Author Topic: sparkling husband primitive optimistic  (Read 763 times)

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Offline franksolich

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sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« on: January 12, 2009, 04:49:20 PM »

Oh my.

I'm sure this is a "keeper," to be reviewed six months hence.

Husb2Sparkly  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:15 PM
Original message
How optimistic are you .... ****overall****?

I dare say most of us are at least reasonably optimistic about the exit of Bush and the entrance of Obama. My question here is even larger than that.

In some sense, the world seems to be turning to total shit, with shittier times a-comin'.

In another sense, the world is always facing some crisis du jour and manages to come out of it .... only to face some new crisis. Rinse and repeat.

But taking the long view, we are so much better off than were our parents or grandparents. We are more safely sheltered. We are better fed. We are kept healthier. We are living longer. Yes, none of those are perfect statements and there are even reasons to disagree with them at the margins. So please think in the overall as you consider the question.

How optimistic are you ***overall*** for the next year?

How optimistic are you ***overall*** for the next four years?

How optimistic are you ***overall*** for the next ten years?

Oh my.

Re-read the boldened area, above.

I think the sparkling husband primitive made a major slip, admitting to what Reagan, the first Bush, Newt Gingrich, and George Bush, did for us all.

Oh my.

Perhaps the sparkling husband primitive should edit that out.

madokie  (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'm probably the most optimistic one here and I am optimistic as all get outs. I have faith in the Obama Administration doing the right things.

Oh my.

monmouth  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. And I'm right there with you. I'm very, very optimistic. This thing can be done....

Oh dear.

Husb2Sparkly  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:25 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I was looking for a larger view than just Obama's presidency

Not to take away from that ...... just looking for the larger view.

Dawgs  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #1
19. +1

How anyone can't be EXTREMELY optimistic when comparing Obama's plans to what we had over the last eight years is beyond my comprehension.

Oh goodness.

Warpy  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:26 PM
Response to Original message
4. Overall, I'm feeling the first glimmer of optimism since Clinton sold us out on NAFTA. I'm feeling it because people finally admit there is a huge problem and that conservatives are responsible for it.

The next couple of years are going to suck, though.

Bluzmann57  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:28 PM
Response to Original message

5. Overall, I think we'll be all right

With a new President and some new ideas coming in, we will be ok at least for the short term. The human race has an amazing capacity for survival for the most part. The country, and the world, have been through hard times before and bounced back. I have faith we will again.

Oh oh.

Birthmark (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:28 PM
Response to Original message
6. Almost completely pessimistic.

Sorry, but I'm getting old and my knees hurt...and they've changed the name of my country to "Homelandia", near as I can tell.

Blue State Native  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. I pretty pessimistic too. Being unemployed might have something too do with that.

Birthmark (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #9

12. Yeah, that'll knock the happy right outta ya.

Good luck, BSN. Been there done that, couldn't afford the t-shirt.

Blue State Native  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:50 PM
Response to Reply #12
13. Thank you Birthmark.

azmouse  (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:33 PM
Response to Original message
7. Cautiously optimistic

I think we'll all be seeing some very tough times ahead but I have faith in my fellow human beings that we can once again dig ourselves out of this mess. And we'll be stronger for having faced these problems.

Oh gracious.

Blue_In_AK  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:36 PM
Response to Original message
8. I am neither optimistic nor pessimistic. 

I'm just trying to hold a somewhat Zen state -- what is, is; what will be, will be. 

sinkingfeeling  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:38 PM
Response to Original message
10. I'm also older and I'm not wildly optimistic. The next year will be bad and maybe in 10 years, we'll begin to see the benefits of change. However, I doubt if America will ever return to country it was directly during and after WWII. I totally disagree with your statement that we are 'so much better off than our parents or grandparents'. We're not better fed nor are we healthier as a nation. We eat tons more junk, full of chemicals and crap, than our grandparents, who ate locally and organic. We have become a nation of obese people with 20 times the number having heart disease and diabetes. Houses are probably less safe today than those built 100 years ago, again because of toxins and chemicals used in what we put in them.

Tierra_y_Libertad  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 02:47 PM
Response to Original message
11. Being a cynic has it's rewards. The world will keep on chugging along. 

Plenty of bad things will happen. Plenty of good things will happen.

