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DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:50:05 PM »
Alec Baldwin

cali (81,998 posts)

Anderson Cooper: 'Why Does Alec Baldwin Get a Pass When He Uses Gay Slurs?'
Alec Baldwin's recent Twitter rant/meltdown (which included the former 30 ROCK star calling Daily Mail reporter George Stark a "toxic little queen"), has caused modern news legend Anderson Cooper to pose an interesting - and necessary - question.

The CNN anchor posted: @andersoncooper: "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a "queen" they would be vilified."


dsc (39,679 posts)

4. for the same reason that Tracy Morgan got one
Last edited Sat Jun 29, 2013, 01:59 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

and the same reason Tony Perkins is still permitted on CNN. Being anti gay is not perceived as that big a sin.

Behind the Aegis (28,224 posts)

7. Chris Rock?

dsc (39,679 posts)

8. meant Tracy Morgan

Behind the Aegis (28,224 posts)

12. Good. I would have been proundly upset.


Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

15. Chris uses slurs againt gay people. Says he has the right to say faggot, has 20 minutes of
material about why anything he says is allowed and not a slur but others best watch what they say about him. Now I like Chris, do not think he's a bigot, and have worked with him. He's full of shit and has a foul, bigoted lexicon.

If this Proglodyte claiming to be in show business?

Sic 'em Big Dog!

Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

10. Al Sharpton used to call people 'faggots' all the time. In public. He now condemns those
who do what he did. He got a pass and an anchor desk from which to opine as return for his slurs. He said sorry. Years later.

pnwmom (44,273 posts)

13. Yes, and that was wrong. But Baldwin still does this in 2013 and it's inexcusable. n/t

Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

18. It was wrong, and 'forgiven' by straights. Paula's slur was longer in the past than Al's.
Just saying. He is not only famous, but a famous commentator on social issues. Faggot shouter. Why is he allowed a network news desk with that background? You tell me. What did Al do to make amends? You tell me, it is you who have forgiven him. Why did you do that? Dig his show?

Prism (3,505 posts)

14. Because GLAAD likes to rub elbows with celebrities
It's long been known in the LGBT community that GLAAD is a collection of starf*ckers.

Their nonresponse to Baldwin's repeated antics has surprised absolutely no one.

Safetykitten (3,841 posts)

25. True. They are completely agog over celebrity and allow switch hitting.

I thought that was part of the LGBT definition?

Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

19. Same reason Tracy Morgan got a pass: Tina Fey demands her pals be allowed to hurt others.

Tina TOLD the world Tracy was great after he said that shit, she did the same for Alec. She does this because her owner, Lorne, tells her to.

And since she mocked Sarah Palin she's allowed to do that.

Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

21. Why do DUers get a pass for comparing us to tomato plants after calling us pedophile after
calling us every name in the book? Skinner allows people to post here who repeatedly say horrific things and whose history makes it clear that they have always done so.

Why does Skinner issue passes to homophobes which he would be ashamed to issue to racists? He does not see the two things as anything close to the same. Equating us to houseplants and criminals is 'understandable' to the bulk of the straight community, cali.

last1standing (8,927 posts)

26. This is no different than the racist words used by Paula Deen.

I find it striking that both Baldwin and Deen used the same deflection to avoid having to honestly apologize to those they've insulted, "Well they use those words so why can't I?"

Let's be clear, a white person cannot call a black person "n***er" and a straight person cannot call a gay person a "toxic little queen" or a "f**got." Yes, a person within that community can use those terms. This is because they are directing those terms at those they have that common bond with.

If you insult your wife a "bitch" during your nightly "dirty talk" that doesn't mean I have the right to call her one when I see her in the grocery store. If you make fun of the knobbly knees that run in your family that doesn't mean I have license to rag on your mother's appearance. There are times when certain comments are acceptable and when they're not. Just because a word exists and someone else has used it doesn't mean it isn't hurtful when someone else says it.

I don't know why this is even debated.

But "cracker" is OK.


I said "Butt cracker."

premium (2,656 posts)

28. He shouldn't get a pass.
A liberal like Alec going on a homophobic rant is just as bad as a conservative like Limpballs and both should be condemned equally.
One's just as bad as the other.

