Author Topic: Concerning the "No blood" video  (Read 282 times)

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Concerning the "No blood" video
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:47:21 AM »
What is important about this video isn't what it shows but rather what it reveals.

When reports first started to trickle-out that Martin may have initiated a physical assault against Zimmerman DU and the usual suspects started screaming "It doesn't matter! It's immaterial!" Mostly their refutations were the usual emotional pablum but the occassional semi-lucid response centered on "a shooting is overreaction to a fist pummeling." I'm not going to get into that argument because that is not germane at the moment.

What is important is the fact that as soon as the "No blood" video made its appearance these same voices suddenly started trumpeting what they purport it shows concerning an absence of physical evidence of Zimmerman having been subject to an assault.

Wait a minute!

Earlier they were claiming a potential physical assault was immaterial. It didn't matter if Martin punched Zimmerman. It didn't matter if Zimmerman had his nose broken or his head repeatedly slammed against the ground, we were told Zimmerman had no legal right to Martin, period, end of statement.

But now we're told that the absence of visibile injuries does matter.

But you must keep in mind, this is only the initial viewing of the video. There are a lot more details to be had from statements by EMS to the cops at the scene and even a more detailed examination of the video itself.

If--and there is always an if, especially in this story--some later examination of the evidence reveals Zimmerman did in fact have injuries, only injuries not readily apparent in the video, then those seeking Zimmerman's head will have left themselves exposed. They will be on record of claiming the presence or absence of injuries does in fact make a world of difference.

If the contemporaneous reports reaffirm Zimmerman was injured the case will unravel faster than the initial reports Martin was a 13-year old, fresh-faced honors student.

This is the on-going pattern for liberals. rmember the Duke LaCrosse case was the archetypical white privileged college kids raping the poor plantation slave? Remember Joe Stack crashing his plane into the IRS building was the archetypical Tea party tax protester? Remember how Zimmerman was the achetypical white Republican?

Keep watching.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."