There's certainly some economic bad times ahead which will only be resolved when prices reach equity with value. Until they do, there's going to be hell to pay in the form poverty, wars, revolutions, and the misery that goes with it.

But, when the dust settles I think the world will come, for a time, to it's senses and see that working together is more sensible than paying the price of narrow nationalism and greed.

We're facing a new world coming. Of course, that's true every day that we breathe. 

zalinda (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:52 PM
Response to Original message
14. False premise 

"But taking the long view, we are so much better off than were our parents or grandparents. We are more safely sheltered. We are better fed. We are kept healthier. We are living longer. Yes, none of those are perfect statements and there are even reasons to disagree with them at the margins. So please think in the overall as you consider the question."

The above statement is not true, for the most part. Our parents and grandparents, had a more stable job environment, most worked at the same place for 25 years or more. Their houses not only cost less, but were paid off in less time or bought for cash. They had more access to doctors than we have, and their food was not laced with all kinds of chemicals. So, the only thing that could be true is that we are living longer, but even that has a caveat.........only if you can afford health care.

I don't see much changing at all until there isn't a "let them eat cake" attitude from the people with money. And that included Obama and other politicians.

Two Americas (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
15. extremely optimistic

The people have rejected the religious right and the political right wing economic programs. That is the best political news in 80 years.

There will be very tough times in the short run, and I don't mean to minimize that, but so long as the right wing was ascendant and the public was duped, and the Democratic party was weak and compromised, hard times were inevitable. Of those three things, we have accomplished the first two. Will the Democrats now fight for the people? That is the question. But even if they do not, the people cannot now be stopped and one way or another will overthrow the rule of the few and rebuild the country.

I do not think that the debates here, and throughout the party at all levels, are between people who are "positive" and people who are "negative." Many are trying to portray the critics from the Left as "negative" and claim that those who are promoting extreme party loyalty and partisanship are the "positive" ones. The difference between the two factions is in what they are optimistic about. Some see the dramatic move by the people to the Left as the thing to be optimistic about, to expand and support, others are looking only at partisan politics and the success of the party politicians and think we should first and foremost promote and defend that.

Taverner  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:07 PM
Response to Original message

16. Two steps forward, one step back

Oh collywobbles.

Blue State Native  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:17 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. Won't get very far doing that.

Taverner  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:31 PM
Response to Reply #18
22. Agreed

Coyote_Bandit  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:14 PM
Response to Original message

17. Not very optimistic at all

My career has been destroyed and I have a lot of reasons to fear that my only option will be self-employment. My savings are being depleted and my investments have tanked. And I have have very little income coming in.

I know if I were diagnosed with a serious illiness or chronic health condition I would not be able to acquire anything other than emergency room health care. I haven't seen a doctor for any reason in over a decade.

Obama is proving himself to be the moderate centrist I believed him to be. Money still buys power. There haven't been any changes to campaign finance laws - or to regulations on lobbyists. And kooks like Michelle Bachmann still get relected.

Why the hell would I be optimistic?

But the 0bamaites and the 0bamaite primitives promised us.....

Remember, according to the lonestarnut primitive, hunger's going to end at 9:00:01 a.m. January 20, 2009.  You can bank on it.  The lonestarnut primitive promised.

And now we have Ms. Ed, the unappellated eohippus, neighing in:

Horse with no Name  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:20 PM
Response to Original message

20. I wasn't sold on this administration but to be honest--not one thing Obama has done has shocked me. It has been just as I thought it would. Like clockwork.

I feel that this country is in for a rude awakening.

I am optimistic personally because I have a recession-proof job. I have very few expenses and I have no debt. I have a place to live. I have a garden. I have insurance. I have food in the freezer and in the pantry.

I'm optimistic PERSONALLY that I will be just fine.

However, I do not see the country faring very well. I think homelessness and hunger will surge to third-world proportions.

But I am optimistic that the banks and corporations will have minimum losses to their bottom line.




TornadoTN  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:22 PM
Response to Original message
21. Cautiously Optimistic 

I'm somewhat pessimisstic looking at the next year. There's just too much to do for the next year to salvage this country and try to undo some of the damage the last 8 years have wrought. The description "it's gonna get worse before it gets better" fits here.

