Much confusion on what is allowed or not.
Some sites say rice ,brown or white has no gluten, others say potatoes, yams and all other veges baring a few that I do not know why are off limites.
Corn starch and corn tocos are ok as are beans and all meat in the beef, hog or chicken group.
Beer is a no-no but vodka is fine. Add into that some foods that say they are gluten free may in fact by the FDA rules allowes a very small amount in the product.
I find if I eat a sandwitch or big time gluten within 20 minutes give or take 10 minutes I fall asleep for 4-5 hours.
Milk products on some sites are ok, but darn guess I will have to experiment with my body.
without additives is always gluten free. Corn starch with
no additives, beans with
no additives, all PLAIN meats (but maybe not hot dogs, sausage, definitely not anything "breaded"), plain veggies with no additives...all are fine. Read the labels on everything. If it has any kind of wheat, or says "flour," it has gluten. If it has MSG, it has gluten.
The catch is that anything that is PROCESSED in any way may have added gluten. Plain milk shouldn't, but anything made from cream, yogurt, cheeses...may have had some added.
If you do almost all your food shopping around the OUTSIDE of the food section, you'll be pretty safe. You'll still have to read labels on anything already processed, like cheese and yogurt...but most things around the outside of the food section are basic foods...whole fruits and vegetables, plain meats, milk, eggs...
Simply, if it is NOW in the same form as when it came off the tree, out of the field, off the cow, out of the's OK. If anything besides washing, pasteurizing or packaging has the label.
If you do start reading labels, you will not believe what all kinds of things they stick wheat into. Oh, and I found out along the way...gluten is added to almost all baked goods because it makes them rise better, so even breads that are supposedly made from some grain besides wheat will probably have gluten in them.