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SoCalDumb more scared than an extra in a Godzilla movie
« on: September 04, 2008, 01:48:30 AM »
SoCalDem  (1000+ posts)       Thu Sep-04-08 06:31 AM
Original message
Sarah threw down the gauntlet..
 She also proved, by her snarky sarcastic speech, that she wants to play hardball. She cannot not claim to be being "picked on"..

The McCain camp thought they were being clever by taking Hillary's campaign and tweaking it to make Sarah the new standard bearer for women..

You cannot have it both ways.. If you want to be the "pit-bull" (her own words), you cannot then call yourself a frail little yorkie, when you get bitten back.

She also made a serious error by starting an unfounded war with the "press".. There's an old adage about not starting a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel-full (or something to that effect)

Not everyone shuns newspapers & magazines. they may buy them to wrap the fish in, in Wasilla, but there are many more people in the lower 48 who actually do read magazines & newspapers..and not just "Guns & Ammo" or "Moose Shooter's Gazette".

She'll get her blip on the radar, and she's easy on the eyes, but she will stumble.. Look how unprepared she and the McCain crew were in launching her. She's a big cute fish in a very small pond, and now she's a small fish in a big ocean loaded with sharks.

It's really a hoot to realize that the fate of the free world may just rest in the hands of a bunch of National Enquirer sleuths, but it may just come to that.

The same folks who delighted in the raunchy stories about the Clintons over the years, and howled with glee over the Edwards debacle, will have to read about Sarah, and it sounds like the goings on in Wasilla and nearby environs are things that "the base" can easily identify with....drinkin' & fussin' & fightin' & illegally huntin' & fishin' & partyin' & droppin' outta school & lotsa sex, apparently.. Those things might make for a great way to pass those long winters and boring summers, but they are not national government values or real family values..

You stupid, scared, hopeless sack of shit. The National Enquirer disavowed the affair story by artfully employing the "some guy told me" defense...look it up.

As for her "unfounded war with the press," that is the stupidest thing ever written on DU, ever, and I mean EVER. Next time you're shoplifting at the grocery store, look at US weekly, and tell me how PALIN started a war.

And please, by all means, make fun of small towns, just like Obama and Biden can't help but do. Those deck chairs on the doomed "SS Democratic Hopes for 2008" look like they need to be rearranged.

You people are like scared puppies, biting out at everything around you. Well, take a big, long suck of Sarah Palin: she will probably be in your life for the next 12 years, minimum.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

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a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

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Re: SoCalDumb more scared than an extra in a Godzilla movie
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 04:26:33 AM »
The smell of fear (along with patchouli, Cheetos, and 3-day-old sweat) is heavy upon them. They're hissing and baring their teeth now like cornered rats.

To paraphrase Agent Smith: "You hear that Mr. Moonbat?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, Mr. Moonbat."

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