Author Topic: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take  (Read 609 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Oh my.

Too bad.

cali (72,424 posts)

The next 3 months are really going to suck. big time.

The ugly underbelly of racism, bigotry, hate and lies are going to be right up in our faces thanks to rMoney, repukes, Citizen's United and the xian right. The complicit MSM will do virtually nothing to call out this stinking garbage.

This is going to be the ugliest election season of my lifetime by leaps and bounds.

It's hard to take.

elleng (32,999 posts)

1. Yes cali, you're right.

We'll have to take a LOT of deep breaths, and work very hard.

Lint Head (8,958 posts)

3. Thank God for Xanax.

It's already been ridiculously bigoted and racist. It will get worse. I am going to immerse myself into finishing some songs I'm writing.

Texasgal (11,992 posts)

4. I feel like diving under the covers with a good crime novel and wait until it is over. Ugh.

dogknob (815 posts)

5. Yes. War is ugly.

And that's what this is.

You and I have discussed this in the past.

JanetLovesObama (99 posts)

6. Used to it.

I've gotten so used to the hate and bigotry towards President Obama and his family these past 5 years I just brush it off now. I live in Texas. The shock is long gone.

cali (72,424 posts)

10. I live in Vermont

We may be the whitest state but Vermonters support President Obama more than the voters in any other state with the possible exception of Hawaii.

randome (5,361 posts)

7. After the first debate, I think we'll all feel better.

MrSlayer (19,047 posts)

8. It already sucks.

I'm suffering from political fatigue already. Battling so many stupid people day in and day out is getting to me. I might need to take off for awhile.

jwirr (20,048 posts)

9. I have always hated the election season but I actually fear this one. The other side has abandoned all pretense to any kind of ethical behavior.

dtom67 (146 posts)

14. Hear ya...

the worst part is that people seem to flock to this ugly hate-crap.

but I still have hope that they are just a very loud and visible minority.

I've never understood why people need a TV commercial or some preacher to tell them how to vote.

**** 'em.

The defrocked warped primitive, who's as mean as (and as ugly as) a snake:

Warpy (63,995 posts)

11. The ads are already starting to creep into National Geo and Science and even Ovation. Soon the set will be tuned to TCM and nothing else and if they're playing shite, I'll listen to net radio or watch DVDs. I knew it was coming. I've stripped Costco of all their BBC sets of literature vids. Or I'll see if PBS is doing their interminable fundraising and if not, watch them for a while.

This is likely to be the worst election advertising season ever.

dogknob (815 posts)

12. And thanks to people like you it may soon be Ostrich Season.

Get out of the bubble.

The ugly old snake hisses again:

Warpy (63,995 posts)

16. I sense no profit in hanging my nose over a cesspit to see if it stinks.

I know it does.

Your mileage may vary.

dogknob (815 posts)

19. We need to win by a margin so large that not even Diebold can "fix" it.

That's going to involve more than sticking around here all the time talking about how we're right and they're wrong.

True, there are many who will always see any hard, verifiable evidence as lefty propaganda.

It's the people who say they "don't do politics" who need to be reached. Often.

It's hard, it's frustrating, and sometimes the sense of futility can be overwhelming. That's why I have DU to keep me going in the real world.

And I frankly don't care if you have 8 million posts to my 800. An ostrich is an ostrich.

Try this out on your don't-do-politics friends: "It's up to you to decide who the bad guys are, but by doing nothing you are definitely helping them."

rocktivity (34,517 posts)

13. Fortunately, it looks like Obama's going to fight back, so we'd better ready, too.

View profile

They want a class/woman war? Let's give 'em one!

I'm fired up and ready to go, with claws sprung and sharpened --

Jessy169 (184 posts)

15. The one enjoyable aspect of this election so far has been watching Mitt the Twit making a complete ass out of himself. The Romney three-country foreign gaffe-a-thon tour kept me laughing and the cartoonists busy the whole time. As much as I also hate the despicable appeals to racism and the lies and other loathesome politics coming from the Repubican side, the humorous "silver lining" to this cloud has been watching Romney self-destruct. From the looks of it, the "fun" is just beginning. So yeah, very ugly, very disturbing -- but try looking on the "bright side". Keep the sense of humor going and we'll make it through November.

toddwv (1,837 posts)

17. Eh...

I frequent an online discussion site ( that is teeming with right-wingers.

The dregs of humanity surface when they are given the shroud of anonymity that the internet provides and it is UGLY... 365/52/24/7.

