yet." And then the time never, ever comes. There is a lot of angst among the AA Group members questioning their place within the party structure and if they really do have a place (despite the other primitives trying to convice them they really are important and do have a place). Even in the face of these realizations, they acknowlege they will continue to support the very vehicle that keeps them where they are now and have been for decades. In fact, they go to great lengths to deny that is the case.

To those members of the AA community regarding the Democrats/liberals and how the AA community will eventually benefit, I would have to conclude your concerns are well founded. Look at where you are now. Look at the inner-cities, look at your schools, look at the drugs and gangs in your neighborhoods, look at the breakdown of the family among way too many, look at your unemployment figures and the prospects of improving your lives, look at these and all the other issues I read you discussing that you rightly complained about not being addressed. Just what has virtually complete loyality to Democrats bought you from the party? They already have you and know you're not going anywhere. Why should they even try? Expect more of the same.

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Offline franksolich

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Re: Studying the African American (Group)
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2014, 09:34:41 PM »
Excellent, five-star, commentary, and I suggest all members of the DUmpster, along with lurking primitives (if literate enough), read it.

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Offline Chris_

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Re: Studying the African American (Group)
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2014, 10:45:42 PM »
That is the tragedy of separating people into groups so they can be abused for one's own political ends as the Democrat Party is notorious for.  They cease being people and self-identify according to their own biases and pejudices.

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Re: Studying the African American (Group)
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2014, 06:06:58 AM »
I've perused that group from time to time.  You have missed nothing in your most excellent and accurately detailed observance.  I first noticed it on the old DU when a self proclaimed AA who posted mostly in GD was accused of not really being black due to their absence from the AA Group.  It boils down to what Johnson stated many years ago.  Seeing the recent video of the two AA TEA Party members being harassed at an NAACP event solidifies it further.

Chris is correct.  Embracing and celebrating our similarities would benefit us as a people, a nation and as human beings.

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Re: Studying the African American (Group)
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2014, 08:15:51 AM »
A well-deserved H5 given.  It's a microcosm of AA's in society as a whole.
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Re: Studying the African American (Group)
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2014, 03:06:01 PM »
H5 to us USA4ME. A very well written piece.
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