Author Topic: Nads Explains DU...Ties Them To The Third Way and Neocons At The Same Time  (Read 926 times)

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Offline txradioguy

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From the soooper secret members only FaceBook page:

Nadin Brzezinski
5 hrs · San Diego, CA, United States

As I said, clarity was reached yesterday. Some of us have suspected that the owners and administrators of Democratic Underground are members of the third way, or at the very least well paid by it. Way Back Google machine reveals that in 1999 they were right married at the hip, and that Mr Allen developed work for luminaries like the Democratic Leadership Council.

We know that they have been invited to WH parties. Ok, you live in DC, you move in the right circles, it makes some sense. But it is of note they were when HRC was Secretary of State.

Now we see on DU the same push for the next DLC President, and how inevitable she is. In 2006 it made as little sense to push this as it does now. In fact, now it makes even less sense. It has nothing to do with HRC gender... unless you consider the DLC works like the old traditional GOP does. People are nominated because it is their turn... not because they make sense as politicians. Why McCain was nominated in 2008 after the eight years of the Bush administration.

Now, I really do not care about their politics. If you live in DC, and you do not flip burgers for a living, you are involved with the political process at one level or another. That is just the way it is. There are people who are not in the DC bubble, but those tend to work for the City, or work in the service industries that support the DC political culture. What I care is about trying to claim they are underground and a form of resistance. They are neither.

To understand what happens in current US politics when a side who loses feels they need to form a shadow cabinet and be ready to take over when the voters are fooled into voting for them (I must thank a retired Congressman for that fooling part, they all see voters as marks), one needs to go back to Watergate.

The Republicans asked Nixon to step down. A delegation went to see him and told him, Dick, for the good of the nation (and our party) please step down. You will not survive impeachment, or for that matter the trial in the Senate. They knew something Republicans did not have in 1997, the Dems held both houses with supermajorites. It is also at that point that they started hating Hilary. She was a young Republican back then, but she was also a young lawyer in the Watergate investigation. Think about that one when you think about the 1990s and how Republicans tried to make anything stick, and think about that one over the Hillary constant outrage machine. She betrayed them, doubly so.

The Elephants were pissed, especially the moderate north east faction. This is also one of the points where the Southern Republicans rose, because they owed Tricky Dick a lot of the tactics they use to these days.

Carter was hated by all because he honestly wanted to clean up Washington and Senator Church was listened to by the NSA, because how dare he bring them to heel? The current police state was starting to take form, and these two do-gooders slowed them down.

Reagan was the beginning of a conservative revolution that continues unabated to this day. And yes, Barack Obama is an intellectual heir of Ronald Reagan, who would not be Republican today.

Fast forward to the election of William Jefferson Clinton. This put in place a young unknown from Kansas. This young unknown took advise from the ultimate insiders and helped create this Democratic Leadership Council, since the old alliances of the Democratic Party were not good. Ever since the DLC has been working to move the party further and further into a business party.

In the meantime, their twin brothers the Neocons, they used to be dems, and worst, Trotskytes, set up a shadow government, and started to fling poo because Republicans since Nixon have not recognized the right of democrats to rule. To be fair, to a point, democrats do not either, and that deep partisanship is all but healthy.

This is f why when 2006 came about, we had the talk of HRC is inevitable. The DLC and the Neocons really think very little of the democratic process or primaries. We really should move away from those pesky things and just decide who will run in smoke filled rooms, That be 1968 and before.
The DLC had a government in exile ready to take over from Dubya. Elections could get in the way, but this faux populist ran and took the prize away from Clinton. Yet, the same government in exile took over. Look at the appointment list. There is not one progressive serving at the top levels of the administration, and this is no accident.

The DLC is back at it. They will try to do the same and they still see themselves as a government in waiting. HRC makes no sense. Governor O'Malley, also a DLCer makes more sense. He has no name recognition, but that can be fixed. He also does not have the political baggage she does. Moreover this is a very different set of politics than the 1990s. They are using DU to try to control the process.

And that is what galls me. DU is married at the hip to the DLC. They are as underground as we chose to believe them, but none whatsoever.
We all expected a purge. They have been purging unabashed liberals, union members, gay members before it was cool, for close to fifteen years. In politics this is called creating political cadres, where ultimate loyalty is enforced, and those who are not playing along are punished. I see the soft ban as exactly that, part of the purge.

