Author Topic: Horseshoes and hand grenades  (Read 908 times)

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Offline DixieBelle

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Horseshoes and hand grenades
« on: September 30, 2008, 07:13:53 PM »
“I graduated in 1979.  The Vietnam War had come to an end.  We weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at that point.  And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue.” - Barack Obama on why the U.S. military had no need for his soldiering services.

Presidential candidates say lots of absurd things to get elected for sure. As Americans, we’ve become jaded and expect that sort of nonsense from our leadership. So when they lie through their teeth it comes as no big surprise. But when they lie about the very things that make up their basic belief systems and tell lies about things they say they  have done that fly in the face of those belief systems, they cannot be trusted.

It’s one thing to suggest that you may have attended a particular school, obtained a certain degree, or held a particular position when you didn’t. It’s quite another when you attempt to steal even an ounce of valor from over 20 million U.S. veterans who have earned it through their sacrifices, deaths and bloodshed. While both are lies told with the specific intent of bolstering one’s qualifications to advance their career, lying about military service is simply stealing the valor from those who actually did such heroic things. And while Obama is not exactly lying about military service by claiming to have thought about enlisting, he’s trying to increase his standing among veterans by –laughably– claiming he was (almost) one of us.

Obama has the unique distinction of being the only politician who has penned multiple memoirs despite having virtually no legislative record in Washington. The audacity is not of Obama’s hope that he can change the country, rather the audacity here is that this candidate can look veterans in the eye and expect us to believe what he said was true.

If fighting is what he wanted to do, there was plenty of it during those years, but Columbia and Harvard Law school are a bit more lucrative than sleeping in a ditch and eating M.R.Es. For Obama to expect veterans to believe that his decision not to serve in the military was in any way connected to the fact that he wouldn’t actually see any combat and not because he had his eye on any political office is an insult to every man and woman who has worn the uniform. Those of us who have served respect the decision of those who choose not to. We served so the citizens of this nation could be free to choose their own destiny. The fact that Obama feels the need to justify his decision at all reeks of dishonesty. The fact that he is embellishing upon those reasons is unforgivable.

In his incorrigible quest to woo the nation’s veterans, Barack Obama has managed yet again to insult us. There is simply no way one could believe the preposterous notion that he ever seriously considered military service. I can just imagine the young Obama’s reaction the first time a drill instructor yelled at him at point blank range, showering him with spit and insults. His upbringing, education and formative years were so completely removed from the rigors of military service it is simply not possible. He refuses to acknowledge to this day that U.S. military forces led by General David Petraeus were directly responsible for the recent string of successes or the real force reductions that have and will continue to occur due to those successes. He has disrespected the very flag that leads our military into battle on multiple occasions. When you examine the actions of Barack Obama with respect to the military, once again his record does not square with what he says.

Mr. Obama, we who served our nation and wore the uniform with pride and distinction have a saying:“Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” Give it up, will you?

Snipped - read the whole thing

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle