Author Topic: Priestesses of Moloch calls forth the faithful to receive the holy sacrament  (Read 613 times)

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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

A linguistic trick of affirming the right to abortion while simultaneously devaluing it.
Safe, legal, rare.

Saying it should be "rare" indicates - clearly - that it is happening more than it should be and that there are 'good' and 'bad' abortions. Abortion is one of the most stigmatized events of a woman's life and the widespread "rare" mantra propagates that.

Calling for it to be "rare" proposes that there is something wrong with abortion. It places the procedure as a very different type of health care. One in which the goal is reduced use rather than expanded access and enhanced quality. And this has contributed to the significant decline in the number of locations where abortions are performed in the United States. The result is also fewer physicians - good physicians - who are even taught abortion care. Less than half of all OB/GYN's residency programs offer training in abortion care.

Saying it should be rare legitimizes efforts to restrict access to abortion.

Prior to 1989, laws interfering with a woman’s right to abortion were ruled unconstitutional. The shift in the composition of the Court under the Reagan and Bush I administrations led to the 1989 and 1992 Webster and Casey Supreme Court decisions establishing a threshold of “undue burden” for the constitutionality of state-based restrictions. Under this new legal regime, states can demonstrate a preference against abortion through the implementation of waiting periods, parental
involvement, mandatory information, and scripted provider speech requirements; since 1994, almost every state has done so. These laws vary in their construction and studying the effects of these laws is difficult but suggests that additional barriers to abortion disproportionately affect traditionally vulnerable populations.24 For example, the most severe waiting periods require two in-person visits to the clinic with a prescribed time between visits. In a world where many women lack paid sick leave and childcare, access to a provider in their community, and affordable transportation/lodging, a two-visit requirement may be insurmountable to some women.

Using this phrase is a linguistic trick of affirming the right to abortion while simultaneously devaluing it is both harmful and ineffective as a strategy to securing rights. The desire to help an individual woman achieve her reproductive desires by avoiding an abortion is a laudable goal, not because it reduces the need for abortion, but because it is what that woman wants for her life.

Credit for several portions of this to:

J Womens Hist. 2010;22(3):161-72.
Rethinking the mantra that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare".
Weitz TA.

Worth every penny to buy the whole article, btw.

1. No one bitches about wanting chemotherapy to be rare. So you aren't wanting to lift a stigma, you want to propagate abortion. You need abortion as prolific as possible because the worse thing to your twisted mind is the absence of a need to kill for a political statement.

2. By executive fiat birth control is now "free." You stupid whores demanded to have consequence free sex, now you've got it; why are you still needing abortions?

3. Seeing as the woman has singular, absolute control over the pregnancy doesn't this imply she has absolute, singular responsibility over the pregnancy?

You've come a long way, baby.

4. That is a Clinton era phrasing, you ignorant slut tool.

hooverville29 (163 posts)

34. Well it was rare enough in your family to allow you to be alive. That's good

Who knows. If it had been more common, maybe neither you nor I would be here musing about this.

PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

36. ridiculous.
carry on.

hooverville29 (163 posts)

37. Which response merely means you don't have an answer

n00b learns fast.

Too bad he won't last.

PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

39. answer? to what? you didn't ask a ****ing question.

You made a ridiculous comment.

hooverville29 This message was hidden by Jury decision. Hide

43. Oh the rhetorical question is there all right. And it's an undisputable fact

that you would not be here tonight addressing this topic if you had been aborted while in the womb. I'm glad you're here to post tonight. It's good that your mother did not feel that abortion should be so common as to deny your birth. I assume you like to be alive. I do. I'm glad my mother didn't abort me. Aren't you glad your mother chose not to abort you?

Which is why I "support" abortion: only liberals have them.

We are now approaching the 3rd generation of Roe v Wade. Over 50 million elective abortions.

How many of those children, had they lived, would have had children of their own and how many from that?

All would have been raised in liberal leaning households, inculcated with liberal values of the sort that accept the pretext of snuffing human life for political statements and personal convenience.

Imagine if they had gone on to vote.

So, how was this kernel of wisdom received?

A Jury voted 4-2 to hide this post on Fri Nov 8, 2013, 11:35 PM. Reason: This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.

PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

45. Yes. That's a ****ing ridiculous point.
If I never were, I wouldn't *BE* to be sad I wasn't here!!

hooverville29 (163 posts)

48. You're dodging around again. You're glad you're alive, right?

Last edited Fri Nov 8, 2013, 11:06 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

I didn't address you being 'sad' if you weren't. You don't have to answer, because it's pretty safe to assume you're happy to have had a chance to live. Life is a great gift. I'm happy to be enjoying it (and so are you). I'm glad someone didn't deny it to me (and so are you). Words like 'rare' and 'common' don't have real meaning in general. They have meaning in particular -- a real person making a real choice concerning a real life, whether viewed as already actual or merely potential.

That woman will make a choice that might lead others to say she thought abortion should be rare, or the opposite. I don't care what classification others use. I'm just glad of my mother's choice, and I'm happy for you that your mother made a similar choice. That's 'rare' enough to give me a shot at life, anyhow.


PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

49. Making the dumb Reagan "I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born"


hooverville29 (163 posts)

50. :) Is that inaccurate?

PeaceNikki (19,518 posts)

51. It's ridiculous. Just like Reagan.

Because __________________________

MadrasT (6,164 posts)

81. Oh for ****'s sake this argument is LUDICROUS.

If I had been aborted I would never haven been born and I wouldn't have the awareness to be upset about that.

I was the result of an unplanned pregnancy and if I had been aborted (never born) I wouldn't give a rat's ass because I wouldn't exist.

I am not "glad" I was not aborted. Life is not inherently good just because it happens. Life just "is".

Actually, that's hooverville's entire point.

If your kind is so into aborting retards how did you survive?

gollygee (13,151 posts)

96. PPR'd as an anti-choice troll


The heretic has been declared anathema and excommunicated.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 07:48:33 AM by franksolich »
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Skul

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That scrunt should just abort herself.
Yesterday, wouldn't be soon enough.
I find it odd that someone with the DUmp handle peacenikki, supports murder.

Well maybe not. It seems to be a common trend on the island of misfits.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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I find it odd that someone with the DUmp handle peacenikki, supports murder.


A person who brutally murders his wife and children, is Mirandized, allowed opposing counsel, rules of discovery, a neutral judge, a jury of peers, ability to challenge the prosecution, appeals to the SCOTUS, etc. etc. etc. has more of a right to life in the eyes of Proglodytes than the unspoiled innocence and potential of an unborn child.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline JohnnyReb

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A person who brutally murders his wife and children, is Mirandized, allowed opposing counsel, rules of discovery, a neutral judge, a jury of peers, ability to challenge the prosecution, appeals to the SCOTUS, etc. etc. etc. has more of a right to life in the eyes of Proglodytes than the unspoiled innocence and potential of an unborn child.
Lower the age of consent and voting to conception and the DUmmies will all be for outlawing abortion.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline FiddyBeowulf

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Must be a new meme of the day over there. This is the 2nd thread I have seen with that subject.

Texasgal (13,545 posts)

Abortion should NOT be rare.
It should be a medical procedure available for all Women!

I am confused here DU. Of course we all want access to contraceptives and education but DAMN! Abortion should be safe legal option for women!!

When we start making it "rare" we start to deny Womens rights. Period.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

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That's a shame that Hooverville got the deep-six.  He was one of the few who would talk honestly about obozocare.  Reading the above, I knew this was not going to end well. 

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So if life isn't good then why should it matter if someone gets murdered?
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.