Author Topic: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down  (Read 451 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« on: January 25, 2022, 02:42:25 PM »
Star Member babylonsister (168,696 posts)

The Rude Pundit: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down

The Rude Pundit
Proudly lowering the level of political discourse


If you'll remember, for a good bit of 2020, we were told (and believed) that the election was going to be a Blue Wave, where Democrats overwhelmed Republicans. And, not without reason, candidates, including Joe Biden, started making big promises that were based on a larger majority in the House and a comfortable majority of three or four seats in the Senate. As the wave seemed more likely, the promises got bigger, including eliminating student loan debt, trillions in expanded domestic programs, and more. Had the wave materialized, much of that would have been a no-brainer. The problem, though, was not anticipating that it might not happen and lowering the promise heat. I know hindsight and all that, but Build Back Better, student loan forgiveness (which still could happen), ending the filibuster, and even more infrastructure spending all failed because they were doomed from the start. Despite the hope and optimism of idiots like me, it wasn't going to happen with a margin so thin in each house of Congress that if you farted through it, only dogs would be able to hear it.

And while we can and should blame Democrats (especially a liar like Joe Manchin), the focus should be on blaming the ****ing Republicans. Enough with the worthless "I'm bipartisan and I can work across the aisle" horseshit. Mother****ers tried it and, except for a brief moment in the Senate on infrastructure, that hand was stabbed every time it reached out. So **** 'em.

As the midterm elections approach, Democrats need to do, as a party, what they never do. They need to call Republicans the ****ing enemy. Not the loyal opposition with whom they can compromise. The ****ing enemy. They're trying to destroy democracy. They are the reason the ******* pandemic is still going as hard as it is. They are why you don't have paid family leave or a higher minimum wage. The message should be simple. Not "We can work together," but "They refuse to do shit you want. They're ****ing crazy. If you're not crazy, don't vote for those cockmites."

It probably won't happen, but if Biden's being real about finally giving up on finding the bipartisan unicorn, then maybe it's a strategy with a chance. Milquetoast appeals to goodness and hope won't work. Fear and rage? That's just the world we live in, and the only way to change it is to use it.

By the way, perhaps the real tell with Gingrich happened before he started talking about jailing Democrats and (to his deranged mind) RINOs. He compared contemporary Democrats to other groups in history. Sure, he went with the expected, the Russian revolutionaries of 1917 because communism, of course. But he also said they are "people who are as fanatic[al] as the revolutionaries in the French Revolution." Now, you can say what you want about the Reign of Terror or the rise of Napoleon. In the long view of history, though, the French Revolution eventually brought about the end of monarchy, reduced the power of the Catholic Church, and expanded rights to ordinary citizens. So if Gingrich is saying the French Revolution was wrong, well, ****, I guess that explains a lot.


Star Member Nevilledog (31,917 posts)

2. It is our fault if we don't loudly confront their insanity.

Code: [Select]
Star Member CrackityJones75 (1,511 posts)

3. Who isn't doing that?

When did they not do that?

On almost every issue we have people raising alarms about it. The problem is NOT Democrats. It is the amplification of that message. [u][i][b]There is a severe issue with our media being controlled by corporate interests and then we wonder why Democrats can’t get their message out when it is not in the interests of the greedy corporations that own those media outlets….[/b][/i][/u]

So we go back to whipping ourselves even more. Lather, rinse, repeat. Same shit for decades. And decades. And decades….

Star Member Nevilledog (31,917 posts)

4. I don't think they're doing it ENOUGH, and calling it what it's fascism.

It needs to be repeated ad nauseum. It sounds awful, but fear motivates, and we need to scare the **** outta people pointing out the malevolence of the right.

Star Member CrackityJones75 (1,511 posts)

9. I listen to and watch liberal news sources all day long

I listen to and watch liberal news sources all day long. There are PLENTY of voices that are pushing back all day long.

Sure we can always do more. But honestly aren’t we tired of the self flagellation?

Admittedly I do like the Rude Pundit. A lot. Especially when he is o Steph Miller’s program. But this piece irks me because it is tiresome. Many of us do all that we can and being told repeatedly that the country being in the precipice of disaster, or that the GOP is so terrible, or any number of other this is because we don’t do enough….

We have tried to drag the horse to the water. We have shown it where the water is, rubbed its nose in it. Kicked it, beat it, pleaded with it, tried to reason with it…..

The damn thing will not drink! What have we done wrong?!?!??

certainot (8,146 posts)

32. there is one thing that we have really ****ed up - collectively ignored and continue to ignore RW

our 'leadership' and analysts read and watch and have no clue about rwr radio. they're studying fish without water so we let manchin and sinema get pushed around/enabled by made-to-order corporate constituencies that might as well have flown out of limbaugh's ass and since it is a 95% monopoly should not be considered legit.

we don't even poll for it.

it is the only unique advantage they have and we let without complaint a few hundred racist liars on 1500 unchallenged coordinated radio stations kick our ass. then the chuck todds and carvilles complain about us being too far left and 'woke' - echoing the buzz from those FREE think tank megaphones, that unlike fox, can be state and locally coordinated.

this will end badly for the GOP when americans finally figure it out and use boycotts, protests, and AI analysis to force the ad industry to force stations to change programming and destroy the monopoly.


lagomorph777 (27,680 posts)

19. Have to flip that language. "America's enemies across the aisle" is the correct term.

Star Member FakeNoose (21,898 posts)

27. That was Joe Biden, and he's been reaching across the aisle for almost 40 years

It is what is, and that old-style politicking clearly hasn't worked. Is it our fault? Well no, but it's our problem. We have to figure this out fast or it will be the end of us. The Repukes are making us fix them because they can't fix anything themselves.

pecosbob (6,383 posts)

6. This is messed up to say...but we need to adopt the Tea Party's tactics

Stop acknowledging that the GOP has any right to participate in our national politics. Taking the high road has left us out in the boondocks politically.

Star Member KPN (12,954 posts)

13. Well, at least we're the majority of people and voters

-- if we actually all vote and don't let the enemy suppress our votes or steal another election. Accountability will bring out the vote ... lack of accountability will depress it.

Star Member Moostache (9,274 posts)

24. You seem to have a fatal assumption unstated...

The vote only matters if the district, issue or office is competitively drawn.

Gerrymandering and redistricting have continued to make a mockery of our representative republic.

Gerrymandered seats in Congress have codified gridlock in the Senate and House; and turned the center and compromise into fatal words in the separate parties. Where once a Venn Diagram may have had 40-45 seats overlap in the House and 5-7 in the Senate where that overlap in philosophy might engender actual action or compromise, now that is nearly extinct by design and only getting worse. Congressmen no longer care about their constituents or the electorate of the opposition party - they care about donors, access to cash and primary opponents futher to the extreme than themselves.

Voting alone is not enough.
Turnout alone is not enough.
Excitement for a candidate or policy alone is not enough.

The system itself, from a foundational level, is rotted and corrupted.
This helps those in power or serving as party bosses and power brokers and kills everything else.

Star Member Mr. Ected (7,890 posts)

10. Like Mineral Man mentioned yesterday

Since we're going to be blocked from doing what we were elected to do - implement Democratic strategies and policies - we might as well circle the wagons and concentrate on the most important function our government can be engaged in at this moment in history: exposing the fascists, trying the fascists, punishing the fascists, and shedding light on the fascists 24/7.

We'll never be able to progress as a nation as long as these saboteurs are in charge and able to spin their propaganda without rebuttal. The public needs to be educated and our best resource is a news cycle that begins, continues and ends with the Democrats' attack on authoritarian rule. It's not political - it's existential.


Orrex (60,720 posts)

20. When they go low, they go on to gain seats in the House and Senate.

When we go high, they go on to gain seats in the House and Senate.

Democrats are trying to hold Republikkkans accountable through the mechanisms of The System, while Republikkkans are doing everything in their considerable power to destroy The System. See the problem?

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2022, 02:54:10 PM »
the closer we get to the mid terms the more unhinged they become.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

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Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2022, 02:57:55 PM »
I'll explain this for the billionth time.

Democrats can't get what they want because they don't win enough elections to have the power to do what they want.

The message of burning the GOP down presupposes that the democrats possess such a capability.

I don't know if DU has noticed, but the GOP currently holds a registration advantage, I believe. People are beginning to tire of the COVID control measures, and are seeing through the contradictions in public health policy relating to COVID. Americans like their voter ID laws. They like secure borders. They are seeing Biden's pathetically bad leadership. Demographics that democrats were counting on to solidify their power are turning to the GOP.

So yes, the problem with democrats is... democrats.

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2022, 03:20:54 PM »
They need to start doing that thing they've been doing unceasingly since Reagan was in office,
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2022, 03:40:29 PM »
the closer we get to the mid terms the more unhinged they become.

And I'm having daily schadenfreude just hearing them.
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Offline USA4ME

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2022, 04:16:51 PM »
This “The Rude Pundit” is one of the biggest cowards on the left.  :loser:

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2022, 07:38:04 PM »
DUmmies are just not ready to embrace freedom. Free men run this nation not a single party.
But every Dummy is a wannabe dictator. "Round up the opposition!"

Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2022, 08:17:41 PM »


All these years of watching DUmb****s spin themselves up over the internal conflict between their basic craven natures and their fondest wish to be a little fascist Hero of The Party, and the comedy still never gets old.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2022, 08:27:48 PM by DefiantSix »
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-- Capt. John Parker

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Offline landofconfusion80

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2022, 05:58:36 AM »
This “The Rude Pundit” is one of the biggest cowards on the left.  :loser:

But stringing random swear words together means he is extra serious
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


Offline enslaved1

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Re: Democrats Need to Do What They Will Never Do: Burn the GOP Down
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2022, 10:23:51 AM »
But stringing random swear words together means he is extra serious

Sounds like my middle schoolers, except they string together random swear words cause that's the vast majority of their vocabulary.
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.