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Offline Vagabond

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Primitives make comparison
« on: March 25, 2009, 04:36:20 AM »
DUmmies whining to be like Europe[/email]
Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Mon Mar-23-09 11:51 PM
Original message
We are Losing America Right Before Our Blind Eyes

What is the most non-talked about reality in the United States of America today? The fact that we no longer lead the world in almost any indicator. The United States is no longer the best place for an average person to live. Our health care lags behind our peers, so does our educational system.

I'm going to tell you a fact, then back it up with statistical data, the accuracy of which you can directly verify for yourself, and readers will still have a hard time accepting it as the truth.

Here it is:

Most Americans are relatively worse off in many ways than people in 19 other industrialized powerhouse countries (Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland). These countries are the United States’ industrial peers, and part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Let’s take a look at the details:


Per Capita Income: U.S. Second
So get your lazy, high ass off the couch in mommy's basement and get to work.
Income Inequality: U.S. First (meaning worst)
Meaningless stat.  The Marianas trench is much deeper than the gulf of Mexico.  Notably you can still drown in both of them.
Overall Poverty Rate: U.S. Highest
By what metric?  Define poverty.  Our Lower class is Europe's middle class
Child Poverty Rate: U.S. Highest
Again, metrics DUmmie.  Define Poverty.
Elderly Poverty Rate: U.S. Highest
We can improve this stat DUmmie, you see we can just determine they are not worth spending money on after a certain age and let them die.
Infant Mortality Rate: U.S. First (meaning worst)
We also try harder than anybody else to save an infant born prematurely and count any child born with a pulse to have been born alive.  What standard does say, Britian for example, use?
Leisure Time: U.S. Last (meaning worst)
We also don't let old folks stew in their own juices because to do something about it would ruiin our holiday, ala France.
Maternity Leave: U.S. Last (meaning worst)
Well, we could go back to the notion of the woman makes the home while the man works, but that idea seems to upset you DUmmie.

Try to let this information sink in if you can. The United States of America, supposedly a shining beacon and the envy of all the world, has the highest infant mortality rate of its 19 other peer industrialized nations. We have the highest poverty rates. We have the highest income inequality of anyone.

Try looking harder DUmmie.  Do you really believe Cuba's medical system is as good as ours?  Wait....don't answer that.

Shouldn’t this news shock us? Shouldn’t be reported on every media outlet as the biggest news story around? BREAKING NEWS: Our country is in serious trouble, and falling behind the rest of the industrialized world! Something must be done.

I thought the media ran them pretty much around the clock prior to the election.

But no, instead I could find only a single published article about the data, from a blog no less, The Village Voice. Here’s some of what they wrote about some of these numbers:

Ah yes, that voice of moderation the village voice.  If by moderation you mean stark raving loony.

Income inequality: "Despite the relatively high median income in the United States, inequality in the United States is so severe that low-income households in the United States are actually worse off than low-income households in all but four peer countries."

Okay, let's take a look at stuff.  The American poor typically have their own home, two cars, two TV's, and the typical medical ailment is obesity.  Give me somebody to compare and contrast with.

Leisure time: "The average full-time U.S. worker, at 46.7 weeks per year, works more than the average worker in any peer countries, and about one month more than the overall average, which is 42.6 weeks."

The average American worker works much longer than the average DUmmie, who averages 52 weeks of leisure time a year.

Maternity leave: "The United States last among its peer countries in generosity of mandated maternity leave benefits."

How long off is enough?  6 months, a year?  Give me something to work with...most of the women I know are ready to go back after two or three months.

Child care: "The United States spent $1,803 per child, which was less than a fourth of what was spent in Denmark, less than a third of what was spent in Norway and Sweden, less than half of what was spent in Finland and France, and well below spending in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the United Kingdom.”

What does this mean?  Are our services more efficient?  Perhaps our parents actually take care of their children on their own.

