Author Topic: ..and so it begins for 2012....  (Read 4426 times)

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Offline formerlurker

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..and so it begins for 2012....
« on: February 20, 2010, 05:42:04 PM »
Posted on Positively Republican facebook group page:

Ron Paul wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll with 31%. Romney gets 22, Palin 6, Pawlenty 6, Pence 5, and Gingrich 4.

I honestly am not ready to deal with the Ron Paul for president fanatics just yet.   

Offline thundley4

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2010, 05:48:37 PM »
Posted on Positively Republican facebook group page:

Ron Paul wins CPAC Presidential Straw Poll with 31%. Romney gets 22, Palin 6, Pawlenty 6, Pence 5, and Gingrich 4.

I honestly am not ready to deal with the Ron Paul for president fanatics just yet.   

Don't worry. The winner of the straw poll rarely wins the nomination. 

For three straight years Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll — 2007, 2008, and 2009. In the key year of 2008, despite his win, John McCain was the nominee.

This year, Ron Paul breaks Mitt Romney’s winning streak. Clearly Romney realized he was not getting a good return on his investment of organizing voters to vote — a regular phenomenon among potential candidates.

2,395 CPAC registrants voted in the CPAC poll. It’s the largest number of votes in CPAC straw polling history, but but less than 25% of the total turnout at CPAC.

48% of the votes cast were from students. 32% were from paying non-student individuals.

31% voted for Ron Paul. The crowd booed when it was announced.

22% voted for Mitt Romney.

7% voted for Sarah Palin.

6% for Tim Pawlenty

5% for Mike Pence

4% for Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich

2% for the actual 2012 GOP nominee, Mitch Daniels.

We can thank Ron Paul for showing just how worthless straw polls are.

Offline formerlurker

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2010, 05:53:32 PM »
Don't worry. The winner of the straw poll rarely wins the nomination.

Ah yes, but in the world of the Paul freakshow the straw poll results are what sustains them -- and prompts them to annoy the hell out of us.   

The freakshows are coming..... sigh. 

Offline thundley4

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2010, 06:01:00 PM »
Ah yes, but in the world of the Paul freakshow the straw poll results are what sustains them -- and prompts them to annoy the hell out of us.   

The freakshows are coming..... sigh. 

Another Paulbot invasion of the interwebz?  They even invaded MLB boards.

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2010, 06:12:37 PM »
Another Paulbot invasion of the interwebz?  They even invaded MLB boards.

I'm still waiting for one of the nuttier ones to call my company HR office (AGAIN!)
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Offline thundley4

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2010, 08:19:21 PM »
Another take on this.

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Staw Poll Vote: Prepare For Media Funfest
Posted by HughS
Published: February 20, 2010 - 7:49 PM
Democrats and their enablers in the media are exulting at the results of the CPAC presidential straw poll that declared Ron Paul the winner of the conference's meeting this weekend. I say let the exulting continue.

Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Texas Republican who ran a quixotic bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, was the top vote-getter in the Conservative Political Action Conference's straw poll, capturing the support of 33 percent of those who participated in the contest.
CPAC organizers were plainly embarrassed by the results, which could reduce the perceived impact of a contest that was once thought to offer a window into which White House hopefuls were favored by movement conservatives.

Ron Paul ran a bare bones primary campaign in 2008 that focused on several issues that are at the center of today's political zeitgeist: the federal deficit, out of control spending and a secretive Federal Reserve Bank and Treasury Department, all of which are undermining the value of the dollar, an economic recovery and employment recovery. His campaign supporters, few that they were, were ubiquitous in the underlying debate of a 2008 campaign that has now been found, in light of Barrack Obama's policy positions and failures, to be absent any substance.

Paul's unorganized and unfocused campaign let itself be compromised by, among other things, accusations of 9/11 truther associations and Bilderberg conspiracy distractions. I could not support the guy because of these concerns.

However, the CPAC vote in favor of Paul is another reminder to establishment Republicans and the Republican congressional leadership that there exists a deep and wide constituency that is angry about fiscal irresponsibility and an apparently unstoppable "spending as usual" attitude even among Republicans that requires a serious fix. Ron Paul won the CPAC straw poll tonight because the permanent residents in Washington (including Republicans) still haven't weighed the level anger that resides in an electorate that will never enjoy the still rising level of federal salaries, federal pensions and federal special interest handouts to the new privileged class Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are creating. Pundits and politicians may not recognize this disparity and the warning it represents ( Marie Antoinette and Robespierre must be screaming from the grave). The Paul straw vote, which will be widely derided come tomorrow, is the canary in the coal mine moment for many, many Democrats and not a few Republicans.

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2010, 10:12:36 PM »
Another take on this.

Careful, you'll be labled for not speaking against Paul... All the cool "Conservatives" hate him, ya know.

