Author Topic: Righjt To Work Vs. Forced Union States  (Read 1985 times)

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Righjt To Work Vs. Forced Union States
« on: June 30, 2010, 10:47:44 AM »
Right-to-work States Outperform,1997-2007

................................................. Productivity Growth........................... Job Growth...........................  Economic Growth
Right-to-work....................................... 18.6%........................................ 17.6%.................................. 41.6%
Union shop.......................................... 17.3%.......................................... 8.9%.................................. 33.5%

Private Sector, Real chained 200 dollars.
percentageSources: GDP by state from U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and state employment from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

economic growth in the ten states with the greatest percentage of the private sector workforce in unions to the ten states with the lowest  The ten most heavily unionized states saw 29.2% job growth and a 45.3% increase in GDP. The ten states with the lowest union concentration had substantially better economic performance: a 36% increase in private sector jobs and a 69.9% increase in GDP.

Right to work states have had more than double the population growth of union shop states since 1990. The right to work states saw, on average, a 65.5% increase in GDP over the 16 year period while states with union shops laws only experienced an average of a 45% increase. The wages of workers in right to work states rose an average of 23% in right to work states while in union shop states average wages only rose 15%.

Fact's on Right To work States vs Forced Union States
It is said that branches draw their life from the vine. Each is separate yet all are one as they share one life giving stem . The Bible tells us we are called to a similar union in life, our lives with the life of God. We are incorporated into him; made sharers in his life. Apart from this union we can do nothing.