To those who find great comfort in shouting “I’m proud to be an American” what exactly are you proud of? Shouldn’t we be embarrassed to death about losing out to the rest of the industrialized world in every single one of these categories?

I am proud that my ancestors left those places.  They traded in clergy and lord ruling them for humanists and buearucrats ruling them.  Here, we still rule ourselves at least.

What does “USA #1 Mean?” Number one in what?
Source Information:(meaningless graphs follow)

I'll tell you what it means, DUmmie.  It means you don't get slapped in jail for speaking your mind, or defending yourself.  It means you can come from very humble beginning and succeed in life, you can even be elected president.  It means something to other people, too.  When their country gets hit with a disaster, usually the first people there to help are Americans.  When they are oppressed, it is American soldiers that die on the street freeing them.

Now on to the other imbeciles....

Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Not in the eyes of the public.
 Edited on Tue Mar-24-09 12:12 AM by Political Heretic
That's the problem - the disconnect between reality and ideological indoctrination.

Wave that flag!

EDIT - I guarantee you that most American don't know and wouldn't believe that stats I just gave.

Most Americans would be smart enough to know that statistics can be and certainly are manipulated.  By the way, people usually move when they think they would be better off somewhere else, when ya leavin'?

HowHasItComeToThis  (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 01:14 AM
Response to Reply #2



Ah, yes, just because he isn't in the latest high powered boat, he must be a parasite.  Wow, what logic.

Skittles  (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 01:24 AM
Response to Reply #1
18. it has been very obvious to anyone who has been paying attention
24. I think most people know America is in decline
 stats or no stats

It's in decline because of yahoos like you actively cheer for it's decline.  Chew on that, Rainbow.

Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 01:37 AM
Response to Reply #21
22. Really. So you think most Americans, if polled, would not find these statistics surprising.
 Edited on Tue Mar-24-09 01:37 AM by Political Heretic
Because I gotta tell you, I just spent the day telling these statistics to my Advanced Policy and Legislation class in a graduate program and none of them knew.

I think the overwhelming majority of American's, no correct that, I know the overwhelming majority of Americans don't watch cable news, or read papers, so spend significant amounts of time politically engaged. I know this because if cable viewer numbers, and your newspaper subscription rates and things like that.

Those of us who have C-SPAN on in the background are in an extreme minority.

Great another Poli-Sci grad.  Just think, how much time has been wasted on a thoroughly and completely useless degree here.  We could use doctors, MBA's, and engineers, but no we get a poli-sci grad.  Great going, loser.

espiral (82 posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 07:41 PM
Response to Reply #24
60. good riddance to imperialism n/t
Yep, no more AIDS funding to Africa.  The next country that gets hit by a natural disaster will have to wait while someone else pulls the infrastructure together to help, somebody else could go to someplace like Darfur and provide some relief there......careful what you wish for.

Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 04:55 PM
Response to Reply #30
45. It wasn't that they didn't know we had problems, but... was just that the severity of where we're at had never been connected for them in such stark ways.

They reacted mostly with depression. Then we spent a lot of time talking about places where our action and activity are making a real difference, and what we can do about these things that we know.

Lemme guess, they all involved government intervention with massive programs and heavy regulation.  Try to find the truth behind the lies, DUmmie.

Hannah Bell  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #45
54. no, i understand, but amophous "problems" isn't the same as "most inequality," etc. 
 if this was a class of random students, were there none who challenged the data?
What?  You mean a bunch of brainwashed poli-sci liberals are going to challenge the idea that America is bad.  Do you even realize where you are posting?

Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 12:21 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Which would be the point. It IS news to most people, still laboring under the myth
 that we are a shining beacon of for-awesomeness in the world.

If people would wake up, we could start serious political conversation about how to salvage what's left and regain some semblance of decency for our country.

