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Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons

cali (83,050 posts)

Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
 Like so many people across the country, I have followed the murder trial of George Zimmerman very closely. As we enter what is probably the last week of the trial, I am sure that everyone is anxious about the outcome. For the past sixteen months, I have proudly supported the courageous parents of Trayvon Martin as they have fought for justice for their son. I have greatly admired the grace and humility that they have exuded throughout this entire tragic ordeal. For them, the day of judgement in the courtroom will be a very difficult day and I certainly will say a prayer for them when that day comes.

Even with this important day coming soon, I remind myself that we have already accomplished a tremendous amount in the memory of Trayvon. All we ever asked for was for equal justice for the young man who was killed that drizzling night in Sanford, Florida. If George Zimmerman had rights, so did Trayvon Martin. And that is why Mr. Zimmerman was properly arrested and charged with murder in the second degree. He will soon be judged by a jury of his peers, and that is the best we can do. Whatever decision they make, is a decision that we must live with, whether we like it or not. Whether George Zimmerman is found innocent or guilty by the jury, I am firm believer that all of us live by karmic law, and he will ultimately be punished for the death of Trayvon, no matter what. However, if he walks free out of that courtroom, I understand that some people will be very sad, but we must remember the mission we are on. As I have heard Trayvon's parents say time and time again, they are not only fighting for justice for their son, they are fighting for all of us, especially those parents who have to live through the misery of burying their child and the sadness that comes after.

Their inspiring leadership has already led to action. In 2012, for the first time in 8 years, not ONE state in our nation passed a new "Stand Your Ground" law. The power of the NRA and their gun-toting cronies in business were stopped in their tracks by the Justice For Trayvon Martin movement. That is an incredible accomplishment. That is the mission we must continue after this trial is over. Led by the heroism of Trayvon's parents, we will support their efforts to not only block new laws from being enacted, but also repeal the laws in the twenty five states who already passed "Stand Your Ground" type legislation. And we will certainly support their healing process, as they have become great protectors of our nation's compassion. It is the future that needs to be protected and everyone who stood up for Trayvon plays a part in that protection. If we failed to protect Trayvon on February 26, 2012, we will pledge to never make that mistake again.

Read more:

NoOneMan (2,066 posts)
1. "all of us live by karmic law, and he will ultimately be punished"

Has Bush been struck by lightening yet?
Isn't that illegal to say that?

Politicalboi (9,792 posts)
3. OJ still lives

Granted he ****ed up again and is in jail, but otherwise he would be free. Casey Anthony another murderer who walked free. I don't think karma is enough in these cases. Any mother who would leave a 2 year old at the top of the stairs to wait for the "nanny" speaks volumes to me. But to each his own I guess. She lied more than OJ or GZ and she still walked.

OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony are not comparable to George Zimmerman.

lbrtbell (2,295 posts)
32. You don't know the answer?

Here's what Trayvon did: He was stupid enough not to keep running. The teen was a football player, who could have easily outrun this fat, older guy. Instead, he decided to play tough guy and confront Zimmerman. Anytime you confront someone, there is always the risk that person will be armed, or at the very least, able to beat you up. That has nothing to do with karma, just plain common sense.

Also, Zimmerman isn't a "hillbilly"--he's Hispanic (Peruvian) and Jewish. Hillbilly is a perjorative for white people who live in rural areas of the South. As for "deranged"--it's not like the guy went out hunting teens for sport on a regular basis.

What makes me sick about this case is that black people shoot each other every day, and nobody gives a damn. But as soon as the media portrays this shooter as a white guy (which he isn't), it's all over the news.

Nobody wants to hear about the real problem, which is parents not being responsible for their kids. Trayvon would be alive today, if his parents had stopped him from getting in trouble at school so much, that he ended up getting suspended. Then, they didn't even ground him (as ANY parent would do) after the suspension.

What sort of parent lets their teen son go bopping to the convenience store--in an area where burglaries had taken place--after he's been suspended? Trayvon could just as easily have encountered the burglar, as he did Zimmerman.

Trayvon died for the same reason so many other teens die: Bad parenting. Trayvon, with his lack of parental supervision, fell into the trap of getting in trouble and thinking he was tougher than everybody. That's why he confronted Zimmerman, instead of just outrunning the guy and going home (as he should have done).

