Author Topic: primitive speaks of encouragement and hope  (Read 456 times)

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primitive speaks of encouragement and hope
« on: April 09, 2009, 12:45:32 PM »
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Median Democrat
Is The Right Wing Actively Encouraging Or Hoping For A Terrorist Attack?

What is the impact of right wing rhetoric? Consider Richard Poplawski and Jim Adkisson who both went on killing sprees based on hatred liberals generated by right wing media.
Sista Soulja never had near the audience enjoyed by right wing pundits today, yet unlike Sista Soulja, the right wing pundits are not being held accountable.

My question is whether the rantings are truly random or are they coordinated?

The talking points are now being repeated across cable news with remarkable consistency. Dick Cheney, Dick Morris, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, James Inhofe, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, etc., are all more or less saying:

1. Obama is gutting the military (complete lie, spending is increasing by several billion).
2. Obama is make America less safe from a terrorist attack (no supporting facts offered).
3. Obama is trying to take your guns (complete lie).

Why the sudden convergence in right wing talking points and lies, as well as the rapid repetition of the talking points? Is it because the right wing is trying to encourage terrorists to attack? Afterall, if there is not an attack in the near future prior to the mid-term elections, then the right wing sounds stupid and loses what little credibility they currently enjoy.

So, is it just a coincidence? Do we simply assume that there is no underlying plan behind the consistency of the right wings' lies? Or, is the right wing trying to help set the stage for an attack?

Afterall, as I noted earlier, look at how even Americans like Richard Poplawski and Jim Adkisson are taking the cues and launching attacks. If Americans can be motivated to initiate their own private terrorist attacks by the cues being given by the right wing media, is it unreasonable to assume that foreign terrorists might not take a similar hint, and accept the invitation of the right wing to launch a terrorist attack to set the stage for the right wing lunatic minority to yell a collective "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Look at the revelations coming out about the Bush administration regarding torture, the willingness to politicize the justice system, the willingness to politicize and disclose classified intelligence, as well as efforts by Republicans to oppose the disclosure of such abuses. Now, do you really want to place your faith in the decency of the right wing?

As noted on this board, even some cable commentators are starting to question aloud on CNN tonight whether the GOP would benefit from a terrorist attack. I think its unlikely that the GOP has not already considered this thought.

This was one of those threads where I just shook my head and laughed at how goofy they are.

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1. Perhaps that's why Obama ain't totally walking away from this wiretapping shit..... 

just yet.

The Republicans are that low, you know!

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Response to Reply #1

5. Obama needs the wiretapping powers to monitor RW hate groups and leaders

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2. Is The Right Wing Actively Encouraging Or Hoping For A Terrorist Attack?

Yes. I think they are. They are that twisted, hateful, and desperate.

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3. Lets look at the republican platform and see if we can answer this question.
We might be able to answer the question by looking at the pattern of belief in some groups in the GOP.

1) I think they believe GOP rule is better, if not better for all, at least better for them.

2) Many of them believe the ends justify the means.

3) They have been positioning themselves, so if something happens, they can say 'they told us so' and try to blame Democrats. This blame will not be from the actions of Democrats, it comes from the statements of Republicans that are setting up cause before event. If an event occurs, the cause has been placed by people like Cheney by saying things are less safe. However, with logical arguments, explaining how Bush Cheney has made us less safe, the cause could be seen to be a pattern of behavior during the Bush Administration or even further back.

You would have to know what motivated the bad person to do a bad thing. What drove them to hopelessness, or extremism to conclude the cause. When looking at cause, only after looking at that, could you discuss potential methods of interdiction that could have made a difference and stop something bad. (lets all hope nothing bad happens, for the sake of those hurt, and for the world to heal and move forward. Although sometimes bad things do happen, knowing that is part of the courage it takes to be free.)

4) I think they treat groups of people differently, and are willing to see people not in their group have bad things happen if it helps their agenda, I think this fits in lack of empathy by separation of group. If a group sees another group as less, it can give an emotional excuse to not feel bad if bad things happen to them. It may be that some in GOP are capable of feeling that way about American people.

5) Some groups wrote articles advocating for terrorist acts to mobilize public opinion in the past. In the past groups have created attacks to mobilize public opinion. The people that advocated and allowed these actions are well documented.

Churchill allowed the bombing of an English city to protect Enigma code, various false flags have been used through history, Stalin used certain units to charge enemy lines just to find enemy positions, the idea of sacrificing ones own, for presumed gains, has many examples in history. If a GOP'er thought they could return to power, and did not care about suffering of others, it is possible they could think that way.

I think those thoughts comes when people start calculating worth of life with math, and they lose the humanity and sanctity of life.

And for a little more history,

When Carter was elected, the taking of hostages in Iran, hurt him, then Regan negotiated for release of Hostages with Iran. It should be noted, that the United States supported a dictator for years in Iran, the Shaw, to maintain oil shipments and supply. This caused many hard feelings with Iran's population. And led to the hostage taking that was mostly blamed on Carter.

"Is The Right Wing Actively Encouraging Or Hoping For A Terrorist Attack?"

After thinking on this topic,

Republicans without compassion or empathy may think this way, I think every person who might wish such a horrible event should first force themselves to face the fact they think that way. Then ask what it means.

I however hope most do not want something bad to happen.

That is the true evil of Cheney's statement. He is positioning himself based on the possibility of a bad thing happening, not only did they use 9/11 for gain for themselves, hurting America in the process, and many other people around the world, he even wants to use potential future bad things to help himself, I guess that is the way of darkness.

Keep an eye on the randomly thinking primitive in 2009.  He's about as full of himself and stupid as they get.

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4. Yes. The rightwing wants bad things to happen to Americans, no matter what it is.

Because their only concern is having things they can try to blame on Obama and Democrats.

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6. Absolutely. They were thrilled with the last one.

It was a windfall that allowed Bushco to enact the patriot act, go to war, and institute secret torture prisons. Such an opportunity is described in their PNAC manifesto: "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a
new Pearl Harbor."

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7. And/or encouraging an unstable person to harm Obama?
I have to think that rhetoric can be used as justification in some troubled, pseudo-patriotic minds. Alarming on both accounts.

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8. Don your flamesuit for #3.
Queue up the right wing media apologists in 5....4....3....2....



How did we ever get by when the AWB was in effect? I wonder how many people were harmed specifically for lack of accessibility to an AW.

Forget the fact that the guy on our side, Holder, stated clearly in his confirmation hearing "....this administration has no intention of doing anything that would affect a states regulation of firearms, who can carry a firearm.. There is nothing that we have discussed, nothing that is in the planning, nothing that I can imagine that we're going to be doing in that regard".

BUT BUT AWB AWB AWB....then they'll knock on our doors to take all our weapons!!!

I wonder if some of those right wing nuts don't just come and get their material from here since DUer's do at least try to make their arguments SOUND like they know what they are talking about regardless of reality.

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9. The sick thing about it is they are not hoping for a terrorist attack from the outside. No. They are stoking for one from inside the good ole USA.

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10. why not? they did it 15 years ago in Oklahoma City...Hate radio was even more extreme then, and where I lived everyone was worried about Clinton/Reno kicking in the door and taking their bibles and guns...This is all old hat to them

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Response to Reply #10

13. Homegrown terrorism is going to be on the rise for sure.
It started 15 years ago, you are right. Its back because now, God forbid, a Dem is back in charge.

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11. The right wing is only selling its usual FUD.

They're stirring up as much mistrust of a Democratic Administration as they can. It's just the same old crap they aimed at Pelosi, writ large.

The Right has nothing new to offer. Never has, and never will.

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12. The Republicans are doubling down on the worst case scenarios

I was watching The Ed Show and they were talking about this, and how sick the republicans are acting, as if they are putting themselves in a position to benefit from a terrorist attack or a financial meltdown. They keep harping on Obama and his plans instead of working with him, that it appears they want to see america fall just so they can say "I told you so". The panelist didn't think that they were rooting for a terrorist attack to happen, but I think some of them are. I think some of these republicans are so sick in the head and so devoted to their cause that they believe the loss of american life will just be "casualties of war", the war they have waged on Obama.

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14. Yes, it's part of their platform.

A) Hope & pray for a terrorist attack.

B) Make it easier to the terrorists to carry out.

Lots of projection.  Way too funny!

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Re: primitive speaks of encouragement and hope
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 12:51:19 PM »
Response to Reply #1

5. Obama needs the wiretapping powers to monitor RW hate groups and leaders

Just not for terrorists, right?  :whatever:
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline thundley4

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Re: primitive speaks of encouragement and hope
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 12:58:30 PM »
Just not for terrorists, right?  :whatever:
Bush was monitoring the leftists terrorists, but now those people are on the White House guest list.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: primitive speaks of encouragement and hope
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 01:29:54 PM »
didn't the DUmmies cheer on the Oakland cop killer???