And just what in the nine hells do you consider decent?  Do you consider letting babies born below a certain birth weight to die and not counting them as a live birth, so it doesn't count against your statistics to be decent?  Do you consider enslaving the entire medical profession, so that eventually no native borns can afford such a career to be decent?  Do you consider snatching children out of their parent's home because they don't make enough money for you to be decent?  Should we hire extra state health inspectors to monitor parents just to justify funds for spending more on children, even if that money is wasted, is that decent?

You are worse than a communist.

TBF  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 12:18 AM
Response to Original message
5. I know, I know ... USA is #1 in # of billionaires
 To add to your stats:

Rank Country Number of billionaires Category
1 United States 469 Category:American billionaires
2 Russia 87 Category:Russian billionaires
3 Germany 59 Category:German billionaires
4 India 53 Category:Indian billionaires
5 China 42 Category:Chinese billionaires

Please forgive the crappy formatting. The link is right here:

So, do you think 469 billionaires has something to do with who is sucking up all the money? Explains why we lag in everything else, no?

Billionaires, buy, build, and invest in things.  Even if their money were merely sitting in banks, the banks would be using it to buy, build, and invest in things.  But then again, when everything is a zero sum game to you, you will hate anybody who has more than you.

lonestarnot  (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 12:28 AM
Response to Original message
8. Another: THE RICHEST 1 (ONE) PERCENT OF AMERICANS possess more wealth than

And yet, how much do that ninety percent own?  Further it's not the top one percent, it's the top ten percent.  You could also take a look at what sort of things they own, nutcase.  Their ownership doesn't preclude your participation in most of it.

bdamomma  (1000+ posts)     Tue Mar-24-09 02:11 PM
Response to Reply #8
32. that one percent needs to be kicked down alot.
 it is the mentality of "I have mine" and who cares about others. I am beginning to think we are nothing but second class citizens to those who hold power. Is it pitchforks and torches time yet?

Yeah that's it.  Eat the rich.  Take their money and spread it around.  And when that is gone, there won't be anymore.  But by all means....

girl gone mad  (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 12:34 AM
Response to Original message
9. But, hey - our bloated financial sector has been saved!
 I'm sure re-inflating that Ponzi scheme will go a long way toward improving all of those other indicators. Right?

Yes, in fact a solvent bank system is actually a good thing.

dave_p (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 12:35 AM
Response to Original message
10. No right to lead anybody
 Edited on Tue Mar-24-09 12:36 AM by dave_p
Leadership has to be earned. It isn't a birthright, except to GOP oil billionaires. Of course other nations fare better in many respects, sometimes far poorer ones. It's because they adopted different national priorities to America's. Maybe if Americans stopped assuming they were there to lead the world and thought more about how to be better (not just stronger, or with more millionaires, or with longer working hours) they'd get to really lead.

No, Ameicans shouldn't be embarrassed to miss out on the #1 spot in any respect. Instead they should be ashamed to imagine any automatic entitlement to it without the social investment that it takes. Thats what those fuddy-duddy Europeans realized when they downed tools and laid back to enjoy hoidays, welfare, free education & healthcare 60 years ago. It's not so difficult. 

Let's see, why could the Europeans kick back and relax sixty years ago?  Was it because they were being protected by American blood and American treasure?  Must be nice to sit back and relax knowing other men and nations that are better than you see to your freedom and leisure.

nadinbrzezinski  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 12:37 AM
Response to Original message
11. Hey at least we are now number two in obesity rates....
 phew Mexico overtook us

And you are right, most in indoctrinated Murica don't know this... nor would they believe it

Like all empires in decline, the people are the last to know

We'll get the memo five years after it is official, and it may be official NOW

China is now pushing for the US Dollar to no longer be the World Reserve Currency...

Sterling Silver, and Bretton Woods...

Why the hell did you ever even come here?  You could have afflicted yourself on Britian, France, or Germany, but you chose here.  Why, Nadine?  If those countries are so much better, what would cause you to come to such a cruel and mean place as the United States?  As far as money, you are daft, in case you haven't noticed, everybody and their brother wants American dollars right now because the backing is sound.  China can't change that anytime soon.

Joe the Liberal  (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 03:41 AM
Response to Original message
27. I think a lot of people know this..........
 not your exact stats but the general idea that America is in decline.

but if the United States is no longer the best place for an average person to live then what nation is? 

I'll buy you a plane ticket, one-way to there if you agree to leave and never return.

Political Heretic  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 04:39 AM
Response to Reply #27
28. You know, I hadn't bothered to look into that... I just wanted to fix our system
 I'm not saying its best, but I've always wanted to live in New Zealand   

Well, what's keepin' ya.  Other than they don't need a useless poli-sci major either.

Chulanowa (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 05:10 AM
Response to Original message
29. Our eyes aren't blind; our swords are dull
 Americans have chosen apathy and inaction even in the face of their lives crumbling, because they've been conditioned to it. We've been trained that the best protest is a bunch of people marching around with signs and slogans.

It's containable.
It's (relatively) quiet.
It's non-threatening
And it has no leverage.

Hey DUmmie, most Americans want the system to succeed.  Want to know why?  Because it gives them the best chance for success, that is why you always be a minority.

Tierra_y_Libertad  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 02:54 PM
Response to Original message
34. But, we are way out ahead in "defense" spending to protect, and continue, our lesser status.
 Now, if we could just be "protected" from the predators in the MIC.

We have better training and better equipment than anybody in the world for our military.  Does that bother you libtard?

democrank  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 03:47 PM
Response to Original message
36. Americans will be forced to face reality any day now.
 After all, their credit cards are maxed out, their twenty year olds are saddled with enormous student loan debts, their neighbors houses are in foreclosure and their cousins just got laid off.
No more buying diamond tennis bracelets to take the edge off those "Shock and Awe" news clips.

None of my neighbors have been foreclosed, the education is more valuable than the cost to get it (until the TOTUS starts his Obama jugend),  and my cousin is an idiot that deserved it anyway.

MessiahRp  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 04:00 PM
Response to Original message
37. Many of those charts are 8 years old.
 It's WORSE now.

Yes, because there is nothing in the intervening time that might have improved the meaningless statistics.

Belial  (503 posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 04:05 PM
Response to Original message
38. America is a terrible place to live.. Everyone go back where
 you came from.. 

Lousy Freeper Troll

Dukkha (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 04:12 PM
Response to Original message
39. not necessarily a bad thing
 USA is #1 by a mile in nationalism and arrogance and dead last in humility. The collapse of the capitalist empire is a hard lesson needed to a nation of uneducated ill-mannered thugs.

Which country is it that has led forces freeing 64 million people in the last decade?  Which country boasts the most medical innovation?  Which country is currently educating two lawyers for every citizen?

Dukkha (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 07:50 PM
Response to Reply #56
63. damn right it is
 Here's a hint, Don't like it too ****ing bad. People get the government they deserve, and if you think a mere 20-30% are the cause of it all you are quite naive. The majority willfully went along with everything that happened this decade because they'd rather turn a blind eye to injustice so they wouldn't have to give up their lifestyles of excess. So **** them let it all fail.

Screw off, you don't even know what injustice looks like.

PfcHammer (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 08:06 PM
Response to Original message
67. They get away with it because Americans are ignorant and isolate.
 The rate at which passports is issued in the US is one of the
lowest in the world. Americans would rather be sick and broke
than be "European". 

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  You do know that the state with the most number of people that have been abroad is Nebraska, right?  I guess you don't care because they vote conservative out there.

leftchick  (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 08:45 PM
Response to Original message
71. It certainly proves "the greatest nation on earth" 
 is a complete myth.