But nobody talks about this, because so many people don't want to take responsibility for letting their kids run wild. It's so much easier to blame Zimmerman, or guns, or knives (as they do in the UK), instead of turning off the *******ed Kardashians and taking an active role in their children's lives.
Someone is going against the echo chamber.

ieoeja (7,956 posts)
11. I'm not worried about the aftermath. Even if he is jailed, I doubt gunners and racists will go ...

... on a murderous rampage this time. This is a different era and with too many people looking on. They can't just massacre the whole African-American population in Sanford with nobody paying attention as has happened far too many times in the past.

Maximumnegro (998 posts)
17. LOL you could say the same about women and rape and

abortion. But Todd Akin and the wing nuts make it clear that it isn't a 'different era'. If they believe 'women have ways of shutting these things down' you best believe they think the only good n*gga is a dead n*gga. THEY DON'T CARE who's looking. Look at Texas. THEY DON'T CARE. Look at Zimmerman with his pathological stares and sociopathic behavior that gets neo-nazis driving to Sanford to defend against the coming 'race war'. THEY DON'T CARE. If anything they have made it clear that they WANT a confrontation, they want conflict.

'different era'. that's hilarious.

cigsandcoffee (1,995 posts)
8. Def Jam Records promotes a gun/gangster culture that's even more reckless than the NRA. n/t
Another going against the echo chamber.

ieoeja (7,956 posts)
10. We have achieved the point where DUers don't even try to conceal their racism, I see. n/t

etherealtruth (8,493 posts)
29. They don't feel the need to

There is no point alerting on racist posts, either ...apparently only the use of racial epithets rise to the level of hideworthy

Maximumnegro (998 posts)
13. That's a load of shit

especially as the 'gun/gangster' culture is most devastating within the black/minority communities - something which the media and entertainment industry has been ALL too willing to promote. The NRA is national (international actually) in its reach and political clout. Can DefJam get Congress to buckle? Can Russell Simmons threaten a politician's chances of re-election?

Ninja please...

lunatica (29,069 posts)
23. Actually I heard lawyers on the Rachel Maddow show say he will get Manslaughter no matter what

The prosecution is going for Murder 2 trying to prove he had a depraved mind but he will get Manslaughter because he did kill Trayvon He's admitted to it already.

bunnies (10,501 posts)
28. yep.

He'll never be a free man. Exactly what I was going to say.
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 07:18:50 PM »
What makes me sick about this case is that black people shoot each other every day, and nobody gives a damn. But as soon as the media portrays this shooter as a white guy (which he isn't), it's all over the news.

...and yet, you number yourself among those very same people and vote, enthusiastically, for those that both enable and cheer this.


They can't just massacre the whole African-American population in Sanford with nobody paying attention as has happened far too many times in the past.

Name the incident, cretin. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 07:26:06 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2013, 07:39:59 PM »
These libs can't wrap their warped brains around the idea of self defense. I guess when you defend yourself against a black yute it's automatically due solely to racism.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2013, 07:45:02 PM »
Sure wish that one of those race baiting rappers would condone rioting so I could get in on the class action suit . 
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2013, 10:15:05 PM »
I still can't believe Obama commented on this case before the trial even started.

Wait, yes I can.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2013, 10:18:47 PM »
I still can't believe Obama commented on this case before the trial even started.

Wait, yes I can.

He acted stupidly.  :lmao:

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2013, 10:41:08 PM »
I have proudly supported the courageous parents of Trayvon Martin as they have fought for justice for their son.

Yes, they raised a great gangsta. 

In my day, we would have used the word "shamed" but the ONE thing liberals can't handle is shame.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2013, 10:45:26 PM »
Yes, they raised a great gangsta. 

In my day, we would have used the word "shamed" but the ONE thing liberals can't handle is shame.

They have no shame just righteous indignation.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 10:49:14 PM »
So Simmons sides with NO_LIMIT_NIGGA.  No surprise here... reflexes don't involve thinking.

I'm sure it's the NRA that makes Chicago the #1 city for homicides year after year.  Those guys are amazing.
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2013, 07:22:13 AM »
Still waiting for commentary from Russell Simmons, heck still waiting for commentary from anyone on the left addressing violence in black communities in Chicago, Detroit etc.
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2013, 07:33:52 AM »
This is going to get ugly. Theses racist thugs don't give a damn about Saint Skittles he is just the latest prop to justify their hatred of creepy ass crackers.

I hate to sound like a member of the KKK, but the race war is coming. Groups like the new black panthers are all set to start busting cracker heads, and we have a "justice dept" who does not want to prosecute the attorney general's people. The left constantly accuses us of racism, but there are black groups who use all kind of racial slurs against whitey, and who are itching to kill some cracker. Yet they never get called on their true racism. When some poor cracker gets his head blown off the left will say that he deserved it for daring to be born white.  :banghead:
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 07:41:32 AM »
Yes, they raised a great gangsta. 

In my day, we would have used the word "shamed" but the ONE thing liberals can't handle is shame.

This is what the liberal parent does in todays world.
Make a buck off your dead kid.

Trayvon's mother trademarks her son's name as merchandise hits stands throughout Florida
A liberal who is mugged by reality becomes conservative.

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2013, 07:58:32 AM »
cigsandcoffee (1,995 posts)
8. Def Jam Records promotes a gun/gangster culture that's even more reckless than the NRA. n/t

Because I agree with this completely, it has to be a mole.
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2013, 08:08:20 AM »
Still waiting for commentary from Russell Simmons, heck still waiting for commentary from anyone on the left addressing violence in black communities in Chicago, Detroit etc.

Russell has/had a record label that PROMOTED violence and misogyny and he has the balls to rail against the NRA lol :hammer: :rotf:
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2013, 08:23:26 AM »
Where would the ghetto rats get there weapons if they didn't steal them from second amendment supporters....... :thatsright:.....They'd get Obamaguns to go with their Obamaphones.
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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2013, 08:23:53 AM »
NoOneMan (2,066 posts)
1. "all of us live by karmic law, and he will ultimately be punished"

Has Bush been struck by lightening yet?

I don't know DUmbass.....with his grey hair I would think he'd want a darkening.

Solve a man's problem with violence and help him for a day. Teach a man how to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime - Belkar Bitterleaf

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2013, 01:55:09 PM »
lbrtbell and cigsandcoffee will likely be tombstoned soon.
lbrtbell, for the fact that he rightfully pointed out that some or possibly most of youth crime can be at least partially attributed to bad parenting (Parents who let their kids run wild and make no effort to try and rein them in), lefties hate anything that might suggest taking personal responsibility such as that.
cigsandcoffee, in turn, for the fact that he rightfully pointed out what a hypocritical d- bag Russell Simmons is. The guy's made an obscene amount of money from owning a record label which regularly pukes out "Music" that openly glamorizes violence (With a particular focus on gun violence)/ murder, rape, drug use/ dealing, and general lawlessness, and he has the gall to blame the NRA for what happened? I can guarantee his company's music has caused more black murders than the NRA's efforts ever have. This scumbag's turning a profit from knowingly aiding in the moral decay of the black community nationwide, he's no different from an urban crack dealer.
How funny is it that a DUmmy named "maximumnegro" is the one openly accusing white people of racism?
"If they believe 'women have ways of shutting these things down' you best believe they think the only good n*gga is a dead n*gga."
Interesting term to use, just like Trayvon himself going by the charming Twitter handle "No- Limit N*gga."

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Re: Just In Case George Zimmerman Walks Free... by Russell Simmons
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2013, 06:23:03 PM »
lbrtbell and cigsandcoffee will likely be tombstoned soon.
lbrtbell, for the fact that he rightfully pointed out that some or possibly most of youth crime can be at least partially attributed to bad parenting (Parents who let their kids run wild and make no effort to try and rein them in), lefties hate anything that might suggest taking personal responsibility such as that.
cigsandcoffee, in turn, for the fact that he rightfully pointed out what a hypocritical d- bag Russell Simmons is. The guy's made an obscene amount of money from owning a record label which regularly pukes out "Music" that openly glamorizes violence (With a particular focus on gun violence)/ murder, rape, drug use/ dealing, and general lawlessness, and he has the gall to blame the NRA for what happened? I can guarantee his company's music has caused more black murders than the NRA's efforts ever have. This scumbag's turning a profit from knowingly aiding in the moral decay of the black community nationwide, he's no different from an urban crack dealer.
How funny is it that a DUmmy named "maximumnegro" is the one openly accusing white people of racism?
"If they believe 'women have ways of shutting these things down' you best believe they think the only good n*gga is a dead n*gga."
Interesting term to use, just like Trayvon himself going by the charming Twitter handle "No- Limit N*gga."

I sense a purge at DU is starting to happen.
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