Author Topic: Trump appointees paid off! Supreme Court’s Roe Vote Remains Intact  (Read 579 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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Supreme Court’s Roe Vote Remains Intact
    The five-vote majority needed in the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey remains intact months after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft majority opinion was written, according to a report.

    The leaked draft majority opinion penned by Alito is dated February 10 and has almost certainly changed multiple times in the almost three months since it was written, but three conservative sources close to the Court say that the votes supporting the decision remain unchanged, according to reporting from the Washington Post.

    The justices set to join Alito’s opinion include Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
MOre at link, but this is the gist of the story. all three Trump appointees did not wimp out and go after the Roberts cave...they did the right thing. And that is why I voted for Trump, to reballance the USSC.