Author Topic: Picking your nose could be good for your health  (Read 951 times)

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Offline CG6468

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Picking your nose could be good for your health
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:04:51 AM »
Picking your nose could be good for your health

Little kids may be picky eaters, but they are on the right track, says Canadian professor.

Forget Superman. Little kids have a new superhero to worship. And he’s Canadian.

Scott Napper, a biochemist at the University of Saskatchewan, has just been elevated to star status among the Treehouse TV set for suggesting a new superpower: picking your nose and eating it.

Yup, that’s right. A scientist is advocating the power of … snot.

Boogerman, as Napper will hereafter be known (not sure yet what colour his costume will be, though green is a safe bet. Just make sure you avoid touching the sleeves), suspects there are health benefits to be had by dining on this, er, renewable resource.

Mucous, you see, traps germs and blocks them from getting into the body. So, Napper theorizes, if we ate the stuff (rather than flicking it at our friends on the playground, as little boys do), it could help train our immune system by exposing it to the germs. (Grossing out all the girls would just be a side benefit, apparently.)

Now aren’t you glad your tax dollars help fund scientific research?

Those dollars may still be at work, by the way. Napper wants to run a study to test his idea — a study that requires volunteers to shove stuff up their nose, excavate it, and then dig in.

Picky, picky, picky…..
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 09:15:08 AM »
What will the placeboes be made of?....not that I want to be part of "The Booger Eating Study" or anything. :-)
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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 11:04:00 AM »
OK. so I'm driving. at a stop light I engage in a major excavation. It's my Karma that cute girls will always pull up next to me and laugh.

Healthy or's bad for your dating life. Best not to encourage it.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 01:11:42 PM »
OK. so I'm driving. at a stop light I engage in a major excavation. It's my Karma that cute girls will always pull up next to me and laugh.

Healthy or's bad for your dating life. Best not to encourage it.

I really have allways wondered why the Escamo's rub noses instead of kiss.   Could they be exchanging mucus for a reason they do not know ??   Could it be this is a survival method of some sort?

Have to realise that way back in time when babys were born the mother or midwife had no choice but to suck out mucus from a babys nose so it could breath.

Then today when we are ill and cough up mucus we are told to spit it out, dont swollow it, now I wonder why.  I hate to see men on the streets halk up a clam and spit it out on the sidewalk, nasty old thing to step in and bring home on the bottom of our shoes.

Interesting subject here, my kids picked their nose but I never saw them eat it, they feed it to the dog.

Offline Eupher

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2013, 01:19:06 PM »
'S'not nice to bury that digit up to the 3rd knuckle at a traffic light, Mr. Mannn.  :-)
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Offline thundley4

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2013, 04:05:39 PM »
I think this goes along with some doctors saying that parents need to worry less about their children playing in the dirt and mud.  There may be a reason so many more children have allergies and asthma these days than in the past.

Offline vesta111

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Re: Picking your nose could be good for your health
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2013, 06:53:21 AM »
I think this goes along with some doctors saying that parents need to worry less about their children playing in the dirt and mud.  There may be a reason so many more children have allergies and asthma these days than in the past.

Pica[?] is caused by kids eating mud, or the other way around.

 We had been in Hawaii only a month or so and there was an outbreak of impetigo in the kids 5-6 years old. The island born were immune to the disease but not us who had just come from the mainland.
Old saying, one will eat a peck of dirt before they die.  However this was true only because people tended to live in one place all their lives.

Military family's are most at risk as they travel the world.  Never know when they will come in contact with something their body's have no immunity against------ No number of vaccinations and swollen arms can prevent everything.   

Had a case of 3 children in a school in a small town in Maine dieing from I believe it was viral Meningitis.    School was shut down and the parents of the class mates went nuts.  The CDC stormed the town and found that one adult in the comunity had spent 3-4 months in Egypt.  The adult and his family did not become ill but the children that died had all eaten at his home.

My favorite is Typhoid Mary from long ago, she was a carrier of the disease and not ill herself.  She was a cook by trade and it took awhile to track her down as everywhere she worked the customers were dropping like flys.     She was hauled before the Court and forbidden to work at her trade ever again.

Poor Mary, no way to make a living she went back to cooking.  This time the Court had her placed in prison for life.

Today we have the news about hundreds of people becoming ill because a food handlers has some kind of communicable disease.   Food recalls for tainted produce.    The times do not change that much, as long as we allow people into the country that have had no physical or health records, allow our own Americans to work with food, Nursing, teaching ETC. without as much as a TB test-----darn, they say it's candy but it's snot.