Author Topic: McFarland High School welcomes Senator Mark Miller LTTE  (Read 1133 times)

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McFarland High School welcomes Senator Mark Miller LTTE
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:10:28 PM »
Not sure if this is the right forum so will not be offended if it is moved.  Found this via Brian Schimming's facebook page:

It is about half-way down this letter-to-the-editor page.


McFarland High School welcomes Senator Mark Miller

We witnessed a disturbing display of misplaced hero worship at McFarland High School’s Mathlete Trivia Contest Saturday, March 12. To reinforce his new hero status, Sen. Mark Miller appeared at the event. Many in the crowd, including large numbers of teachers, parents, and other school district affiliates, rose to give him a thunderous ovation.

Let’s understand exactly what Sen. Miller did to earn such applause. Miller abandoned the responsibilities of his elected office for weeks, leaving District 16 citizens with no representation, regardless of viewpoint on the Budget Repair Bill. He trampled on the Wisconsin Constitution to which he swore his oath. He then ignored the State Senate’s contempt order.

Miller mocks the very fabric of our representative republic to favor those who have favored him. That is simply wrong, and has nothing to do with political party affiliation. Should we, then, be encouraging McFarland students to emulate Sen. Miller as a model or hero? Were his actions honorable and befitting his achievement of Eagle Scout rank?

An illegal strike under consideration suggests that other government employees, perhaps including teachers, might soon follow the Democrat Senators’ example. We are perfectly astounded that Dr. Hickey and other “pillars of the community” representing our schools approve of teaching the lesson that the ends justify the means. Civil disobedience in response to abuse of bona fide inalienable rights is laudable. Collective bargaining is not an inalienable right.

Parents please consider the destructive lessons your children are learning. You can be sure they have been paying attention. Without question, they are absorbing that they have a “right” to follow only rules of their choosing.

McFarland School District employees, it is time to acknowledge the truly deleterious nature of the playbook you have written. If you do not now denounce the actions of Sen. Miller & Co., when students begin to employ lessons learned, district administrators, teachers, and support staff had better hold onto their “collective” hats.

We are a great nation in large part because we uphold the integrity of the rule of law. Honor that.

“A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time”
― Homer, The Odyssey