Author Topic: DUmmies Discuss The One And The Wise Latina  (Read 324 times)

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DUmmies Discuss The One And The Wise Latina
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:49:49 PM »
armyowalgreens  (1000+ posts)        Sat Aug-15-09 11:03 PM

Letter To The Editor: Palin more qualified than Obama, Sotomayor a failure...
 Here's a lovely letter from the AZ republic. Of course, it comes from some shit head in Gilbert. Which is about 97 percent middle to upper middle class white people.

"To the many letter writers who continually attack Sarah Palin and her qualifications, I'd like to say this:
Your opinion that Sarah Palin is "one of the most grossly unqualified people to have ever run for public office" is just that ... your opinion. That doesn't make it a fact.

Please remember that at least an equal number of people hold exactly the same opinion of Barack Obama.
In the latter case, Obama is rapidly converting opinion to fact.

Perhaps Kyl and McCain's opinion of Justice Sonia Sotomayor is directly related to the fact that 60 percent of her rulings reviewed by the Supreme Court were reversed by that court. Not exactly a shining recommendation.

Would you be promoted if you were wrong on the job 60 percent of the time? I'm very disappointed to know that we have such an inept performer on the Supreme Court. - Sara Piffson, Gilbert"
The WalMart DUmmy does not like middle class or upper middle class white people, who are paying for his food and
subsidizing his useless college degree.

armyowalgreens  (1000+ posts)        Sat Aug-15-09 11:16 PM
2. I read stuff like that, and it makes me sad for humanity.
I don't know whether to get angry at these morons or feel sympathy for them.
The WalMart DUmmy speaks with the wisdom of the 19-year-old hippie he is.   
babylonsister  (1000+ posts)        Sat Aug-15-09 11:18 PM
3. I have no problem with how I feel about this turd. 
He's so delusional and misinformed. You can feel the hate emanate off the page.

Kerrytravelers   (1000+ posts)        Sat Aug-15-09 11:18 PM
4. An equal number think Obama is grossly unqualified... and that is becoming fact?
I guess that one hasn't seen the poll numbers recently.
Tool or fool? Either way, she is just an example of exactly what is wrong with this country. Stupidity. 

I guess DUmmy Kerrytravelers hasn't seen the jug eared Kenyan's poll numbers dropping like a rock.
Of course, if he means constitutionally unqualified, that's clearly not a matter of opinion.