So I'm not surprised at all when the most base elements of society peek out from underneath their rocks.

elfin (3,950 posts)

18. I am only watching via DVR to skip the hate

Have long ago checked out of many "news" programs in favor of Stewart, Colbert and Charlie Rose.

Hit DU and NYT etc via Internet in the AM to see if there is a reason to turn on the TV for breaking news that is truly important.

Might check out Charlie on CBS AM, and flicker into MIka and Joe until my agitation levels obviate my blood pressure med.

Then on to classical music for the PT/exercise routine.

I already know I support the Dems, so don't need or appreciate another hyper view that makes me crazy.

Fumesucker (26,348 posts)

20. Wait until Obama wins..

This is nothing, the right wing is going to go so far off into the weeds it'll make today's insanity seem quaint..

JDPriestly (32,584 posts)

21. That is because the stakes are so high.

This is one of the most important elections ever. The elections seem to grow in importance as the country is torn apart.

derby378 (26,970 posts)

22. OR...

...the next three months could be the Democratic Party's finest season since 1994.

We have three months to get our Democratic candidates elected to the US house as well as the state legislatures. My House candidate is Katherine Savers McGovern, who is looking to unseat Pete Sessions. My state lege candidate is Carol Kent, former state legislator and daughter of an old friend, who is running against an inexperienced Republican candidate for an open seat.

Let's face it - things aren't going to get any better if Barack Obama wins a second term but the House remains in the hands of the Tea Party, which is making life hell in Texas for anyone making less than $250K per year. Obama needs some love, sure, but not at the expense of our House, Senate, and state candidates.

We have three months to work for everyone on our ticket. We can do this.

fadedrose (4,542 posts)

23. I dunno....I recall one year that wasn't a picnic

I watched the Chicago Democratic Convention when Sen. Eugene McCarthy was running against...guess what...I forget who he was running against. Mayor Daily had cops all over the street because of the rioters who were being beaten and jailed left and right, and this wasn't Republicans against Dems - it was Dem/lefts against Dem/rights in the convention hall itself as well. Need some help here, what year, anyone? While you're at it, what were they fighting about? I forget that too.

I still remember the closing night when they showed the streets sad, empty, and battle-littered, and NBC played Frank Sinatra's "Chicago."

Oh, not anywhere near as dramatic, but memorable all the same, when Jimmie Carter won the Dem nomination, Sen. Edward Kennedy who also had been running refused to shake the hand Carter extended to him on stage at the celebration of his victory.

In fact, I can't think of a peaceful election....I sort of remember the Supreme Court and a lot of people going cross-eyed in Florida counting chads.

If you say that this will be the worst, I don't know if the party/country can take anything worse.

But I agree with you, it will be bad...

SHRED (9,286 posts)

24. The MSM makes money off this garbage... why should they question it?

SleeplessinSoCal (838 posts)

25. So glad to live in a blue state. I pity the battleground states.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2012, 08:30:01 PM »
jwirr (20,048 posts)

9. I have always hated the election season but I actually fear this one. The other side has abandoned all pretense to any kind of ethical behavior.

This proves you are insane.

Offline vesta111

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2012, 08:50:51 PM »
We are talking about the Chicago problem in say 1968   ????

Only thing I remember from that time was the Doors and their Common baby light my fire.-------- I was to busy changing diapers to pay attention to politics at the time.  However I did watch the nightly news and  had no one to discuss this with.   

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 08:52:37 PM »
It's hard, it's frustrating, and sometimes the sense of futility can be overwhelming. That's why I have DU to keep me going in the real world.
Fascinating, because DU does the opposite to normal people.

Offline jukin

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 08:54:48 PM »
I agree, if only the 0bama regime would run a positive campaign on all of his accomplishments in his first term. 0bama cannot so this will be the ugliest, most racist, and divisive presidential campaign in our history. My HOPE is that Mitt understands this unlike McCain whom was the victim of the formerly most ugliest, most racist, and divisive presidential campaign in our history.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Carl

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2012, 09:02:01 PM »
jwirr (20,048 posts)

9. I have always hated the election season but I actually fear this one. The other side has abandoned all pretense to any kind of ethical behavior.

The irony meter just spun itself apart.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive finds it hard to take
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 09:08:25 PM »
Hey Cali!
Maybe you could frequent conservative boards and claim the polling places are infested with earwigs.
It worked so well with Republicans before, right?