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Offline Janice

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The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« on: July 03, 2011, 08:57:47 AM »

The look of a totalitarian

Obama's Final Solution

President Barack Obama is the most dogmatic and dangerous leftist we have ever seen in this country. He is not hard to understand.  Obama is very simple. All his ideas were frozen in concrete a hundred years ago by Marxist-Leninism around 1920. In Dreams from My Father, Obama celebrates third-world Socialism, but that's just Marxist-Leninism with a racial overlay.  Obama's ideas are all old and discredited. They have failed from the Soviets to Cambodia. North Korea is facing another mass famine today, so terrible that it can't even feed its own army. That is yet another failure of Marxist-Leninism. Over and over and over again. For radicals it doesn't matter. You have to break a lot of eggs to make that omelet.

Just as Jimmy Carter kicked over the Shah, a crucial pillar of support for American and Israeli security thirty years ago, Obama has just done with Egypt. By forcing Mubarak to resign, Obama has sabotaged the Egypt-Israel peace treaty of the last 30 years.

Turkey has also radicalized, and nobody in the American media seems to be taking notice. They must know the facts, but they are not telling us.

The United States is standing by or actively sabotaging the moderate Arab states while Turkey and Egypt fall into the "Death to Israel!" camp. Those are the three biggest states, with three of the most modern armies in the Muslim world. It means that some 200 million people from moderate or friendly states have joined the rejectionist camp, and that Obama has actually reversed the progress toward peace made in 30 years.

>>> Carter is now a Hamas and Hezb'allah supporter. The only formal peace treaty of the last 30 years will be a dead letter if the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Egypt.

The window of opportunity for attacking Iran's fast-moving nuclear and missile development has now closed. This is equivalent to the Allies in World War II allowing Hitler to develop nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.  In the field of nuclear proliferation, if you don't preempt, you are enabling proliferation. Obama has now reversed sixty years of American and Western efforts to reverse rogue nuclear proliferation. The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn.

Read that sentence again if you didn't quite get it the first time, because it's the biggest, wildest gamble an American president has ever taken.

It is a world catastrophe, and as far as I can tell, it has been done with malice aforethought.

At the same time, Obama has demanded, in public, that Israel give up defensible borders. >>>

In the worst case, Obama is prepared to see the violent destruction of Israel. That's what he is gambling with, along with a giant hole in NATO defenses in the eastern Mediterranean and Europe. Obama is a high-stakes gambler with other people's lives. >>>

One rational choice open to Israel is to defy Obama and attack Iran directly -- Iran being the most suicidal regime since World War II Japan. Throughout human history there has never been a suicidal ideology equipped with nuclear weapons and missiles. In the next six months it will probably happen. When it does, the United States will do nothing. The Arabs will go nuclear to protect themselves against Iran's Shiite imperialism armed with a martyrdom creed and Armageddon weapons.

Since Israel's nuclear weapons are only to be used as a last resort, it is possible that Israel will turn them against its most dangerous and suicidal tormentor, Iran. With thirty years to prepare, no doubt Israel has thoroughly explored that Samson Option. However, Obama is quite capable of using the US military to protect Iranian nuclear weapons, rather than trying to stamp them out.

Nuclear proliferation to the Arab states is now a certainty. The Sunni Arabs are far more afraid of Iranian aggression than they fear Israel.  Israel has no aggressive intentions, and they all know it. The Arabs never felt they needed nukes before. But when Iran gets its nukes and missiles, the Saudis and Gulf Arabs will import them from Pakistan, possibly along with Pakistani army units in case of Iranian ground invasion. >>>

This is Obama's Final Solution to the Jewish problem. Charles Krauthammer has defined it eloquently, but not completely.

Israel is now surrounded by lethal enemies on all sides. Egypt has collapsed. Lebanon has surrendered to Hezb'allah. Iran and Syria are in cahoots to achieve Khomeini's absolutist aims. Israel's Mediterranean coast is now threatened by Chinese anti-ship missiles, and its two lifeline ports are vulnerable to a blockade. Even Jordan is in the grip of a struggle among radical Islamists, Bedouins, and Palestinians. If all of Israel's enemies launched their missiles at the same time, the only option for Israel would be to go nuclear.