Please cite for us the time Limbaugh ever came close to sincerely calling someone a "toxic little queen."

indepat (19,091 posts)

29. Alec Baldwin will get a pass on just about anything because he is
Alec Baldwin. But beware, Alec, there is a line that even Alec Baldwin cannot cross.

There are some lines Chuck Norris cannot cross.

Because the lines keep running away and hiding.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2013, 01:02:16 AM »
Response to cali (Original post)Sat Jun 29, 2013, 01:49 PM
wingzeroday (112 posts)
1. politics

Plain and simple.

This mole nailed it in the first response out of the gate.  Alec Baldwin can call somebody a toxic little queen, he can even call his own daughter a rude, thoughtless little pig, because many years ago he said he wanted to stone Henry Hyde, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for impeaching tricky-slick Clinton.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2013, 01:47:06 AM »
Well, for one thing, DUmbasses, "homosexual" is not a race.  It is a mental disorder.   Negro is a race.  It is a physical state of being.  Some Negros with mental disorders are homosexuals.  That still doesn't make homosexuals a race of people.  Homosexual is not a physical state of being.  Also, races of all kinds reproduce.  Homosexuals do not reproduce. 

Anyone can say all the bad things they want to about homosexuals and they are not "racists".  They are guilty of making fun of the mentally ill.

And by the way:  There is nothing noble or respectable about sodomy. 

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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2013, 04:20:23 AM »
last1standing (8,927 posts)

26. This is no different than the racist words used by Paula Deen.

I find it striking that both Baldwin and Deen used the same deflection to avoid having to honestly apologize to those they've insulted, "Well they use those words so why can't I?"

Let's be clear, a white person cannot call a black person "n***er" and a straight person cannot call a gay person a "toxic little queen" or a "f**got." Yes, a person within that community can use those terms. This is because they are directing those terms at those they have that common bond with.

If you insult your wife a "bitch" during your nightly "dirty talk" that doesn't mean I have the right to call her one when I see her in the grocery store. If you make fun of the knobbly knees that run in your family that doesn't mean I have license to rag on your mother's appearance. There are times when certain comments are acceptable and when they're not. Just because a word exists and someone else has used it doesn't mean it isn't hurtful when someone else says it.

I don't know why this is even debated.

I posted part this before, but I'll post it again the DUmmie last1standing.

For the purpose of this part of the discussion we are going to look at a person that you hate, Rush Limbaugh. And we'll create a person that you would love, a black, cross-dressing, transgendered, homosexual abortion doctor named Bobbi.

We all know that Rush is a rich white guy. Since Bobbi does abortions for free Bobbi is a dirt poor black guy or girl or something.

With the characters set let's begin the story.

You are standing alone when Rush walks up to you. He slaps the taste out of your mouth and steals your money. How does it make you feel? It probably pisses you off, doesn't it?

Now, let's say you are still standing alone when Bobbi walks up to you and also slaps the taste out of your mouth and steals your money. How does this make you feel? It still pisses you off doesn't it?

The reason it pissed you off both times is because having the taste slapped out of your mouth and your money stolen is a bad thing. If something is a bad thing it is a bad thing regardless of whether you like the person or hate the person.

Now society has determined that the word Paula Deen used 30 years ago is a 'bad' word. This is fine by me; however, society needs to remember that if it is a 'bad' word then it is a 'bad' word. It doesn't matter whose lips speaks it.

In other words, if it is a 'bad' word when Paula Deen says it, it is still a 'bad' word when rappers, comedians and any others say it. Regardless of how politically correct society attempts to be you can NOT judge the 'goodness' or 'badness' of a word by the speaker's pigmentation. To do so is hypocritical and racist.

With that in mind, I would think that maybe you should leave Paula Deen alone until you're ready to also condemn all of the rappers and comedians who sling the 'n' word around like a democrat with someone else's money because if it is a bad word it is a bad word.

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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2013, 04:40:46 PM »
Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

21. Why do DUers get a pass for comparing us to tomato plants after calling us pedophile after calling us every name in the book? Skinner allows people to post here who repeatedly say horrific things and whose history makes it clear that they have always done so.

Why does Skinner issue passes to homophobes which he would be ashamed to issue to racists? He does not see the two things as anything close to the same. Equating us to houseplants and criminals is 'understandable' to the bulk of the straight community, cali.

Have a penis, Bluenorthwest.  Because you're grumpy when you're hungry.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2013, 05:15:35 PM »
dsc (39,679 posts)

4. for the same reason that Tracy Morgan got one
Last edited Sat Jun 29, 2013, 01:59 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

and the same reason Tony Perkins is still permitted on CNN. Being anti gay is not perceived as that big a sin.

Not really, Alec called a black photographer a "coon" and got away with that also. Let's call a spade a spade, if a conservative said it they'd be vilified, and the only reason Paula Deen is being vilified is because she's from the south and people automatically assumed she was a conservative until it was pointed out that she was a Democrat who supported Obama, but it was too late to do anything about it.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2013, 05:19:47 PM »
This mole nailed it in the first response out of the gate.  Alec Baldwin can call somebody a toxic little queen, he can even call his own daughter a rude, thoughtless little pig, because many years ago he said he wanted to stone Henry Hyde, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for impeaching tricky-slick Clinton.

Want to say that it was three months ago and called a detective in NYNY a racial slur. Pretty sure that it was the N word. Eh got past that. GLAAD gave the homophobe a get out of jail free card. Just like all the feminist groups gave teh Clenis a pass on all the rape charges. No, not as bad because the feminist groups all started attacking the victim.  Have not seen the homo groups blaming the little queen but it sure could happen.  
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2013, 06:08:05 PM »
Want to say that it was three months ago and called a detective in NYNY a racial slur. Pretty sure that it was the N word. Eh got past that. GLAAD gave the homophobe a get out of jail free card. Just like all the feminist groups gave teh Clenis a pass on all the rape charges. No, not as bad because the feminist groups all started attacking the victim.  Have not seen the homo groups blaming the little queen but it sure could happen.  

Yeah, it's unbelievable.  I remember that guy on the Seinfeld show that played Seinfeld's buddy Cramer, a popular guy, but he screwed up and said some racist stuff and he hasn't been heard from since.  Mel Gibson too, he's still around but widely hated.  I can't figure out how Baldwin gets away with this crap.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2013, 07:33:03 AM »
I really do not get it either.  He's such an asshole.  Remember back in the OWS days, he was hobnobbing with the filthy hippies down in NYC, railing against the corporate capitalists and all that.  Then, you turn on the TV, and he's hawking the Capital One credit card. 

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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2013, 08:08:34 AM »
Bluenorthwest (25,146 posts)

21. Why do DUers get a pass for comparing us to tomato plants after calling us pedophile after
calling us every name in the book? Skinner allows people to post here who repeatedly say horrific things and whose history makes it clear that they have always done so.

Why does Skinner issue passes to homophobes which he would be ashamed to issue to racists? He does not see the two things as anything close to the same. Equating us to houseplants and criminals is 'understandable' to the bulk of the straight community, cali.
Tomato plants and houseplants? Someone needs to explain that one to me.

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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2013, 09:26:54 AM »
Yeah, it's unbelievable.  I remember that guy on the Seinfeld show that played Seinfeld's buddy Cramer, a popular guy, but he screwed up and said some racist stuff and he hasn't been heard from since.  Mel Gibson too, he's still around but widely hated.  I can't figure out how Baldwin gets away with this crap.

He's a bat-shit crazy Liberal loon, so the Lefties love him. He can do no wrong.
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2013, 02:51:29 PM »
Well, for one thing, DUmbasses, "homosexual" is not a race.  It is a mental disorder.   Negro is a race.  It is a physical state of being.  Some Negros with mental disorders are homosexuals.  That still doesn't make homosexuals a race of people.  Homosexual is not a physical state of being.  Also, races of all kinds reproduce.  Homosexuals do not reproduce. 

Anyone can say all the bad things they want to about homosexuals and they are not "racists".  They are guilty of making fun of the mentally ill.

And by the way:  There is nothing noble or respectable about sodomy. 

Heh! That one'll leave a mark!
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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2013, 03:04:03 PM »

Offline Kimberly

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Re: DU Discusses Creepy Ass Cracker
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2013, 03:05:36 PM »