But this dishonestly and misrepresentation of who they are is galling. I am sure if I can find the way back machine, so can others. I suspected this for years. I will give them this, they did a wonderful job of scrubbing the interwebs, but some of the drippings are still out there. And Mr Allen, you and your partners are the consumate insiders. You always have been. Your other site is triangulation 2.0 You are part of the shadow government, and quite frankly this cannot last. You can only fool people and use them as marks just for so long.

But it does explain the inevitable Hillary, as well as the support for mass surveillance, and the attacks on any social justice movement. When the pitchforks come, you are too low in the food chain for the truly powerful to take you onto the plane. And that assumes they can make it to their Gulfstreams The reality is that Occupy is not dead. That level of discontent driven by inequality is not gone. It is roiling under the surface.

It also explains though the special attention you allowed with cadre enforces and stalkers. It makes perfect sense now.
And that is the level of clarity that I needed... and chiefly, confirmation.

If you were honest, you would apologize to users, and tell them that they are not on a progressive site, but one designed to destroy progressivism. I do not expect to see that, like ever. You took advantage of people when they needed somewhere to talk, when they were traumatized. Given how the DLC works, that does not surprise me either. But it also explains how the DLC became a CT verbotten subject... exposure could be dangerous.
And with that, well, it is what it is. Politics is a contact sport, and the last thing your kind need is people telling other people to KEEP TABS ON THEIR ****ING GOVERNMENT. It is hard to do things one wants to do i in the light. I understand that.

The way things are right now though, the politics and economics system is not working for the 99%... and now they know it...

And right on cue the clapping seals bark their approval:

Jason Taverner Thank you for this. As was mentioned, no surprises. But just like "Fahrenheit 911" didn't give us any new info, it still opened our minds in a big way -- seeing it all put together like that.
2 hrs · Like

Don Heldenbrand What I mind is their collecting money from members claiming to be and independent underground group when they are no doubt taking money from DLC/DNC and doing their bidding.
2 hrs · Like

Richard Charnin Posting as "TruthIsAll", I was banned from DU during this Aug. 2005 thread ("The Game") which proved the 2004 election was stolen. The mods could not handle the truth.

Then someone throws a turd in the punchbowl:

Linda Siegel Sang Very enlightening lead post and discussion - thanks! But do you really want Skinner to see this, Nadin?

The lurkers here will be informing $kimmer shortly.

Chana Dye Wow! Well said and researched has ever Nadine!!! I am howler over on d.u. and have watched has all the really good and lucid posters got banned one at a time because they were to left!

Well researched?  The incontinent old troll said Obama was intellectual heir to Reagan!  :rotf:
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

Offline franksolich

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Well researched?  The incontinent old troll said Obama was intellectual heir to Reagan!  :rotf:

She also stated William Clinton was from.....Kansas.

Maybe she thinks Arkansas and Kansas are the same thing, because they're spelled almost alike.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline txradioguy

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She also stated William Clinton was from.....Kansas.

Maybe she thinks Arkansas and Kansas are the same thing, because they're spelled almost alike.

Did you see the part where she said Carter was the only one ever interested in cleaning up DC?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

Offline JakeStyle

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Wow, that is one crazy bitch, she is completely paranoid.

Offline USA4ME

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How she hasn't been snatched up by some major news outlet, rather than letting that level of talent rot at a local San Diego penny saver, is beyond me.

Oh, and Occupy is not dead. It is "roiling under the surface." Well, at least they're disturbing and annoying. I'll agree with that part.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline FlippyDoo

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  • Oh NO!!!!! It's a rebel windmill!!!!
I can see where this is going.

In the next expose she'll rip off her mask to reveal she's really David Icke and accuse everyone of being reptillian humanoids working toward world domination.
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That is the stupidest essay I've ever read.

Make a mad dash for the Gulfstreams! The occupoopers are coming!

The Hildebeast is from Kansas, and Reagan would be a democrat!

If I were Skimmer, or one of his two queer flunkies, I might take offense.

Skimmer won't see the inside of a Gulfstream unless he watches "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous".