So when are you leaving?

amborin (1000+ posts)      Tue Mar-24-09 11:53 PM
Response to Reply #79
82. you are conflating 'access' with 'quality'
 our centers of excellence are world renowned....

our centers of excellence are our top 10 medical research centers

don't you read?

don't you keep track of things?

i fear you're living in a fool's paradise

you must not read any newspapers or journals

how can you NOT know that, just taking health care, as one example, that U.S. medical centers are the top in the world

we're also great in many, many other areas

you are confusing 'access to' or 'affordability' with 'quality'

Hey, why are you trying to stop the bash America fest?

Christa (1000+ posts)        Tue Mar-24-09 10:12 PM
Response to Original message
77. K & R 
 I am going to sit and cry in the corner, while I chew through my wrists

Just be quiet about it would ya.

There's more to this thread, just something about it made me extremely angry.  They use statistics to bash us without any consideration to what the information presents.   

edited to be just a little more clear.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 06:54:40 AM by Vagabond »
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 06:18:05 AM »
The self loathing they go through is only overshadowed by the hatred they have for everyone else.
It has penetrated to the depth of their souls to the point it is all they know.

As for the stupidity about statistics and interpretations of them I would say that to even start,you would have to take all of Europe as one with the individual countries as rough equivalents to our states.

They won`t do that because the desired outcome would be changed.
Heck,I bet that there are states in the US that if were measured as a country would eclipse European ones...what is Frances unemployment rate again btw?

While at it,please find all European countries where the governments want to lose the umbrella of protection from Putin,the Chicoms,islamists,and a host of others dangers that we provide.

That is reality,not some sort of sit in a cushy classroom that you wouldn`t be in anywhere else and come up with hypothetical utopias.

Over educated fukin idiot.

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 06:32:24 AM »
If we're so bad, why are people still trying to break into our country instead of being shot trying to break out?
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 10:58:48 AM »
Japan, exports down 50%. Been in recession for at least a decade. Germany and other Euro-peon countries have stagnant to no growth for many many years. Ask them when is the last time they ate meat, its a luxury in much of Europe. Japanese people have apartments so small that they go to special stores and rent cats by the hour to pet because they can't fit them into their room at home.  :whatever:

The DUmmies could also emigrate.

Nope, instead they want to help tear this country down and whine about the problems they cause while doing it.

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 12:03:39 PM »
And we STILL don't have a new pony! I thought all this would end when the lead singer of the Alfred E(mo) Newman rock band assented to the throne! I want a recall election! I was supposed to be living in the land of happy unicorns and cute puppies, running through fields of wild flowers, meals-on-wheels from Spago, where it's sunny everyday, and gold and silver fall from the sky. I want a NEW self-proclaimed messiah with a more compassionate teleprompter.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2009, 12:30:25 PM »
Please go to some other country then DUmmie! Then come back and spout this B.S.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2009, 04:54:24 PM »
Pretty much total BS by a DUchebag that has never visited a country in europe.  Standard residence (actually apartments because SFRs a re a small percentage of total housing units) is about 400 sq.ft.  In the USA it is about 1000 sq. ft. 

Like having a washer and dryer in your residence? The USA is at 78% highest EU country (Denmark) 39%, average for EU is 20%.  Similar ratios for clothes washer/dryer, microwave, blenders, and VCR/DVRs.

Like having a car?  The USA is around 90% (with lots of multiple car families) EU country average is 72% with Italy at 80% as the highest.

Like actually being cured from cancer? Well the USA is almost 50% higher than the average EU country at curing cancer.  Like waiting to get health care? Well typical waits are over six months for the EU, the USA is 4-5 days.

Like employment? Well until the last few months the EU historical average of 10+/-% is twice that of the USA's 5+/-% unemployment rate.

Many real life measurement put the USA way out ahead of the socialists in the EU. 
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2009, 06:29:11 PM »
Lets not forget opportunity.

I bet it is much higher cost and harsher regulation against government to start a business.... and in many industries likely impossible because there is a govt monopoly.

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Re: Primitives make comparison
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2009, 06:43:27 PM »
This reminds me of something I read years and years ago about North Korean brainwashing of American POW's.
“A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time”
― Homer, The Odyssey