If Obama wanted to deliberately sabotage American power and Western security in the Middle East, he could have done nothing more destructive. What Obama has done to the American economy, he has now done to the Middle East. >>>

What we are seeing today with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin today is a "high-tech lynching," >>> Keep that in mind, because that's who these people are. They don't lynch people by accident, but with a very clear purpose. They are ruthless, and they have no decency >>>

Media lynchings create an atmosphere of fear by hanging specific scapegoats from a tree. Watch it happen to Palin, Bachmann, Herman Cain, and everybody who becomes uppity against Obama. That is how the left aims to win a second term that Obama desperately wants. >>>

For Obama, America and Israel should not exist. They get in the way of his utopian nightmares. That's Obama's Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.

It's also his solution to every other problem. >>>

Free nations and free faiths are still the targets of the totalitarian left, because America and Israel prove them wrong every day they survive and thrive, and make life better for millions of people. The signs now look more dangerous than they have in the last sixty years.  The totalitarian left is on the march again, with Islamic radicalism as its ally.

Israel's fate is therefore our own future as well.

Perfect timing for the Marxist in Chief ... as there is no "leadership" to be found in the so called opposing party to counter balance this historic lunacy ... lunatic ..
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

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Offline rich_t

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2011, 09:49:53 AM »
Wouldn't it be wonderful if after the '12 elections if the Republicans had enough Congressional seats and the SPINE to impeach the bastard?

A guy can dream right?
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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 10:43:26 AM »
Soetoro will do absolutely nothing to rein in Iranian efforts to become a nuclear power. He may speak of sanctions but that is hollow meaningless rhetoric and all the world knows it. With both Russia and China openly stating they will not participate or otherwise support such sanctions against Iran Soetoro's words are only air.
No one knows this better than Israel. No one has reason for greater fear of a nuclear Iran than Israel. In light of the actions taken against Israel by Soetoro and inactions not taken, the Israelis know where they stand. They have a front row seat to the "Arab spring" unfolding all around them, particularly in Egypt on their very doorstep and in Libya.
They have no doubt kept a keen eye on the reactions and bungling inactions of the leader of the free world concerning these developments and in light of Soetoro's openly calling for a return to Israel's 1947 borders they are soberly aware how completely alone they truly are in the eye of the storm. They know who's side he is on.

With all of this unfolding and nowhere to look for support Israel will IMHO act in its own defense with Operation Opera II, a sequel of 1981, this time in Iran. They have no choice. The situation in the middle east in 1981 was very different than the middle east of today. The region was much more stable then, as much as it ever could be anyway, and a massive tremor such as unleashed by the Israelis with Operation Opera was a calculated risk with a reasonably optimistic outcome, the entire region did not erupt in chaos and at the time Israel could count on the unwavering support of the United States. As surprised and initially angry as President Reagan was at the time he was solidly in support of Israel.

The present situation in the region is very different today. Israel knows it is surrounded by enemies and short on friends. They also are no doubt aware that in light of proposed U.S. troop draw downs in the region and the feverish pace with which the Iranians are advancing their agenda that the time for action is nigh. Once the strike is made, successful or not, the Persian Gulf will become a rattled hornet's nest. Iranian President I'minajihad is emboldened by the fact that he knows Soetoro may be at least sympathetic to Islam and at worst a paper tiger. He will attempt to slam the Gulf shut to commerce, halting the flow of oil through the region. With U.S. forces stretched thin, an empty shirt in the White House and the fact the U.S. no longer has the 600 ship Navy built up by President Reagan, he has a reasonable chance of local success. $10/gal gas, anyone? This will play hell with world markets.

The Chinese would like nothing better. At a time when the U.S. Dollar is doing the dead guppy float and Beijing is holding a Royal Flush it will be a near run thing for the Dollar to remain the world's reserve currency and holding sway over the oil markets. IOW, we may be very close to being very ****ed.

