Author Topic: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?  (Read 1273 times)

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After yet another week of redundancies, corporate scandals, and presidential gaffes, what did the American people really need on Tuesday night?

Was it, A) An episode of American Idol? Or B) For American Idol to be cancelled so that President Barack Obama could - for the third time in seven days - address the nation, this time while trying to avoid giggling, insulting participants in the Special Olympics or getting his teleprompted remarks mixed up with those of the Irish Prime Minister?

For Mr Obama the answer was of course B). Whatever the justifications for Mr Obama's third-time lucky attempt to charm and soothe the US electorate, it's getting hard to avoid the conclusion that the Leader of the Free World simply has an obsessive need to be on television.

Whether it's the excruciating amateur diplomacy of his videotape to Iran, or his status-inappropriate bragging about the perks of the presidency on the Jay Leno show (“I personally think it's [flying on Air Force One] pretty cool,” he gushed, “especially because they give you the jacket with the seal on it”), it's clear that even the once Obama-infatuated press is beginning to grow impatient with the apparent constant need for media validation by the Narcissist-in-Chief.


Offline Chris_

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 01:25:29 PM »
Too bad we won't see an article like this in the US press.......

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Offline yabadoo

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2009, 05:47:53 PM »
After yet another week of redundancies, corporate scandals, and presidential gaffes, what did the American people really need on Tuesday night?

Was it, A) An episode of American Idol? Or B) For American Idol to be cancelled so that President Barack Obama could - for the third time in seven days - address the nation, this time while trying to avoid giggling, insulting participants in the Special Olympics or getting his teleprompted remarks mixed up with those of the Irish Prime Minister?

For Mr Obama the answer was of course B). Whatever the justifications for Mr Obama's third-time lucky attempt to charm and soothe the US electorate, it's getting hard to avoid the conclusion that the Leader of the Free World simply has an obsessive need to be on television.

Whether it's the excruciating amateur diplomacy of his videotape to Iran, or his status-inappropriate bragging about the perks of the presidency on the Jay Leno show (“I personally think it's [flying on Air Force One] pretty cool,” he gushed, “especially because they give you the jacket with the seal on it”), it's clear that even the once Obama-infatuated press is beginning to grow impatient with the apparent constant need for media validation by the Narcissist-in-Chief.

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2009, 07:41:39 PM »
Obama is has no reality if he is not on camera and his brain is external to what appears to be his body so in order to appear to be a complete person Obama has to appear on TV while watching a TV monitor that tells him what to say.  He is a synthetic person and I use the word "person" as loosely as one can because that word has too much gravitas to accurately describe Obama.  Hologram has too much gravitas.  Obama is the first MTV president and he is as foolish and inconsequential as that channel.  He is a negative image.  A monster from the id.

He has no reality unless people see him and talk about him on TV which is why he will continue to appear on TV.

Edit to add:  Television is Obama and Obama is less than television.
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Offline Jim

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2009, 09:19:46 PM »
being on tv is all he can do, the grownups wont let him help "be president" and you can only bowl so much or watch so many movies.  they need to put a hoop up out back so he can work on his jump shot.
My fellow Americans, there is nothing audacious about hope. Hope is what makes people buy lottery tickets instead of paying the bills. Hope is for the old gals feeding the slots in Atlantic City. It destroys the inner-city kid who quits school because he hopes he'll be a world-famous recording artist.

What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?

One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.

The other kills her own food.

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2009, 09:28:40 PM »
He's the first president who has less dimension than his cardboard cutout. 

Offline Baruch Menachem

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 05:02:45 PM »
Quote from: hlmencken
Democracy is the theory that the people know what they want and deserve to get it.

good and hard

We the people voted him in.

Sucks to be us.
An optimist sees the glass as half full, a pessimist sees the glass as half empty, an engineer sees that there is twice the glass required to contain the beer

My name is Obamandias, King of Kings, 
  Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Gaffes, giggling and gushing: is the Barack Obama honeymoon over?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 05:31:38 PM »
And POCK-e-stan is where?