Author Topic: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN  (Read 4808 times)

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Offline Airwolf

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2008, 05:03:42 PM »
This will continue to go on untill they start putting enough of these ACORN people in jail.

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Offline rich_t

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2008, 12:28:56 AM »
This will continue to go on untill they start putting enough of these ACORN people in jail.

A bullet to the brain pan is cheaper.

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Offline Strider

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2008, 12:04:34 PM »
I have been watching you with interest, strider.  and that is a good thing.

we do YOU think that we lost?

I have been trying to come up with the short answer for your question and cant seem to deliver.
I seem to come up with more questions than answers.
The pendulum seems to swing every few years and maybe it was time for it to swing the other way. My question is not so much why we lost buy how did Obama win? 20 years ago I don't think the country would have EVER elected a freshman senator with absolutely no executive experience, associations with people who have displayed anti American values, raised in a third world country by a stepfather who's religious belief is largely anti American and intolerant of other religions, has stated that the Constitution is fundamentally flawed, and the list goes on.

In my opinion we have lost to political correctness and the assault on the traditions and beliefs that created and secured this country for so many decades. The traditions like working hard for a days pay, the belief in god and the ten commandments as a moral guide, the idea of working toward something greater than ourselves. Someone once wrote if you don't believe in something ,you will fall for anything...I am afraid we have reached that point and the possibility of someone like Al "thedumbass"Franken being elected is further proof this is true.

Offline EaglesWings

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2008, 01:02:10 PM »
Our nation has been in decline for many decades.  IMHO it began with taking prayer out of school (we have replaced prayer with police); our public schools have become havens for the indoctrination of liberal ideology; legalizing abortion; not holding criminals accountable for their crimes; and the list goes on.  The MSM has brainwashed the non-thinking public with their propaganda--manipulated them--just look at the coverage of the War in Iraq.  For years we saw all of the bombings--the blood-the gore--the death toll--all of it was on our TV screens hour after hour after hour.  All of the negative coverage took top billing because the war wasn't going well.  All of the bashing of Bush--the vile, the hatred toward that man that was advocated by the MSM.  Then the "surge" was implemented and success is finally in our grasp...the end is finally near...and what do you hear from the MSM about it...............A BIG FAT NOTHING!  No pictures of the successes, the markets that are open and operating for the Iraqi people, the school children playing, people strolling down the streets of Fallujah and Baghdad.  You would think that the MSM would want to publicize our military's successes, their hard work and dedication, their commitment to winning this war.  But they have forgotten about Iraq, it is no longer beneficial to their ideology to report it. 

We are truly a nation divided by principles.  Unfortunately this election proved that the majority of the voting public wanted CHANGE, even if it destroys our nation.  They do not think any further ahead than their next house payment.  The Democrats want to keep people down, they want a dependent class of voters--their strongest voting block.  When people become independent thinkers, they tend to be more conservative.  To me, I want a strong economy, but I want strong leaders who will defend our nation against terrorism; because without our nation being secure from the terrorists' threat we can never really be financially secure.  JMHO

Offline Strider

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2008, 01:20:54 PM »
Our nation has been in decline for many decades.  IMHO it began with taking prayer out of school (we have replaced prayer with police); our public schools have become havens for the indoctrination of liberal ideology; legalizing abortion; not holding criminals accountable for their crimes; and the list goes on.  The MSM has brainwashed the non-thinking public with their propaganda--manipulated them--just look at the coverage of the War in Iraq.  For years we saw all of the bombings--the blood-the gore--the death toll--all of it was on our TV screens hour after hour after hour.  All of the negative coverage took top billing because the war wasn't going well.  All of the bashing of Bush--the vile, the hatred toward that man that was advocated by the MSM.  Then the "surge" was implemented and success is finally in our grasp...the end is finally near...and what do you hear from the MSM about it...............A BIG FAT NOTHING!  No pictures of the successes, the markets that are open and operating for the Iraqi people, the school children playing, people strolling down the streets of Fallujah and Baghdad.  You would think that the MSM would want to publicize our military's successes, their hard work and dedication, their commitment to winning this war.  But they have forgotten about Iraq, it is no longer beneficial to their ideology to report it. 

We are truly a nation divided by principles.  Unfortunately this election proved that the majority of the voting public wanted CHANGE, even if it destroys our nation.  They do not think any further ahead than their next house payment.  The Democrats want to keep people down, they want a dependent class of voters--their strongest voting block.  When people become independent thinkers, they tend to be more conservative.  To me, I want a strong economy, but I want strong leaders who will defend our nation against terrorism; because without our nation being secure from the terrorists' threat we can never really be financially secure.  JMHO

High five for you!!! :bow:
My idea that the election was lost to ignorance is the result of what has gone on in our schools for the last 20 years....

Offline Baruch Menachem

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Re: The fix is in.... but here is what I want to have happen in MN
« Reply #30 on: November 19, 2008, 09:12:26 AM »
edmund burke would disagree.

you are talking about a revolution in response to the revolution. 

the french tried that, and they are on their third republic.

I think they are at six by now, but to be sure, after three, who bothers to count anymore.
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