Offline TheSarge

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2010, 05:00:47 AM »
Quote from: thundley4 on 2010-02-20, 17:48:37

The freakshows are coming..... sigh.

And right on cue...

Careful, you'll be labled for not speaking against Paul... All the cool "Conservatives" hate him, ya know.
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Offline dutch508

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 07:38:47 AM »
they should be killed in their first posts, like deformed Spartan children...
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Offline bkg

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2010, 11:07:55 AM »

And right on cue...

I'm not even a Ron Paul supporter, which I've said numerous times. But when you compare him to the rest of the idiots, at least you get a fiscal conservative. Pawlenty is a fawking spender who believes in global warming and is pushing E-20, despite the flaws in the study. He could give two shits about cutting the budget as evidence in MN.

It's sad, really, that those who bitch about the size of gov't bitch more about the people who actually seem to want to shrink it. The hypocricy is fawking asounding.

Offline Chris_

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2010, 11:43:30 AM »
I'm not even a Ron Paul supporter, which I've said numerous times. But when you compare him to the rest of the idiots, at least you get a fiscal conservative. Pawlenty is a fawking spender who believes in global warming and is pushing E-20, despite the flaws in the study. He could give two shits about cutting the budget as evidence in MN.

It's sad, really, that those who bitch about the size of gov't bitch more about the people who actually seem to want to shrink it. The hypocricy is fawking asounding.

bkg......I'm curious about criticize and bash many of us for supporting Republicans who are not "pure", or have in any manner taken an expedient vote on an issue, while at the same time you make a comment like the one in bold above.........

Whether Ron Paul is a fiscal conservative or not, his policies in other areas are so onerous to most of us that we would our weakest moment......give him anything but scorn.  He is a wacko, and a political anomaly that no intelligent person would ever take seriously about anything......

Most of us are here, (and this board exists), mainly due to the efforts of acolytes of Dr. Paul in the last presidential election cycle......ergo, we don't want to hear about shouldn't be hard to understand, we are simply not interested, even remotely, or by innuendo, having Ron Paul as a part of our discussion........

Politics is known as "the art of the possible", and in light of that fact, in certain areas, election of candidates who are "true" or "pure" conservatives is simply not "possible".........for example, a conservative running in Speaker Polosi's district is never going to ain't gonna happen, due to the political realities of her constituency.  The same is true of many of the areas in the country.......therefore, is conservatism better served by losing seats to Democrats, who will reliably vote against us "most if not all of the time".......or is our cause better served by running carefully selected candidates who, although they are not as "conservative" as we would like, would vote for our issues the vast majority of the time........this doesn't mean that we accept a moderate candidate in an area that will elect a conservative.......and there has been some of that, which we are hoping to correct.......but the idea that we support a moderate Republican in a reliably liberal voting area, is a realistic strategy that benefits our cause incrementally.

Whether you like it or not, those are the political realities that we are faced with today........railing on and on about whether a candidate is a true "conservative" or not, does not advance the cause, and it makes you look like a politically naive fool.........

Just sayin'

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2010, 03:29:45 PM »
Most of us are here, (and this board exists), mainly due to the efforts of acolytes of Dr. Paul in the last presidential election cycle......ergo, we don't want to hear about shouldn't be hard to understand, we are simply not interested, even remotely, or by innuendo, having Ron Paul as a part of our discussion........

Yet people bring him up constantly do mock, scorn and ridicule him and anyone who supports him. You wonder why I think people are less interested in conservatism than the GOP? It's in part because of the fact people claim to hate the guy but follow him like a stalker... It's funny as hell.

You mock me by claiming I require some "pure" conservative. That you MOCK me for demanding conservatism from people who ask for my vote, is laughable. WTF should I NOT demand it? It's my VOTE!

That others don't damand their officials shrink gov't, cut budgets, etc is what I can't understand. Rather, it's all okay as long as it's the party that the person wanted. If the "political reality" is that compromise is inevitable, why does anyone here get worked up about anything? You really have no need to do so if you truly believe that the game is the game and that your reps simply cannot be conservative... No reason to get worked up at all.

Offline dutch508

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2010, 03:36:16 PM »
Yet people bring him up constantly do mock, scorn and ridicule him and anyone who supports him. You wonder why I think people are less interested in conservatism than the GOP? It's in part because of the fact people claim to hate the guy but follow him like a stalker... It's funny as hell.

You mock me by claiming I require some "pure" conservative. That you MOCK me for demanding conservatism from people who ask for my vote, is laughable. WTF should I NOT demand it? It's my VOTE!

