Author Topic: Stories & Opinions Worth Knowing but Maybe Not Quite Threadworthy 5/30  (Read 343 times)

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McCarthy Recites the RINO Creed: ‘We Let Government Grow, But at a Slower Rate’

When the House Republicans who initially refused to accept Kevin McCarthy as speaker finally agreed to do so back in January, they allegedly received assurances from him and his supporters that McCarthy would genuinely oppose Democrat initiatives, not just go along with them as a controlled opposition. And that seems to be the case with the new debt ceiling deal, as Biden’s handlers appear to have made some significant concessions to McCarthy. However, it would be premature to think that the worst days of the uniparty are behind us. McCarthy has just given us a disquieting indication that he isn’t completely the reformed RINO he has seemed to be of late.

On Sunday, McCarthy declared confidently on FOX News Sunday that his deal with the devil — er, that is, with Old Joe Biden — was a “step in the right direction” for the GOP. He asserted that “more than 95 percent of all those in the conference were very excited” about the deal, and gave some reasons why: “We finally were able to cut spending. We’re the first Congress to vote for cutting spending year over year. So, you cut that back, you fully fund the veterans, you fully fund defense, but you take that nondefense spending all the way back lower than ’22 levels.” That does sound swell indeed, and McCarthy wasn’t finished.

The man who will go down in history as the successor of Nancy Pelosi then boasted about how his tough negotiating tactics had forced the Democrats to make concessions, particularly on new rules that some of those receiving government handouts had to do something for the money: “Now you get work requirements for TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] and SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program], where the Democrats said that was a red line.”

McCarthy even claimed to have made inroads into the government’s ever-expanding environmentalist initiatives: “Now you’re able to reform NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act]. How frustrating we are with — it’s been 40 years since you could streamline it.” Streamlined government is good, but less government altogether is better, and McCarthy wasn’t quite up to that point. He reeled off the acronyms of these programs, without bothering to explain what they were, like the seasoned Beltway insider that he undeniably is.

He did, however, promise an easing of at least some of the stultifying maze of regulations that have done so much to blunt American initiative in recent years. “To build a road in America,” he pointed out, “takes you seven years to review.” But he promised relief: “We limit that, where it’s focused, where you can only review it one to two years. We’re going to get America working again. We get the process working again.” He added: “We are — we always have these omnibuses at the end of the year, we now penalize Congress if they don’t get their jobs done.”

All in all, McCarthy claimed this was a big victory: “There is so much in this that’s positive.” It looked even better by comparison to previous deals: “And measure it to all the other debt ceilings, when Republicans had the presidency, the Senate and the House, did they ever cut spending? No, they increased it. We were able to do this when the president said he wasn’t even going to talk to us.” Fantastic, Kevin! Wow! Elect this guy president, right? He continued: “This is really a step in the right direction. It puts us in a trajectory that’s different. We put a statutory cap on spending 1 percent for the next six years.” But then came his RINO bombshell.

McCarthy’s final summation of his great victory was succinct: “So, we let government grow but at a slower rate.”


How’s that again? You let government grow, but at a slower rate? This is precisely what establishment Republicans have been doing for decades, earning the justified ire and contempt of millions of patriots: they have let the statist, socialist Democrats set the agenda and largely agreed to it, while just quibbling with a bit here and there, or promising to get the whole thing done more cheaply and efficiently.

This is precisely what a RINO, a Republican In Name Only, is. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as beloved as he was, became the first of these when he took office as president in 1953. He made it clear to the Republicans that even though his was the first Republican presidency since the beginning of the Depression, he accepted the New Deal and all the massive expansion of government that it entailed. Republicans would not roll any of that expansion back. They’d just fine-tune it a little.

RINOs have been fine-tuning our long march to socialism ever since. If McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal is another step in that direction, we are better off without it, as well as better off with a House speaker who will actually oppose the Democrats, not just drag his feet a little on what they want to get done.

There's been a lot of "Gee, McCarthy really is a Republican with balls" in the news lately, with all manner of fawning over "the deal" that he and SharterJoe reached. As with anything written in the news, it's all suspect and Spencer, in this article, shines a bigger light on McCarthy's "success."

One might argue, as DDE did, that McCarthy's tacit agreement to allow government to grow at a reduced rate was the best he could do. Maybe. Since we aren't in that negotiating room we'll never know.

All I do know is that $80B that the Dems stole from the taxpayer specifically for the IRS last year largely remains. They're apparently going to "repurpose" $10B of that money from FY24 and another $10B from FY25. That leaves $60B over the next 10 years for the IRS agents with guns that SharterJoe wants to threaten the taxpayer.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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Offline Eupher

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Why Ron DeSantis Says the Debt Deal Is ‘Totally Inadequate’

After President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced that a deal had been reached to increase the debt limit and avoid a default, a number of conservative leaders have raised alarms that the negotiated agreement does not go far enough to address Democrats’ out-of-control spending. Among them is Florida Governor and 2024 GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis.

Joining Fox & Friends on Monday morning, DeSantis criticized what he called a “massive amount of spending” in the Biden-McCarthy deal, one that is “totally inadequate” to get America’s fiscal house “in a better spot.”

“Prior to this deal our country was careening towards bankruptcy, and after this deal our country will still be careening towards bankruptcy,” DeSantis said.

“To say you can do $4 trillion of increases in the next year and a half, I mean that’s a massive amount of spending,” the Florida Republican noted.

“I think that we’ve gotten ourselves on a trajectory here, really since March of 2020 with some of the COVID spending, it totally reset the budget and they’re sticking with that,” DeSantis continued. “I think that that’s just going to be totally inadequate to get us in a better spot.” 

”In Florida, we run big budget surpluses,” DeSantis said of his own governance. “We have a $1.2 trillion economy but our debt is only $17 billion — second lowest per capita in the country,” he noted.

“We make tough choices,” DeSantis said of Florida’s budget decisions, “and we make sure that we look forward to the long haul.”

Contrasting Florida with D.C., DeSantis pointed out that Congress does “these cycles to just get them through the next election, and that’s ultimately one of the reasons why they continue to fail.”

Evidently joining DeSantis is his concern about the debt deal are the House’s Chip Roy (R-TX) and Senate’s Mike Lee (R-UT):

(More Twitter)

There's supposed to be a vote on this tapered turd tomorrow. The Freedom Caucus ain't happy, Mike Lee ain't happy, and DeSantis ain't happy. RINO McCarthy, riding the RINO practice of trying to polish tapered turds, apparently is happy.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
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Offline Eupher

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Is Michelle Obama going to replace Senator Feinstein to jumpstart a presidential run?

Is Michelle Obama going to replace Senator Feinstein to jumpstart a presidential run?

What are the odds Gavin Newsom will replace Dianne Feinstein with Michelle Obama to start Obama’s real return to the White House?  Barack Hussein Obama wants to finish off the country with a fraudulent fourth term with Michelle as the ‘president’, starting her run by being appointed to replace Dianne Feinstein.

Consider the visible manifestations of the intrigue taking place behind the scenes of the fascist far left the past few days.  One is the sudden re-emergence of Barack Hussein Obama and Michelle (aka ‘Big M’) along with a tug of war within the ranks of the authoritarian collectivists on what to do about Senator Feinstein.   

Meanwhile, Mr. Demented Disaster, himself the head of Team Wrecking Ball, is gearing up for another ‘run’ at pretending to be president. It is almost entirely obvious to everyone that it shouldn’t even be close. Frankly, at this point, it shouldn’t matter if it’s Ron or Don, Team Freedom could run a pastrami on rye and still win with Biden as the opponent with 4 years of disaster under his belt.

We’re presenting this case simply because it’s better to be forewarned of danger and to pre-puncture this little party balloon they have planned. After all, they would love to spring this on everyone as a ‘wonderful’ surprise.  If we’ve already predicted and discussed this little trick, it’ll take some wind out of their sails.

In our day-to-day work, engineers generally look at the initial conditions of a system and apply the appropriate rules of physics to predict what is going to happen with a system and more importantly, what to do about it. 

Thus, we can apply the same kind of logic to politics to predict what is going to happen in the future.

The ‘initial conditions’ are that the Obamas are acting as Bill and Hillary Clinton when she was gearing up for a presidential run.  Logical reasoning also helps inform us as to what the far left will do given the current state of affairs and their default predilection for prevarication.  So, let’s consider these events as puzzle pieces and see how they fit together in predicting what is going to happen next, given previous events of a similar nature.

Michelle Obama made a rather odd and disturbingly familiar statement in an interview with Gayle King on "CBS Mornings" back on Apr 20, 2023. Colion Noir, referenced this in one of his videos: Michelle Obama Says We're The Only Country With Unfettered Access To Guns & It's Not A Good Thing

During one point in the original interview, marked on the timeline as the most replayed, she references their issues with our common-sense civil right of self-defense, parroting the tired old line ‘enough is enough’ saying:

“we wondered that throughout our entire presidency.”

Did you catch that? ‘we wondered that throughout our entire presidency.’

Those of you that remember the bad old days of Comrade Clinton’s presidential aspirations, will recall that she expressed things similarly. Making it sound like it was a “co-presidency” of sorts.  As though Michelle had been a full partner in the effort ‘our entire presidency,’ when that was not the case. She used the phrase ‘we wondered’ as though she was in some sort of mind meld with Barack Hussein.  History teaches us what happened next.

Comrade Clinton set up the pattern of becoming a senator of one of the larger socialistic states and then running for the top spot as though she was already experienced in the job.  The national socialist media would also play a game of taking the latest utterance of a prominent member of the Demo-Nazi party that Comrade Clinton should run as a ‘Stop the presses’ moment. Cynically exploiting its propaganda value for a day or two and then repeating the cycle when another far-leftist would make the same type of ‘proclamation.’

Former presidents are supposed to exit the stage and leave it to their successors. Obama broke that mold, staying behind the scenes, to a certain extent much like a puppet master.  We aren’t certain who’s been controlling the demented leader of Team Wrecking Ball. 

However, many are guessing it’s Barack Hussein himself.

But, now that seems to have changed; the Obamas are looking for a bigger role in events. Appointing Michelle as senator as a launching platform for the presidency might be just what Barack Hussein is looking for.

You also have to consider that the Dems have few other choices; they have no bench or people that are even likable or decent.  That’s why they have to constantly point fingers at the pro-freedom right. They can pretend that they can be ‘successful’ at rerunning the 2020 playbook, but the people are sick of the COVID scam and no matter how much they try to distract, the fact is that the Biden regime has been an unmitigated disaster for the country.

To be fair, we must consider the factors against this taking place. Just as there were rivalries within national socialist Germany, there are rivalries within the far left in the states.  Governor Hair Gel isn’t likely to want to appoint Big M to the Senate and potentially to the White House when he covets doing to the nation as he’s done to the people’s republic.  Dianne Feinstein won’t want to give up her ability to control other people (for their own good, of course) along with her congressional aides who’ve got their own version of “Weekend at Bernie's” going (They must figure if it’s good enough for the White House).

Then there’s the practical side that the Obamas don’t have a residence in the People’s Republic of California. But when have they cared about abiding by the law anyway?  Besides, all they have to do is pitch a tent somewhere and they’ll suddenly be residents, just like all of the other illegal invaders.

So, why is this important to consider? We’re making this case for a couple of reasons. One, the more we talk about this as something that is expected, the less it will be a ‘surprise’ and sudden and ‘historic’ news story that will be blared everywhere, and maybe it’s less likely to happen.

It’s also simply a case of being forewarned, if we’ve already considered this possibility, we will have already planned for it and it will be devoid of its intended ‘shock value.’

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Lots of speculation about DiFi and when she's going to pull the plug (she really is further gone than SharterJoe, having asked someone, "Why is she (Kamala Harris) here (in the Senate)?". DiFi apparently forgot that the VP is the President of the Senate.

Governor Hairstyle has said that if he appoints a senator to replace DiFi, it will be a black woman. Lots of kerfuffle about that, not the least of which from Nancy Pelousy, who wants to install Schiff. It's been noted that Gov. Hairstyle prefers Barbara Lee.

But what if the author is correct and Comrades Barry and Mike are positioning themselves for another trip down Let's Destroy America Lane? In essence, that would be Barry's 4th term and the End of America.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
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Would Mooch-chelle accept anything less than being queen? If Mooch-chelle became Senator, would she have to cut back on her jet-setting and actually stay in WashDC for Senate votes?

The speculation I've hear is that Noisome's choice would be Rep. Barbara (Baa-Baa) Lee, Ron "Red" Dellums' handpicked successor in his House seat.

Has Las Vegas posted odds on whether DiFei lasts till November 2024?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Would Mooch-chelle accept anything less than being queen? If Mooch-chelle became Senator, would she have to cut back on her jet-setting and actually stay in WashDC for Senate votes?

The former First-Lady-With-a-Dick since she left the White House has had better than 7 years to be wined and dined by the Dem elites. Word on the street is, she's bored with that. It's been nice and she loves being the center of attention and all, but she's got the itch -- probably something close to jock itch. Since SharterJoe really can't locate his own dick any more without help, I would not be surprised at all to see this develop fully into her own raging hard-on.