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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I can see where this is going.

In the next expose she'll rip off her mask to reveal she's really David Icke and accuse everyone of being reptillian humanoids working toward world domination.

Weird, whenever I put on the glasses that wrestler-looking dude gave me, those guys look more like cyborgs than reptiles, and all the posts on DU just turn into "Procreate," "Obey," or "Consume."
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.

Offline FlippyDoo

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  • Oh NO!!!!! It's a rebel windmill!!!!
Weird, whenever I put on the glasses that wrestler-looking dude gave me, those guys look more like cyborgs than reptiles, and all the posts on DU just turn into "Procreate," "Obey," or "Consume."

You may be correct. I may have overstated when I used everyone.

I think Rowdy Roddy's glasses just works on the drones and the like. The masters are the reptiles.
Fictional spirit-guiding by appointment. &

For new members and lurkers: I am a fictional spirit-guide with no smell whatsoever. I am part irish setter and part pigeon. If you don't smell any strange smells it means I'm probably standing next to you. As I am a fictional character anything I post should possibly be considered fictional.


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It's time for coach to drop another line to his fellow alum just to inform and advise over this nadin dustup.

If he allows this disrespect to fester, it could damage the entire DUmp.

Offline JakeStyle

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She is claiming that she has only scratched the surface on this scandal, a big scoop is forthcoming in her "paper".

Response to JakeCrane (Reply #167)

Nadinb (21 posts)      Sat Jun 28, 2014, 09:26 PM

170. Actually Mr. Allen is really small potatoes on that one

but the Democrat, New Economy, Kagan, those are well known but not connected.

What is amazing is how the language has not changed one iota in 20 or more years. That is what is amazing. Though the people at the Nation did an amazing job of connecting the Third Way to the Koch Brothers.

Response to JakeCrane (Reply #173)

Nadinb (21 posts)      Sat Jun 28, 2014, 09:37 PM

177. Mr Allen is a very small cog in a much larger machine

and I mean the extremely small cog. To the point that it really matters little to the overall story. Now Mr. Kagan... of neocon central and now member of the board of the Third Way, that one matters a lot more.

If the name rings any bells, the road to war for Iraq II should ring many, many bells.

So it is always a matter of perspective.

Response to JakeCrane (Reply #180)

Nadinb (21 posts)      Sat Jun 28, 2014, 09:44 PM

183. Well, it will be posted in my paper

these days the blog has become a paper, we cover local policy at both the city of San Diego and the County, labor and trade.

Given the role that the whatever they call themselves these days, play in the direction of the Democratic Party, it matters. They have changed their names a few times, becuase they have become quite toxic. I mean, none in their right mind would call themselves DLC these days... and I suspect, will have to look closely at it, that the even less known No Labels group is part of this, but I suspect and they are ... well need to dig a lot more.

They try to truly keep a low profile in DC, or at least from folks. It is kind of like ALEC...

Offline olde north church

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She is claiming that she has only scratched the surface on this scandal, a big scoop is forthcoming in her "paper".

Leftists love manifestos.

Offline franksolich

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You know, I just woke up--it's early Sunday morning--and this was the second thing I saw:

.....Mr Allen is a very small cog in a much larger machine.....

I'm not fully awake yet, but for some reason I'm considering this an insult to my fellow alum.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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I'm not fully awake yet, but for some reason I'm considering this an insult to my fellow alum.

At the same time, it's not far off much of the speculation in the past here and at CU over the peculiar ability of Der $kammer and the other two members of his triumvirate to realize a substantial income off the notoriously-impecunious DUmmes by providing a reservation to keep them from befouling more-mainstream DemonRat fora.
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.

Offline SVPete

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At the same time, it's not far off much of the speculation in the past here and at CU over the peculiar ability of Der $kammer and the other two members of his triumvirate to realize a substantial income off the notoriously-impecunious DUmmes by providing a reservation to keep them from befouling more-mainstream DemonRat fora.

A form of Hush Money?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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In a sort of a way, yes, Pete.  It keeps the crazy relatives locked up out of sight in the attic (Or basement, since it's 'Underground'), and so away from the neighbors they want to impress favorably...the 'Neighbors' in this case being the Centrists and Independents.
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.