Author Topic: DUmbass says we're weighing him down, holding him back (w/ liberal racism)  (Read 615 times)

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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Any other day it: "You're keeping all the money for yourself!"

After trying those new mushrooms from Mexico we get:

MannyGoldstein (18,569 posts)

If blue states seceded we'd have great health care at half the cost

Last edited Tue Aug 7, 2012, 06:32 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

 because we could have Medicare for all or some other world-class health care system. Which would make stuff cost 8% less, because that's how much more we pay for goods here thanks to bloated health care costs.
And we'd stop subsidizing the red states big time, like we do now. And have a living minimum wage. And actually tax big corporations and the rich. And all of the other things modern industrialized Democracies have.
And the red states could have their fabulous Somalian paradise. And the lying rich predators that want to cut Social Security can do it: but not to me or other right-thinking people.
Why do we put up with this?

Democrats in red states could come live in the blue states. And we should probably take the infirm, if they want to come, as it may not go well for them when they have the "freedom" to fend for themselves. But Third Wayers can stay in the red states and triangulate away. In fact, they can take our Third Wayers and a grand triangulation orgy could ensue, it would be wonderful to behold. From a distance.

He might as well say, "Michael Moore leaves wife of 30 years; hits college nymph circuit" or "Cathy Griffin sinks lifesavings into new autobiopic filmed entirely as a playful romp set in a nudist/swingers colony."

Egalitarian Thug (2,553 posts)

15. You seem to have missed the point. Manny never suggested or implied force.

If you think living with the delusional brain-dead is worthwhile, fine. Enjoy it and them. More power to you.
OTOH, forcing those of that are still somewhat sane to bow to the demands of irrational idiots is wearing very thin. We recognize that we would be far better off without them and would welcome the opportunity to escape the crazy that you seem to enjoy so much.
Besides, consider what happens with the passage of time. In less than 20 years the only people left in Hell-on-Earth (I picked the name for your nation, do you like it?) would be the people that lack the basic understanding required to maintain any community. How long do you think it would be before they would be begging to be let back in?
Give it 100 years and Hell-on-Earth will be nearly empty and ready for colonization.

mom2threegirls (10 posts)

32. While I don't brings up the entire point of universal heath care...

If only some states had universal care, then people with chronic illnesses and pre-existing conditions would tend to move to those states, thus making the whole pool "sicker", and greatly increasing the expense. Universal healthcare works because only a small segment of the population needs serious health care at any given time. You need good well to sick ratio to keep expenses under control.

BanTheGOP (822 posts)

45. We would HAVE to charge a near-100% exit tax on the rich, though

Many of the republicanist rich bastarards may be tempted to leave for Texas or other KKK-ville states, so we have to ensure they don't take their wealth with them that rightfully belongs to us. Otherwise, if all the rich leave without leaving us their wealth, then we will have a difficult time. Obtaining their wealth is absolutely essential for our progressive society to work.

"100% exit tax"

Just have the balls to say "confiscate because I want."

Ter (3,589 posts)

46. I pray every day for secession

Hopefully it happens in my lifetime.

Somebody [else] should do something!

RZM (7,323 posts)

48. Here's something that will make heads spin

If the blue states seceded and invited the Democrats from the Red states, that would mean the movement of millions of black people, many of them poor, from the south to the north.
Call me crazy, but I'm going to guess that many Democrats in the blue states would privately take a somewhat dim view of this, especially the notion of sending their kids to schools that all of a sudden received an injection of poor black kids from the south. Few here are going to react well to my assertion, but deep down you know I'm right.
In the end you would end up recreating the same divisions we already have, but just on a smaller scale. Best to leave things as they are and work with what we've got.

I wonder if he just called-out kpete?

Egalitarian Thug (2,553 posts)

53. Why would you assume that this dedicated progressive nation would handle, or more

accurately not handle, this problem in the same way that the "Old America" did?

Also, there are far more poor white people in the south than poor black people.

RZM (7,323 posts)

54. That depends on where you're talking about

Mississippi is about 40 percent black. And since blacks tend to be poorer than whites, that means that more than 40 percent of Mississippi's poor are black people.
Obviously Democrats deal with the poor better than Republicans do. But if you think white Democrats are all about a huge infusion of black people into their worlds, you're mistaken.

Egalitarian Thug (2,553 posts)

55. No, you're right about that. I think white liberal racism is worse than the old fashioned

conservative racism. At least with those guys you know where you stand.

In this fantasy however, it is possible to implement ideas that are known to work.

JoeyT (3,505 posts)

57. +1

I foresee a HUGE uptick in the number of what we'll politely call "Private Schools" in the new Bluetopia.
And they'll be the same thing "Private School" means in the South. "I don't want my kids going to school with minorities, so I'm willing to fork over a staggering amount of money to ensure they aren't."

And then there's this thing from this guy:

Skidmore (27,049 posts)

59. Secession talk just makes my blood boil.

Sounds like teabagger concrete thinking. It is an easy thing to toss out there when people have forgotten how to work together. We are one nation and should behave like it.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 08:00:36 AM by SGT Snuggle Bunny »
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Carl

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BanTheGOP (822 posts)

45. We would HAVE to charge a near-100% exit tax on the rich, though

Many of the republicanist rich bastarards may be tempted to leave for Texas or other KKK-ville states, so we have to ensure they don't take their wealth with them that rightfully belongs to us. Otherwise, if all the rich leave without leaving us their wealth, then we will have a difficult time. Obtaining their wealth is absolutely essential for our progressive society to work.

In other words "we can`t produce it ourselves so we have to confiscate it"
Trouble is DUmbass...look at Europe,sooner or later the pot of gold is empty.

Offline Chris_

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we have to ensure they don't take their wealth with them that rightfully belongs to us.
HA HA HA HA HA!! :rofl:  :rotf: :rofl:
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Karin

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Doesn't Ban sound like a money-grubbing, selfish, grabby, spoiled child?  Kind of like Veruca Salt.

Manny's plan says that, in order to move to the Blutopia, you have to have a "binding vote" to "accept our policies."  There was some pushback. 

Response to Egalitarian Thug (Reply #15)
Tue Aug 7, 2012, 08:25 PM
 cherokeeprogressive (13,104 posts)
31. I hate to break this to you but...

there are people in your neighborhood, city, county, and state who fit your definition of delusional and brain-dead. I'm assuming that definition is anyone who doesn't agree with you, of course.

What do you do about those people? Deport them to Hell on Earth?

The Thug insults Texas:

Egalitarian Thug (2,553 posts)
37. Hmmm, 3,600,000 out of 26,600,000... 14% of the population...

No, I think it is much easier for you to move out of there. I mean really, nothing has changed for centuries down there, so where's the upside? Why should we continue to expend the vast resources your state sucks up while returning nothing but the occasional exceptional individual and an endless supply of grief and stupidity.
   :bird:  **** you, and I'm a New Yorker, asshole. 

Offline wasp69

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Doesn't Ban sound like a money-grubbing, selfish, grabby, spoiled child?  Kind of like Veruca Salt.

No, he sounds more like a national socialist from the 1930's.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline NHSparky

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45. We would HAVE to charge a near-100% exit tax on the rich, though

And yet despite showing him where such a thing would basically blow up in his face, he refuses to accept reality.

Newsflash for ya, DUmmies--most of the people who left Europe a century ago came here with NOTHING--basically, what little they had they either sold or had taken from them by the state, i.e., your "100% exit tax" in reality.

Yet these people hauled themselves up (with little to no help from the government, mind you) to turn this nation into the economic, military, etc., powerhouse it is today.

And we'll do it again, and watch those of you who sit on your asses and expect shit to be handed to you languish and die miserable deaths.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline Duchess

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LOL, I wish the DUmbazzes would just TRY to make all the well-armed, locked-and-loaded conservatives just "hand over" their own wealth and all the infrastructure in the red states that they consider "rightfully theirs". They'd get a quick lesson on why we say the Second Amendment is the bulwark of our other rights. He doesn't seriously believe that wealthy people on the right would just hand their hard-earned or legally inherited wealth over to him just because he wants it, I hope? Boy, that's leftist ideology at its essence-"What's yours is mine just because I want it"-the philosophy of a thief.