After all, she deserves it. She needs to not only be proud for American for the first time with the ascension of her cuckold Twerp King Barry to the presidency, but be proud a second time for her own ascension. After all, her daughters are in education camps for their full indoctrination as full-fledged Marxists, so she's looking for her next gig. One that pays, of course.

The speculation I've hear is that Noisome's choice would be Rep. Barbara (Baa-Baa) Lee, Ron "Red" Dellums' handpicked successor in his House seat.
Yup. Mentioned this above.

Has Las Vegas posted odds on whether DiFei lasts till November 2024?
Dunno, but she is fading fast and the hounds are nipping at her heels to pack her bags and GTFO. I'd bet nope, she won't last that long -- especially since her last reelection campaign was pockmarked with issues regarding her age even then.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
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Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith

Professor fails student for refusing to condemn her Christian faith

A professor at Polk State College has allegedly failed a humanities student after she refused to concede that Jesus is a “myth” or that Christianity oppresses women during a series of mandatory assignments at the Florida college.

According to a press release from the Liberty Counsel, a non-profit public interest law firm, Humanities Professor Lance "Lj" Russum gave a student a “zero” on four separate papers because the 16-year-old did not “conform to his personal worldviews of Marxism, Atheism, Feminism, and homosexuality.” The law firm has called for a full, private investigation of the professor and the course curriculum.

The course description for the class, “ Introduction to Humanities,” claims that students “are under no obligation to agree with classmates, authors, or the instructor, in fact, the instructor will often occupy the space of ‘Devil’s Advocate’ for the purpose of lively discussion.”

“The point of this is not to ‘bash’ any religion, we should NEVER favor one over another, they all come from the same source, HUMAN IMAGINATION and [sic] they demonstrate that humanity is one,” a copy of Russum’s class outline, riddled with grammatical errors, says.

It's interesting that the student is a 16YO. I wonder if she's homeschooled.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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University of California President's Berkeley Home Vandalized

A hate crime investigation is underway after University of California officials say vandals painted racial slurs on the home of the UC president. The hate-filled graffiti has left a Berkeley neighborhood outraged and on edge.

Bruce O’Neill showed NBC Bay Area where somebody spray painted the date of the insurrection on his neighbor’s property. While the graffiti’s has now been removed, Berkeley police said vandals painted racial slurs, profanity and symbols on the home of UC President Michael Drake last week.

I wonder if Berserkeley police are considering the possibility that this is a false-flag hoax-hate-crime ... or if they're even allowed to consider that possibility. IMO, it's more likely a hoax.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Claudia Rosett, 1955-2023: One of the Most Courageous Journalists of Our Time

I was saddened to hear the news over the weekend that longtime PJ Media columnist Claudia Rosett has passed away at age 67. Claudia had maintained her column, The Rosett Report, at PJ Media since 2006, and although her writings here had been infrequent in recent years, she has contributed more than a thousand columns in these pages. And PJM was just a small part of her prolific and courageous journalism career.

Much of her career was spent with the Wall Street Journal, serving as its Moscow bureau chief and editorial page editor for the Asia division. She was fearless and passionate, especially when reporting about repressive regimes around the world. Claudia was the only print journalist who witnessed the Tiennenman Square uprising in 1989, dodging bullets to get the story out to the world (you can read her first-hand account here). She was also a fierce critic of the United Nations and is widely credited with exposing corruption in the international body. She received several awards for her reporting on the UN’s Oil-for-Food program in Iraq. In recent years she had traveled to Hong Kong to cover protests over the encroachment of China. She was also a foreign policy fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.

Interestingly, though her W'pedia bio article speaks of her in past tense, it ends its account of her journalistic work in 2006, almost as if her ~17 years of work with PJMedia didn't happen.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Looks like the Spanish are fixin' to shuffle off their Socialist coil

It wasn’t just Spanish boaters feeling blindsided and rudely attacked this past week. Like the yachts sailing through the Straights of Gibraltar who ran into orcas with attitudes schooled in the arts of maritime destruction by a she-whale named White Gladis, the ruling Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) – led by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez – received a thumping of epic proportions this past Saturday. The results have stove in a section of the Socialist hull, left them rudderless, and they are bailing water madly.

Spain’s ruling Socialists suffered heavy losses to opposition conservatives in Sunday’s local election, with around 95% of the votes counted, showing their electoral vulnerability ahead of an end-of-year general election.

Only three of the 12 regions holding elections will retain Socialist dominance by very narrow margins, with the rest likely go to the conservative People’s Party, albeit with coalitions or informal support agreements with the far-right Vox party.

 :popcorn: Any moaning or wailing on DU?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.