That others don't damand their officials shrink gov't, cut budgets, etc is what I can't understand. Rather, it's all okay as long as it's the party that the person wanted. If the "political reality" is that compromise is inevitable, why does anyone here get worked up about anything? You really have no need to do so if you truly believe that the game is the game and that your reps simply cannot be conservative... No reason to get worked up at all.

nobody brings him up here except some lunitic fringe untra-conservative fruitloops. After that, we mock, heap scorn upon, ridicule, laugh, and wave genatilia.
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Offline Lacarnut

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2010, 03:39:43 PM »
I'm not even a Ron Paul supporter, which I've said numerous times. But when you compare him to the rest of the idiots, at least you get a fiscal conservative. Pawlenty is a fawking spender who believes in global warming and is pushing E-20, despite the flaws in the study. He could give two shits about cutting the budget as evidence in MN.

It's sad, really, that those who bitch about the size of gov't bitch more about the people who actually seem to want to shrink it. The hypocricy is fawking asounding.

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2010, 04:22:36 PM »
Yet people bring him up constantly do mock, scorn and ridicule him and anyone who supports him. You wonder why I think people are less interested in conservatism than the GOP? It's in part because of the fact people claim to hate the guy but follow him like a stalker... It's funny as hell.

You mock me by claiming I require some "pure" conservative. That you MOCK me for demanding conservatism from people who ask for my vote, is laughable. WTF should I NOT demand it? It's my VOTE!

That others don't damand their officials shrink gov't, cut budgets, etc is what I can't understand. Rather, it's all okay as long as it's the party that the person wanted. If the "political reality" is that compromise is inevitable, why does anyone here get worked up about anything? You really have no need to do so if you truly believe that the game is the game and that your reps simply cannot be conservative... No reason to get worked up at all.

At the risk of piling on, yeah, it's true -- the only people who bring up Ron Paul are those who stumble onto this web site thinking that it's an oasis for Paul. And they're surprised to find out it's not.

I was not a regular member of Conservatives Underground at all, but I was made aware of the "Invasion of the Ronulans" back in oh, maybe late 2007 or so, and that experience drove many of those members to create this site.

Ron Paul just ain't real big here, for the reasons you've already heard.

I'm decidedly tamer about this issue than most, largely because I was not involved in the defense against the Ronulans for CU. But my own analysis of Paul pretty much confirms that he's a nutcase with an even nuttier herd of worshipers.

I like conservative fiscal policy -- keeping the lid on spending and all that -- but Paul's clear Libertarian party backwash/social laissez-faire stuff doesn't work for me. He's a nutcase who is in his seat in Congress fraudulently -- in the sense that he's no more a Republican than I am.
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Offline formerlurker

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 06:21:05 PM »
That others don't damand their officials shrink gov't, cut budgets, etc is what I can't understand. Rather, it's all okay as long as it's the party that the person wanted. If the "political reality" is that compromise is inevitable, why does anyone here get worked up about anything? You really have no need to do so if you truly believe that the game is the game and that your reps simply cannot be conservative... No reason to get worked up at all.

It's politics.   To stamp your feet like a school girl demanding things you realistically cannot obtain (equivalent of demanding a snowball fight in hell) is not anything that can garner support.

Expecting a Republican to be a far right conservative in a blue state is not realistically going to happen.   You will get a moderate.  A moderate is a far cry better than a democrat from a blue state.    There is a world of difference in political philosophy.   Your schlepping through political forums to spout your dissatisfaction with the political process (the nature of which has not changed since this country was founded) is political immaturity, and attention-whoring contrarian. 

We get it, you aren't a Republican.   We were perhaps curious as to your position the first thread you posted your views in.   Hitting thread after thread with your purist nonsense and  "it's funny as hell"  is played, tired and predictable - which is honestly the SOP of Paul supporters. 

Paul calls for the elimination of the US DOE, yet sponsors legislation to regulate nutritious school lunches.   Paul calls for a balanced budget, yet pads his district's pockets with earmarks.   There are dozens and dozens of examples of pure hypocrisy from the good doctor.   Been there, discussed that.   Just because no one cares to outline that again with yet another "I-don't-support-him-but-can't-figure-out-why-you-hate-him" poster, doesn't mean you have any kind of credible point to make.

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 06:24:45 PM »
Oh and there was another website that had an Ista outburst over the Terri Schiavo case.  The Istas also claimed to be so amused when they put up post after post of pure annoying whining, that began with Schiavo and just snowballed throughout the entire site on any given topic.   

:)   <--- ring any bells anyone? 

 :yawn: already. 

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Re: ..and so it begins for 2012....
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 06:26:36 PM »
Oh and there was another website that had an Ista outburst over the Terri Schiavo case.  The Istas also claimed to be so amused when they put up post after post of pure annoying whining, that began with Schiavo and just snowballed throughout the entire site on any given topic.   

:)   <--- ring any bells anyone? 

 :yawn: already. 

And I've noted that site has pretty much been swirling the bowl for a couple of years now as well.  Good riddance.
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