However, I am very optimistic for what lies ahead over the course of 4-10 years. If Obama delivers on what he has promised and the country is able to respond and rebound from 8 years of total hell, I think there are some great things that we as a society can achieve.

Javaman  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 03:45 PM
Response to Original message
23. given the fact that we are leaving the dark age of stupid, very hopeful.

Oh aprons.

Enthusiast  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jan-12-09 05:08 PM
Response to Original message
24. Somewhat optimistic. But....the right wing extremists have redoubled their effort to discredit the new deal and discredit Obama's efforts to right this sinking ship of an economy. Things are far from rosy.

TNOE  (1000+ posts)     Mon Jan-12-09 05:13 PM
Response to Original message
25. Extremely Optimistic

But we've got to keep the R's in check and refuse to allow them to lay the blame of this shit at Obama's feet, and basically, just shut them down completely.

The above primitive's an idiot, and knows it.

Republicans are shut down completely; we're the minority, remember?

Anything that happens after 9:00:01 a.m. central time, 8:00:01 a.m. mountain time, January 20, 2009, IS 0bama's fault.

QuestionAll  (1000+ posts)      Mon Jan-12-09 05:25 PM
Response to Original message
26. not at all optimistic- i just don't see how the economy turns around...people are tapped out- even those with jobs and houses.

I swear this is a "keeper," to be looked at six months hence.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 05:09:22 PM »
I am optimistic that when the DUmp finally realizes that O is an empty suit politician they will be in a state of insanity that President Bush could never dream of sending them into.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 05:12:48 PM by Carl »

Offline franksolich

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 05:13:27 PM »
I am optimistic that when the DUmp finally realizes that O is an empty suit politician they will be in a state of insanity that President Bush could never dream of sending them into.

Oh my yes.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 05:15:57 PM »
Copied this from one of the DUmmie respnes...."Obama is proving himself to be the moderate centrist I believed him to be."

"moderate centrist"....That is Moonbat talk for, "Obama is a liar. We have been lied to. We were used like the stupid tools we are. We have been used.......again."

Now a conservative would have just come right out and said, "That lying S.O.B."
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline jukin

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 05:57:51 PM »
Hope (can't believe I typed that) for the best...PREPARE FOR THE WORST.

That is where I am.  Do I think that Obama will make the Carter years look good...YES.  I hope not but my gut says it's going to be bad and have been preparing for the most likely outcome.  Am I alone?  NO that is why people in business are letting people go in preparation for the government's heavy hand and the great socialist utopia that the one is to bring.

I think the people that have capital and are making money are going to be cutting back dramatically and ten thousand DUmmies don't equal one of these people.  The government does not equal 20% of these people and we are hunkering down for bad bad times. 

When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 06:03:24 PM »
Hope (can't believe I typed that) for the best...PREPARE FOR THE WORST.

That is where I am.  Do I think that Obama will make the Carter years look good...YES.  I hope not but my gut says it's going to be bad and have been preparing for the most likely outcome.  Am I alone?  NO that is why people in business are letting people go in preparation for the government's heavy hand and the great socialist utopia that the one is to bring.

I think the people that have capital and are making money are going to be cutting back dramatically and ten thousand DUmmies don't equal one of these people.  The government does not equal 20% of these people and we are hunkering down for bad bad times. 

This statement might sum it up:

"Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition."
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2009, 07:35:49 PM »
I am optimistic that when the DUmp finally realizes that O is an empty suit politician they will be in a state of insanity that President Bush could never dream of sending them into.

It would be a major plus if it reaches suicidal proportions, on a large scale.
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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2009, 08:52:03 PM »
It would be a major plus if it reaches suicidal proportions, on a large scale.
Of course, the way the DUmmie mind works, there will aways be a "neo-con" to blame.  Even if they have to tape a picture of Dubya's face over Obama's on the TV news, the Big Zero can be anything less than perfect.
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Offline Flame

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Re: sparkling husband primitive optimistic
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2009, 07:19:48 AM »
I gotta say, I'm approaching the impending next 4 years the same way I approach a visit with my sister.  If I have expectation that it will be a total cluster*&^%, then maybe I can be pleasantly surprised if something decent comes out of it, other wise, I already expect a distaster, so I won't be surprised when that's what happens.