Author Topic: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?  (Read 1066 times)

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Offline thundley4

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9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« on: June 10, 2008, 08:35:43 AM »
These guys have sank to a new low.


A political activist group is sending letters and DVDs to U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq
telling them 9/11 was an inside job

San Diego, CA – A group of over three thousand political activists are planning to send letters to soldiers stationed in Iraq telling them that America is largely to blame for the 9/11 attacks.

“We support the troops in their efforts to protect the Iraqi people, but want them to know the real reason they have put themselves in harms way,” explains Mark Dice, founder of The Resistance, a Christian media watch dog group based in San Diego.

Dice is urging people in his organization and others to write letters to soldiers in Iraq and explain the evidence that the 9/11 attacks were aided by corrupt U.S. officials for political purposes. According to a 2006 Scripts Howard News Service poll, 36 percent of Americans believe that elements within the U.S. government purposely allowed the attacks to happen, or aided the terrorists to ensure the attacks.

“I personally know U.S. Marines who believe 9/11 was an inside job, and they tell me that many Marines suspect that this is the case but are afraid to speak up out of fear of punishment,” says Dice.

“I don’t want the soldiers who are risking their lives in Iraq to be used as pawns in the creation of the New World Order.”

“We want U.S. troops to know that we care about them and are doing our best to make sure that they don’t have to risk their lives based on false pretenses,” concludes Dice.

Aside from writing letters and sending declassified documents to the troops, The Resistance is encouraging people to send DVDs to soldiers, since some of them have access to portable DVD players and computers. Recommended DVDs are Loose Change: Final Cut, Terror Storm, and 9/11 Press for Truth.

People can register for free at and will then be given a specific soldiers name and the address to send your materials to. Also check churches online or in your area, because many have similar programs.

Dice has handed out over 1000 free DVDs of the documentary film Loose Change at college campuses in southern California, and had a highly publicized confrontation with actor Danny Bonnaduce on the streets of Hollywood where Bonnaduce almost attacked him for saying 9/11 was an inside job. His activism will be featured in Alex Jones' new film 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising, which will be released on DVD July 4th and available for free on Google Video.

The Resistance is an international media watchdog organization with over 3000 members. They have made international news for rebuking various Hollywood celebrities for their ridiculous behavior, including Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, 50 Cent, Tom Cruise and others. They recently launched a boycott of Starbucks saying the company’s retro logo looks like a prostitute with her legs spread, and called the company “Slutbucks.”

# # #


Mark Dice


Offline DixieBelle

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Re: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 09:54:28 AM »
This is disgusting. Especially since their website name so closely resembles a legitimate solider support organization at

I just went to the link mentioned in the article - nowhere do I see anything about sending truther materials. In fact, it looks pretty legit and 100% supportive of our military. I wonder if the folks that run that site know what this clown is doing?
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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Offline thundley4

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Re: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 10:36:29 AM »
This is disgusting. Especially since their website name so closely resembles a legitimate solider support organization at

I just went to the link mentioned in the article - nowhere do I see anything about sending truther materials. In fact, it looks pretty legit and 100% supportive of our military. I wonder if the folks that run that site know what this clown is doing?

I think he is just using the adoptaussoldier site for getting the addresses of personnel to send this crap to.

"People can register for free at and will then be given a specific soldiers name and the address to send your materials to. Also check churches online or in your area, because many have similar programs. "

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Re: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 10:37:44 AM »
^yes, that's just wrong IMO.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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U.S. troops serving in Iraq may be getting more letters during mail call, but they won't be care packages — one group is sending them letters and DVDs claiming 9/11 was an “inside job” and that they should rethink why they’re fighting.

Mark Dice, founder of The Resistance, which he calls a media watchdog group, says that the U.S. government was responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and that the armed forces should know it.

“People want the facts. The Marines are hungry for the truth — what got them there [in Iraq], why are they risking their lives — and we’re going to help them understand that,” he told FOX News.

Dice plans to send letters and declassified government documents that he says can prove the government’s responsibility for the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people — and he’s urging others to do the same.

But not everyone is thrilled that troops on the front lines may be bombarded by mail from Dice, a conspiracy theorist who believes that Freemasons worship Satan and that “the United States military has built enormous underground cities for the political elite.”


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Since when did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11?

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A merging would probably be more in order, since the topic was already covered, not this exact story.  And only Globals or Admins can do that as far as I'm aware.
"Chuck Norris once had sex in an 18 wheeler. Some of his semen dripped onto the engine. We now call that truck Optimus Prime."

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Re: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2008, 05:29:59 PM »
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: 9/11 Troofers sending troops letters?
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2008, 08:24:47 PM »
Sick ****s all I can say.  :bird:
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