Author Topic: Pickett's Charge of American politics  (Read 352 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Pickett's Charge of American politics
« on: September 08, 2013, 07:23:25 PM »
The Pickett's Charge of DU posts?
MannyGoldstein (23,039 posts)

The White House's handling of Syria is *historically* crazy
Last edited Sun Sep 8, 2013, 12:52 AM USA/ET - Edit history (4)

I can't recall anything so weird. The President and his staff:

- threw the UN out of Syria early so we could bomb
- then suddenly turned to Congress for a non-binding vote (which will certainly fail thanks to House Republicans)
- have put forth all sorts of easily-refutable information, ranging from the number of gas deaths to the number of Islamic crazies in the Syrian opposition - you know, the opposition who are on video executing and eating the internal organs of their enemies?
- are waging the most powerful and comprehensive campaign since his election to win a fight he can't possibly win, and to make damned sure that the 80% of Americans who disagree with him on this issue know that he thinks they suck.

Obama's going to tape 6 interviews with the major news anchors? Really? How about doing those interviews on the obliterated middle class, homelessness, world hunger, or something else more actionable then the Syria disaster?

This will go down in history as a very bizarre and self-ruinous episode, sort of the Pickett's Charge of American politics.

Now this reply does look a bit like a pickett fence don't ya think?

Star Member Vanje (9,266 posts)

120. Its not going well for the overall Obama Presidency

 I was impressed with the slide show link in this post


DeSwiss (18,957 posts)

150. ''Pickett's Charge of American politics.''
 - Perfect.


What Syria Needs Is Little More Bombing

There are plenty of posts in the thread but these were among my personal favorites.  Angst is at an all time high and so too most DUmmies. 
< watch this space for coming distractions >

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Re: Pickett's Charge of American politics
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 07:48:07 PM »
Star Member Vanje (9,266 posts)

120. Its not going well for the overall Obama Presidency

Well the 0bama regime has been far worse for the average American....and average person in the world.

I'm so tired of this prism that all the sycophants look through as to how events will affect King Barky the Incompetent.  Most of said sycophants are what we used to call journalists.

The sad truth is that instead of a real and accomplished first black president we got an affirmative action narcissist that has all but killed our country.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.