Author Topic: Obama Iowa Chair Invokes 'Monica's Blue Dress' (update: later apologizes)  (Read 1466 times)

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Offline Wretched Excess

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Obama Iowa Co-Chair Invokes 'Monica's Blue Dress' When Assailing Bill Clinton's 'Patriotism' Comments

Gordon Fischer, the former director of the Iowa Democratic Party and co-chair for Sen. Barack Obama's efforts in the Hawkeye State, is still very much involved in making sure Obama gets delegates as the caucus process continues.

He's also quite fired up about former President Bill Clinton's comments in front of a North Carolina VFW Hall, which the Obama campaign took to be an impugning of Obama's patriotism.

In his blog, Fischer writes:

"B. Clinton questions Obama's patriotism.  In repsonse (sic), an Obama aide compared B. Clinton to Joe McCarthy. This is patently unfair.  To McCarthy.

"When Joe McCarthy questioned others' patriotism, McCarthy (1) actually believed, at least aparently (sic), the questions were genuine, and (2) he did so in order to build up, not tear down, his own party, the GOP.  Bill Clinton cannot possibly seriously believe Obama is not a patriot, and cannot possibly be said to be helping -- instead he is hurting -- his own party.  B. Clinton should never be forgiven.  Period.  This is a stain on his legacy, much worse, much deeper, than the one on Monica's blue dress."

That's not quite the kind of comment that keeps with Obama's pledge to focus on policy differences instead of personal attacks, I think it's safe to say.


very healing and unifying.  I'm not sure The BarackStar! wants to appear this thin skinned as an organization.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 03:18:34 PM by Wretched Excess »

Offline Lord Undies

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I have a prediction:  The country is going to sick to death of B-Hussein-O long before he becomes the official nominee of the democrat party.

Snails don't even leave such a slimey trail.

Offline Chris_

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I have a prediction:  The country is going to sick to death of B-Hussein-O long before he becomes the official nominee of the democrat party.

Snails don't even leave such a slimey trail.

This is starting to remind me of the "debate" in The Groove Tube.

Damn, you can't BUY this kind of entertainment.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Wretched Excess

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I have a prediction:  The country is going to sick to death of B-Hussein-O long before he becomes the official nominee of the democrat party.

Snails don't even leave such a slimey trail.

you can't present yourself as "different", "above the fray", a "healer", and a "uniter", and then have your official representatives talking about spunk stains on dresses.

Offline Wretched Excess

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and now he's sorry. :whatever:
The war of words between surrogates for the Democratic presidential hopefuls descends further into the muck.

The campaigns sniped at each other over the weekend after retired Air Force General Merrill A. McPeak, an adviser to Barack Obama, accused former President Bill Clinton of McCarthyism for, in McPeak's view, questioning Obama's patriotism. Hillary Clinton's campaign said her husband's remarks to veterans in North Carolina had been misconstrued.

Today, another Obama supporter, former Iowa Democratic Party chairman Gordon Fischer, complained that Bill Clinton was hurting the Democratic Party and leaving "a stain on his legacy much worse, much deeper, than the one on Monica's blue dress." That, of course, is a blunt reference to the former president's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky that led to impeachment hearings.

Fischer has already apologized for that comment, which he posted on his own blog, Iowa True Blue. Calling it "stupid" and "tasteless and gratuitous," Fischer said, "It was unnecessary and wrong."

But the Clinton camp is not letting bygones be bygones, calling it the most personal attack yet in the increasingly bitter nomination fight.

Obama backer sorry for 'blue dress' comment