I was born during the Johnson Administration and during the whole of my lifetime I do not believe America has been more wanting for decisive leadership. The Israelis have never been more alone or more threatened, I believe they will act sooner than later. They have no other choice.

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Offline Janice

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 09:48:31 PM »
Of course Obama agrees with and believes in Black Liberation Theology so naturally he would have a Jewish problem. So now as the article above points out: Obama has now reversed sixty years of American and Western efforts to reverse rogue nuclear proliferation. The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn.

I am so sick of the spineless republicans (leadership) pandering to this evil being.

Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

Obama is bankrupting the American Republic

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2011, 10:24:11 PM »
Strong article
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2011, 03:55:01 AM »
Help me understand again how exactly this is the Messiah's doing -- and I honestly wish I had a dollar for every time I have seen an article that Iran is "days" away from producing a nuclear weapon.   This time from the Daily India no less.  Do they have it?   No idea whatsoever.

GWB didn't act, and he didn't allow Israel to act.  Israel's intel doesn't have the finger over the red button quite yet (when their country is facing total destruction they aren't waiting around for a mother-may-I from the UN security council that is for damn sure).   Will Obama assist should Israel make a suicide run at Iran's facilities?   Hard to tell, but I am going to lean towards maybe.    GB certainly will. 

Meh, Iran is freakin EU's problem.   They need to show some leadership here.   

Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2011, 04:04:33 AM »
Russia and China joined Western powers Thursday in telling Iran its “consistent failure” to comply with UN resolutions “deepened concerns” about possible military dimensions to its nuclear program.

The United States, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and China issued the statement a day after Iran said it would triple production of high-grade uranium and shift it to an underground bunker that would be protected from possible U.S. or Israeli air strikes.

The United States and Israel have not ruled out military action to knock out Iranian nuclear assets if diplomacy fails to resolve the eight-year-old dispute.

Nuclear Iran is not in China and Russia's best interest.

Israel makes a run, they are not going alone.  The US will assist.   I think I could have told them about 8 years ago that the EU's attempts at diplomacy will and has failed.

Move it along to the next stage kids and put this one to bed.

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2011, 04:20:57 AM »

Nuclear Iran is not in China and Russia's best interest.

Israel makes a run, they are not going alone.  The US will assist.   I think I could have told them about 8 years ago that the EU's attempts at diplomacy will and has failed.

Move it along to the next stage kids and put this one to bed.

FL, I tend to think that the French would be right there with the Israelis, before the US.
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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2011, 04:34:40 AM »
FL, I tend to think that the French would be right there with the Israelis, before the US.

The US controls the air space over Iraq, which Israel needs or their pilots will indeed be doing a suicide run.   They also would require our tankers to refuel them (although I think I recall reading Israel has tanker capabilities, unsure), and our rescue assist.    France would assist certainly and may do the run with them, but our USAF and Navy would play a rather large and significant role in this mission should it happen.   Just my very layman, non-military opinion.

Offline Janice

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2011, 05:42:05 AM »
With the fox in charge of the hen house, the only "assist" the US will be doing, under our current "management" (whether by chance or by design) will be for the eradication of Israel. We have a President and a party happily presiding over the decline (and by default, the demise) of the US. But they must hurry ... the elections are coming. What does the President have? A billion + dollars to win re-election?

Still, if they can get Romney or Huntsman the nod for our side .... they will still win as the most destructive policies will possibly be slowed but not reversed. We desperately need a conservative at the helm. Especially with so many RINOS infesting congress. I wonder how many people understand the seriousness of what we are facing. This is not business as usual.
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

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Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2011, 06:26:24 AM »
Israel doesn't need the United States.   It is in our best interest and the interests of the region to assist them in any attack on Iran (actually it is in our and the EU's best interest to do the entire attack, and tell Israel to sit it out).   

Clearly you don't understand the dynamic of the situation.   Israel will act unilaterally.  That is most definite.   

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 06:28:50 AM »
With the fox in charge of the hen house, the only "assist" the US will be doing, under our current "management" (whether by chance or by design) will be for the eradication of Israel. We have a President and a party happily presiding over the decline (and by default, the demise) of the US. But they must hurry ... the elections are coming. What does the President have? A billion + dollars to win re-election?

