Author Topic: Mercedes Marquez: The latest corrupt Barack Obama Appointee  (Read 698 times)

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Mercedes Marquez: The latest corrupt Barack Obama Appointee
« on: April 21, 2009, 10:38:57 AM »
Barack Obama not only embraces the Culture of Corruption, he fills up his cabinet with it, fondles it, and cops a good feel of it every few hours just so the corruption knows how much he loves it.
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Tuesday, April 21st at 9:50AM EDT
Barack Obama has nominated Mercedes Marquez to be Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Will Republican Senators ask her about the following:

The Los Angeles Housing Department has paid thousands of dollars to a Zen Buddhist priest from Hawaii for management training that includes teaching breathing with sphincter control, learning “how to stand” and playing with wooden sticks.

Who hired the Zen Buddhist priest? Mercedes Marquez. Marquez was willing to pay Norma Wong, a former legislator from Hawaii, $18,819.00 for the sessions.

Another attendee described how executives were asked to encircle Marquez with their backs to her while holding their sticks, saying they were instructed to imagine that they were shielding their boss from opposing forces such as City Council members or other departments.

According to a letter written by a Los Angeles County Housing Department employee obtained by RedState, “Mercedes hired Norma and after the training was paid for Mercedes became a Priestess. After the next training, Mercedes was elevanted to High Priestess. The whole purpose of the Zen training was to elevate Mercedes’ stature in the Buddhist Temple. After a half hour, the building management sent security guards out to the parking lot to stop the spectacle.”

But more so than the Zen training, there are some serious concerned raised by a former employee that need addressing.

Marquez is alleged to have purchased a condominium for herself and her partner in a building Marquez’s department financed.

She is alleged to have promoted her partner several times outside Los Angeles’ civil service rules.

Under her administration, Los Angeles allegedly had a net housing loss of affordable housing units of 13,500.

Marquez is alleged to have spent $5 million on the Housing Department’s LIMS computer program, only to throw it out and start over.

She is alleged to have used city funding to cover over mistakes her partner, Mirta, made relating to the Hotel Cecil project in LA. Allegedly, the City Attorney told the Housing Department that Mirta’s action were illegal, but Marquez still used tax dollars to pay legal fees, etc.

Oh, and someone needs to ask if it is true she likes to be called “T-Mex.”

Hopefully the Senate Republicans will ask some very pointed questions to Ms. Marquez. We don’t need a female Barney Frank causing more problems for tax payers.

Politics as usual, where is the hope and change that was promised?  I want my  :censored: pony.