Author Topic: It’s about to get very dirty  (Read 291 times)

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Offline CG6468

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It’s about to get very dirty
« on: November 15, 2011, 08:07:45 AM »
It’s about to get very dirty

Posted on 12 November 2011. Tags: Karen Kwiatkowski

It’s about to get very dirty

A full week before before the baseless allegations against Herman came out, I tweeted to be prepared for something like it to happen. Well, let me share with you how I believe the next round of attacks will play out.

First of all, I have been saying since March of 2009, that as unbelievable as it may sound, the Republican hierarchy does not want to win this election. That’s right, they do not. We have seen acts of betrayal, and sabotaging in local races across the country, and that is why they’re going to do everything possible to tear down Herman Cain.

It is no accident that these accusations happened when they did. The argument that you are going to hear, that these things aren’t being said about the other candidates, is bogus and the talking heads know it. There is dirt on Newt that is wheeled out everytime he even approaches a political position and it will be brought up again. Perry has already been damaged and there is no chance under the sun that they would let him beat Romney, and Obama will slice, dice, and fillet Romney. The very same reasons that make Romney unacceptable to true conservatives and Tea Party people are what makes him dead meat against Obama. And you can bet if Ron Paul and Rick Santorum had even a remotely distant chance of winning the primary, there would be dirt out on them, including allegations of sexual impropriety. Or do people not remember the ugliness about Rick’s one staff member? Funny how that found it’s way into the topic of campaign conversation the year Planned Parenthood, et al, determined he had to lose.

ABOUT to get dirty?
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

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Re: It’s about to get very dirty
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 06:11:41 PM »

I am not so sure it is not already that way.  I also feel that Hillary is really lurking in the weeds.  It could get just as bad on the other side.

Saw a poll today that an unnamed Republican beats Obama hands down.  Obama beats Newt.  Well it is about time for the unnamed Republican to step forward.

Also, I think a lot of conservatives like Newt more than folks realize.
