Author Topic: 5 Signs the United States Is Undergoing a Coup - James Fallows  (Read 1216 times)

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NRaleighLiberal (22,182 posts)

5 Signs the United States Is Undergoing a Coup - James Fallows

Last edited Sun Jun 24, 2012, 10:47 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)


First, a presidential election is decided by five people, who don't even try to explain their choice in normal legal terms.

Then the beneficiary of that decision appoints the next two members of the court, who present themselves for consideration as restrained, humble figures who care only about law rather than ideology.

Once on the bench, for life, those two actively second-guess and re-do existing law, to advance the interests of the party that appointed them.

Meanwhile their party's representatives in the Senate abuse procedural rules to an extent never previously seen to block legislation -- and appointments, especially to the courts.

And, when a major piece of legislation gets through, the party's majority on the Supreme Court prepares to negate it -- even though the details of the plan were originally Republican proposals and even though the party's presidential nominee endorsed these concepts only a few years ago.


a sobering read.

Here's a question that seriously needs to be asked, why is it fine and dandy when the SC strikes down laws passed in AZ, yet if and it's a big IF the same SC strikes down 0bamacare that it is treason or some such nonsense?

nadinbrzezinski (105,349 posts)
1. And some of us have said this is going on for a few years

here, and got laughed at...

We are also in the middle of a cold, very cold, civil war... hey Tweety even stole my line there.

Everyone laughs at you Nads. Partly because of your silly beliefs, but mainly because of how you "know" everything.

TeamPooka (79 posts)
4. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away forever.

General Tagge: But that's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line.
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Response to TeamPooka (Reply #4)Mon Jun 25, 2012, 01:40 PM
 freshwest (14,066 posts)
83. Lucas was warning us.

Yeah warning us of 0bama, he has practically dissolved the Senate.

JDPriestly (31,936 posts)
8. Nearly everything that Nixon was accused of is now legal or commonplace.

Rachel Maddow does a good job of explaining this in her book, Drift.

It's a great book.

And 0bama is actively doing that, and you goons cheer.

coalition_unwilling (10,711 posts)
53. Bush did not 'win' in 2000. Bush was not 'elected' in 2000. Bush

was installed at the end of a bloodless coup d'etat.

Gore in 2000 violated the first law of American politics: lock down your base before you move to the center. Instead, Gore took his base for granted and moved to the center. No wonder Gore's base failed to see much difference between him and the Boy King.

Finally, Gore 'conceded' the election. No one held a gun to Gore's head and forced him to concede, IIRC. He should have denounced the Supreme Court's decision and called for a mass general strike. Why didn't he do so??????

Stop blaming me for Gore's pathetic ineptitude. N.B. I voted for Gore in 2000.

What is with them and mass general strikes?

Here we are 12 years later and they are still whining about Bush winning in 2000.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: 5 Signs the United States Is Undergoing a Coup - James Fallows
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 06:03:58 PM »
The Crazy is strong in that one...
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Re: 5 Signs the United States Is Undergoing a Coup - James Fallows
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 07:53:41 PM »
The Crazy is strong in that one...

I think their last "general strike" netted three guys from a used record store & a girl from Wendy's (she actually took a sick day).  Every one else there was already unemployed.

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Re: 5 Signs the United States Is Undergoing a Coup - James Fallows
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2012, 08:58:03 PM »
I think their last "general strike" netted three guys from a used record store & a girl from Wendy's (she actually took a sick day).  Every one else there was already unemployed.

They probably do more damage when they are actually working then when they strike.
nine eleven is a car
nine one one is an emergency service
September 11, 2001 was an attack
Never Forget, or Minimize.