Author Topic: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?  (Read 30598 times)

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Offline ardentconservative

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Re: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?
« Reply #150 on: July 10, 2010, 08:24:08 AM »
Work to repeal Obamacare.
Flush Cap & Tax down the toilet.
Reinstate the Bush tax cuts.
Cut the tax rates.
Kill any so-called "death taxes'.

Make it unconstitutional for anyone who voted for Obama to ever vote again.  :tongue:
Outlaw MSNBC.  :tongue:
Make using the phrase Man-made Global Warming a federal offense punishable with up to 5 years in a federal prison.  :tongue:

Now there is some solutions I could live with. :hi5: :hi5: :rotf:

Offline GOP Congress

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Re: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?
« Reply #151 on: July 10, 2010, 04:12:41 PM »
The BIGGEST issue the GOP Congress will have to deal with is the fallout of the tax cut expiration on January 1. The rates will increase a cumulative 19% in one fell swoop, and as all real economists know, this will be devastating to the private sector economy.

I believe the democrat/socialists will be COUNTING on this, and they will probably have political game plans in place to pass on to their state run media cohorts to place THIS economic malady, caused entirely by the democrats, to demonize the new GOP Congress.

Therefore, the biggest challenge will be for the new GOP members to "stay the course." They will be barraged with unprecedented attacks by the media blame the GOP congressmen. This is similar to the tactic employed in 1995 with the budget crisis that ultimately turned the public away from the republican-controlled congress, ensuring the rise of the RINO's to prominence, starting with the Bob Dole nomination.

This will be very important to the GOP contingent to understand. If they don't adhere to their principles, the battle will be lost, and the war in danger of precipitating toward the socialist/communists.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Re: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?
« Reply #152 on: July 12, 2010, 01:29:03 PM »
Ahead of the trend, that I am!

I wrote the above on Saturday, and on Sunday, Robert Gibbs goes on Meet the Press:

Now, anyone with any brain cells still attached will easily determine that the GOP will most probably take control of the Congress. Gibbs is starting to prepare the country for the fact that the Congress will be the "bad guys" in the Obama agenda in the next session. This indicates that the Obama administration have ceded the House and are actively trying to prepare their attack on the next Congress with help from the media.

The KEY to beating this maneuver is exactly as was earlier stated: The conservatives in the House (and Senate, though the dimbulb dems haven't yet figured that out yet) will have to stay true to their Constitutional principles and not get taken out ala 1995-96. If they keep the RINO's in check, and this time there will be a lot fewer (except for defecting DINO's) to watch for, then they should be able to maintain their focus on returning the 2nd Branch to its Constitutional authority.

"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline Lacarnut

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Re: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?
« Reply #153 on: July 13, 2010, 01:29:44 AM »

The KEY to beating this maneuver is exactly as was earlier stated: The conservatives in the House (and Senate, though the dimbulb dems haven't yet figured that out yet) will have to stay true to their Constitutional principles and not get taken out ala 1995-96. If they keep the RINO's in check, and this time there will be a lot fewer (except for defecting DINO's) to watch for, then they should be able to maintain their focus on returning the 2nd Branch to its Constitutional authority.

Lets say the Repubs take control of the House by a wide margin and squeak by a majority in the Senate, who do you think will wind up with chairmanships of the different committees? It will be the old crusty dogs that have been there a long time. That could be a big problem because there are not many of them who will not cotton to Junior/Tea Party members running the show. It does do not work like that. Plus it is my belief that many of the old guard do not want to slash agencies, programs and employees. It is not in their DNA to cut spending. Now they talk a good game but putting band aids or just freezing spending is not going to solve our financial problems. The Repubs better get it right or else they may get thrown out in 012.

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Re: What should a GOP-controlled Congress do, starting from swear-in?
« Reply #154 on: July 14, 2010, 01:32:09 PM »
Lets say the Repubs take control of the House by a wide margin and squeak by a majority in the Senate, who do you think will wind up with chairmanships of the different committees?

Excellent question. We DO have a lot of consistent, low-key conservatives in the House whom I would be very comfortable at the helm of departments. I am good with John Boehner taking control of the House, for instance, and for the most part I am certain that the GOP makeup of the House will be the most conservative in decades, and not allow for a RINO-led committee in important departments.

The senate, however, will be difficult to project. This depends on potentially four or five races that I project to be nailbiters in November. If we squeak by and end up with 52, but including Snowe and Brown, that effectively gives a lot of leverage to these two people. But if we have a 55-58 seat Senate, then we have a good chance of negating the RINO's. (Brown was an unexpected gift, but appears to be, at best, a McCain-RINO, at least in the current Dem-controlled chamber.)

So this question may better be answered either on November 4, or perhaps before if some races can be predicted. The democrats are more probably going to stay at home this time around; conversely, the conservatives will be driven to the point where they may even achieve or exceed the percentage of voting than they did for the presidential election.

The final answer is based on the fact that, unlike prior elections in MY lifetime, the well is now dry for fooling the people. People have always known that politics is a strange, ugly bidnezz in the first place, but this time around they are not going to put up with the same bull puckey. This is not a hope, but rather my take on talking with over 400 campaigns across the country. Those tea parties are NOT fake, they are the real deal this time around. '94 will seem like a blip compared to the voracity and focus that this Congress will partake in.

If they DON'T have hat voracity and focus, though, it will be a complete loss in my opinion.

"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle