Author Topic: Democrats, you need to listen to this gal  (Read 575 times)

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Democrats, you need to listen to this gal
« on: September 18, 2010, 12:32:46 PM »

Their health care reforms guarantee access to medical care, will slow spending that is bankrupting the nation and should reduce future deficits, to boot. The financial reforms offer some protection against another economic freefall. These shouldn't be hard sells.

But you do have to sell them when the opposition is blasting these achievements 24/7. Sadly, few Democrats are blowing their horn, especially over health care, and some are actually running against that success. This is self-defeating behavior.

Back in March, when congressional Republicans denied Democrats an inch of cooperation on health care, their spokesmen inflated some public displeasure into surging waves of voter anger against Democrats. Fine, that's their job.

But Democrats did not have to cower when all of 300 tea party people demonstrated in March against their reforms. And so what if some loudmouths made a racket at their town hall meetings. The rudeness probably offended many gentle folks at home.

Look at those polls tracking public support for health care reform. The lines closely follow the Democrats' willingness to defend what they've done. After passage, approval for the reforms rose.

Of course, this support is now inching down. When Democratic candidates back away from their party's legislation, people assume there's something wrong with it. 

Yes, Froma here is absolutely correct. You need to talk about Obamacare much more, in fact, run ads 24/7 about it and how wonderful it was to pass it. This is a winning strategy. Do this.


Oh, and be sure to be super early at the polls to vote on November 3rd.

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Re: Democrats, you need to listen to this gal
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2010, 01:16:39 PM »

Yes, Froma here is absolutely correct. You need to talk about Obamacare much more, in fact, run ads 24/7 about it and how wonderful it was to pass it. This is a winning strategy. Do this.


Of course here is the quote from the Rasmussen report yesterday:

Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters still favor repeal of the new national health care law, but that matches the lowest level of opposition since the bill was passed by Congress in March. That includes 42% who Strongly Favor repeal.

Americans are not confident that the new health care bill means smaller medical bills, and 40% of Americans nationwide say they have chosen not to fill a prescription because it cost too much.

Seems to me the conservative candidates that are winning have repealing the health care fiasco as a campaign issue they support.

It was close to 60% wanted repeal a month ago and likely will increase when the costs start to hit the public; particularly those who work in small businesses.



Oh, and be sure to be super early at the polls to vote on November 3rd.