Still, if they can get Romney or Huntsman the nod for our side .... they will still win as the most destructive policies will possibly be slowed but not reversed. We desperately need a conservative at the helm. Especially with so many RINOS infesting congress. I wonder how many people understand the seriousness of what we are facing. This is not business as usual.

Who is they?

I think the RINOs absolutely understand the situation.   You?  not so much.

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2011, 07:08:42 AM »
Who is they? Do I have to spell it out?

Democrats, just like they did McCain.

Oh, wait a minute.. oh I get it. You knew that. Your just being a horses ass I reckon.

Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2011, 07:15:23 AM »
Who is they? Do I have to spell it out?

Democrats, just like they did McCain.

Oh, wait a minute.. oh I get it. You knew that. Your just being a horses ass I reckon.


Oh dear.   It was the democrats that got McCain the nomination. 


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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2011, 07:18:34 AM »

Near clueless on foreign affairs: check
Near clueless on elections: check
Alex Jones worshiper: check

redrum Diebold... redrum diebold...  

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 07:22:08 AM by formerlurker »

Offline Janice

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2011, 07:40:55 AM »
Are you really that dense?
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2011, 08:33:51 AM »
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, the e-v-i-l democrats are such masterminds aren't they?   I'm hypnotized with their voodoo magic as I type this. 

Do you even have the tiniest of clues to how a political campaigns work?   Seriously? 

Unless of course what you are saying here is that the "real conservative" candidates don't have a blessed clue, because the all powerful liberal masses have the fix on and they are just too inept to overcome that... 


To paraphrase John Madden:  Usually Janice, the candidate with the most votes win.   

It's one hell of a scapegoat and whine to claim that the liberal... what?  the media?  the DNC?   Hollywood "elite"?  is responsible for the GOP nomination, but sorry the media is just a small player in this game.   

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2011, 08:43:02 AM »
Open primaries. The dems dont cross over.

Got it.
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

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Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2011, 08:43:48 AM »


Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2011, 08:51:37 AM »
For those who actually remember the 2008 primaries (and those are the hard core political junkies here who actually understand the process) -- useless Mike Huckabee, who did not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the nomination, who stayed in the race to the bitter end, split votes with Romney giving McCain the easy victory.
Mike Huckabee needed to win South Carolina for his campaign to remain viable. RealClearPolitics reported that the average support from polls placed McCain in the lead with 26.9%, followed by Huckabee with 25.9%, Romney with 14.7%, Thompson with 14.6%, Paul with 4.4%, and Giuliani with 3.4%. Thompson started attacking Mike Huckabee heavily, questioning his conservative credentials. But in the end McCain narrowly won by 14,743 or 3%, putting McCain as the frontrunner in Florida.,_2008#Iowa_and_New_Hampshire

Now unless of course you are suggesting that Huckabee is owned by the liberal masses?  then hmmm, perhaps.   Nah, you are delusional as is your claims that massive amounts (and they would have to be massive) of Democrats either changed parties so they could pull a Republican primary ballot, or just pulled one.... cause they were just so sure that the Vietnam Veteran, the "maverick" would lose to.. oh wait, they had no idea who he would lose to because Hiillary didn't bail until three months later.


You are starting to bore me. 

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2011, 09:27:11 AM »
Ahh yes ... Wikipedia. Well sorry to have bored you oh great and wise one.

You may go back to sleep now.
Reagan bankrupted the Soviet Empire ...

Obama is bankrupting the American Republic

Offline formerlurker

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Re: The horse of Armageddon is out of the barn ...
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2011, 12:15:53 PM »
Ahh yes ... Wikipedia. Well sorry to have bored you oh great and wise one.

You may go back to sleep now.

Ah yes, Wikipedia for the numbers.

Prove them wrong, which of course you won't do because your daily hysteric websites have nothing to counter it with.

It's a democratic conspiracy.  It's always "they" and someone else's fault isn't it? That's so much more believable in your world.
