Author Topic: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!  (Read 4378 times)

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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2013, 11:00:21 PM »
Interesting what you can find when you google "BantheGOP"   :-) 
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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2013, 12:47:01 AM »
Totally fooled. At least I'm not like the DUmmies that think their MIRT team is the greatest thing since shoelaces.

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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2013, 05:55:08 AM »
Magnificent! ^Hi5! Well played indeed. You used the DU group-think/thought control against them.

What is more fun is we can sit back and have a good laugh about this. The DUmmies dare not say a word. They can't discuss being played for fools, or even lie claiming, "I knew it all along."

Hats off for even coming here as GOP and doing a perfect impression of a DUer drive by.


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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2013, 06:11:37 AM »
Kind of a shame the meta forum is shut down over there.  :whatever:
It would be endless comedy about now.
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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2013, 08:11:15 AM »
One of my typical over the top blathering about the need for whites to pay permanent reparations to blacks via the IRS. I had stated that, because of the hundreds of years of racist oppression, whites owed blacks forever. It was a bit strong, I admit, but I've done harsher


I brought that one over here.

Actually when I read it, to me it was a typical "Here's a primitive finally saying what the left believes behind closed doors they can't dare say in public." I read too many other liberal blogs and pol sites where that type of thing is said regularly, but on Skin's island they tend to shy away and sanitize what they truly believe because they know they're being watched.

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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #55 on: July 17, 2013, 08:56:28 AM »
I am going to go on a bit of a rant here, so hold on and stop whining like little pussies.

As you may well know I have been ****ing with DU since I first found our old home in early 2005. I have had over time several moles hidden deep into the framework that is DU. I suspect there are a few you would know. I have found that in order to be successful at moling I had to take my gut reaction to anything and reverse it 180 degrees and let shit fly.

For example, in the Zimmerman trial when the young woman got up and made a complete mockery of our society, I felt like saying, "Holy ****! This is what 40 years of Liberal education and Black Welfare has caused!" instead I said, "She is just speaking her dialect, and if you don't get it you are racist!"

Now, the rant part; I am all for ****ing with the DUmp monkiez. In fact I often feel like the world would be ever so much better if they were to be 'wellstoned'. I often feel like I would be perfectly happy to assist int he firing squads should the totalitarian state they work so hard to create arives and they are the first up against the wall. However, Be creating a mole so over the top as Ban the GOP we are simply feeding into their own dilusion that all the 'crazies' are really right wing moles.

Now, whenever cali or nadin or any of the other misfits at the site for looniez and ****ing psychos say anything so over the top that it makes national mention they can say, "Oh, that was just an 'Agent Provotatoatiers!!!111!!!' So, I am torn by the announcement that Ban the GOP is, in deed, a VRWC TROLL. We should allow the DUmp t6o be it's own crazy self and not be leading them into darkness. They have that ability already. Allow them to shock the world with their nuttiness. Don't cause it.

Oh... and bitchslaps for everyone.
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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #56 on: July 17, 2013, 11:54:13 AM »
You bring up good points, Dutch, but let me expand on my original reasons for the degree of mole that was used.

First of all, the mole I used was never supposed to be a real "mole," in the sense where you couldn't tell a mole from someone like, say, Stinky the Clown. Someone who would literally have no reason to be considered as "radical" as Ban. In fact, it was supposed to represent the END RESULT of progressive policies. In fact, "progressive" is PRECISELY the word that describes these yahoos on DU, because they "progressively" accept socialist doctrine at incremental dosages.

There is an old saying: To boil a frog, you just can't throw it in boiling water. If you throw it in the scalding water, it will IMMEDIATLY jump away once it makes contact with the surface of the boiling water, with the result the frog is not boiled. So how to do it? You have to put it in mild water, tepid, so that the frog will accept and in some ways be comforted by the water. Then heat the water SLOWLY, occasionally pausing the heating process as the frog agitates a bit more. Once the frog settles down, apply the heat more and more. The frog will agitate every now and then, but never show enough resolve to get out of the water. As more heat is applied, the frog becomes "progressively" acclimated, until it is so weak, that you can turn the heat up at a greater rate, and boil the frog.

BantheGOP represents the "throw the boiling frog into the water" effect. In short, the issues posited by Ban were extreme, and stupid sounding, EVEN to the rank-and-file DU idiots. That was my intent, and my purpose. Now, MIRT and company are looking for these frog boilers all the time, but I had the advantage in that, as a libertarian-minded individual, I understand the end result of every progressive position, while the DU minions have very little clue, so I was able to repeatedly flirt with that edge time after time...over a thousand posts.

But I ALSO know that outsiders come and look at DU. Lurking, perhaps, but I'd like to think that these people may have seen some of Ban's posts. I do not use the feelings-oriented adjective "extreme," but rather, I use the objective adjective phrase "logically conclusive" in describing the result of progressive positions, and tailor the posts around Ban's rhetoric to effect that vision. In this way, I'd like to think that some people on the left who still had a modicum of intelligence could somehow connect the two, and hasten their decision to repel the left's progressive tenets. Of course, such an action can never be quantified or even reasonably estimated; it's more a "gut feeling" on my part based upon human nature in general.

As an example: The post that broke the camel's back, so it were, was about describing how whites should be perpetually in debt to blacks for the remainder of time, and should pay money all the time for this shame. While it was widely poo-poohed, and in fact got me banned, this yo-yo came out with what is now credible leftist propoganda:


This person's recommendations for whites to always "check their privilege" (in addition to telling everyone to constantly give money to black causes) is PRECISELY the reasons I gave in that last post! Now, I had posted before the Zimmerman verdict, and this rally had been conducted as a result of the verdict. In short, had I posted what I did AFTER this video (and of course would have referenced it in the post), the original post itself wouldn't have been judged as extreme.

Now, that's not Monday morning quarterbacking, per se, but had I not been banned, I would have included this video in the thread, or start a new thread if the topic were banned with this video. There were dozens of similar situations.

Anyway, I hope this more comprehensive analysis made things less muddy. Probably not, but what the heck, I'm old-school and think that digital identities are not worth the pixels they are written on.

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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #57 on: July 17, 2013, 12:41:02 PM »
I find it humorous, not so much for the outrageous BantheGOP OP's, but for the reaction he would evoke from the left, in particular all the people who would agree with him.
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Offline Karin

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Re: BantheGOP is dead...LONG LIVE BANTHEGOP!
« Reply #58 on: July 17, 2013, 01:23:44 PM »
in particular all the people who would agree with him.
  Yes indeed, let's not forget that.  There were plenty of "+1 K&R!"s to go around.  I can't believe that there are some people I respect who are getting all bent out of shape about this.