Author Topic: Obama says banning gay marriage good for the for the country  (Read 686 times)

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Offline Chris

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Obama defends DOMA in federal court.  Says banning gay marriage is good for the federal budget.  Invokes incest and marrying children
"The fact that States have long had the authority to decline to give effect to marriages performed in other States based on the forum State's public policy strongly supports the constitutionality of Congress's exercise of its authority in DOMA."

"The constitutional propriety of Congress's decision to decline to extend federal benefits immediately to newly recognized types of marriages is bolstered by Congress's articulated interest in preserving the scarce resources of both the federal and State governments.  If [a State] were to permit homosexuals to marry, these marital benefits would, absent some legislative response, presumably have to be made available to homosexual couples and surviving spouses of homosexual marriages on the same terms as they are now available to opposite-sex married couples and spouses. To deny federal recognition to same-sex marriages will thus preserve scarce government resources, surely a legitimate government purpose."

"The constitutionality of Section 2 of DOMA is further confirmed by the second sentence of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, which expressly empowers Congress to prescribe "the Effect" to be accorded to the laws of a sister State.  Under this view, Congress obviously acted within its plenary effects power in enacting Section 2 of DOMA."

"DOMA Is Consistent with Equal Protection and Due Process Principles Plaintiffs further allege that DOMA violates their rights under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, including its equal protection component. DOMA, however, merely preserves for each State the authority to follow its own law and policy with respect to same-sex marriage for purposes of State law. And it maintains the status quo of federal policy, preserving a longstanding federal policy of promoting traditional marriages, by clarifying that the terms "marriage" and "spouse," for purposes of federal law, refer to marriage between a man and a woman, and do not encompass relationships of any other kind within their ambit."

"Likewise, Section 3 of DOMA merely clarifies that federal policy is to make certain benefits available only to those persons united in heterosexual marriage, as opposed to any other possible relationship defined by law, family, or affection. As a result, gay and lesbian individuals who unite in matrimony are denied no federal benefits to which they were entitled prior to their marriage; they remain eligible for every benefit they enjoyed beforehand.  In short, therefore, DOMA, understood for what it actually does, infringes on no one's rights, and in all events it infringes on no right that has been constitutionally protected as fundamental, so as to invite heightened scrutiny."

etc, etc, etc.

I forgot where I came across the link to this (obviously anti-DOMA) blog, but the quoted text is from the Obama administration's motion to dismiss a lawsuit against the Defense of Marriage Act.  The title of the article comes from the blog.  Someone in the White House wins the Broken Clock award, but I find the "preservation of scarce government resources" to be particularly hilarious given Obumble's spending record.  But he's not just throwing money at our problems like he promised he wouldn't.  No sir.

The 'incest' and 'marrying children' refers to cases between two cousins, and another marriage with at least one underage spouse.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 07:23:58 PM by Chris »
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Offline Carl

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Re: Obama says banning gay marriage good for the for the country
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 07:42:36 PM »
He is walking a tightrope between all the elements of the supercharged emotional fringes he needs but are a minority of the electorate.

He becomes a proponent of the militant homo agenda and he loses in 2012 by epic proportions.

It probably also confounds his socialized health care plans if a HIV positive can marry into an insurance benefit not to mention spousal and survivorship rights written into the Social Security code.

Enjoy the consequences of pandering to deviants and loons O.  :cheersmate: