Author Topic: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....  (Read 801 times)

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Offline Eupher

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In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« on: March 05, 2021, 08:03:03 AM »
...and how his GOPe status is pretty much confirmed, this story concerning his wife's business dealings (and money in the McConnell pocket) sheds an interesting light on him.

The story linked below is entitled "Elaine Chao is a Pox on the GOP -- Mitch McConnell Keeps Putting Her in Positions to Do Damage So He Should Pay the Price."

Elaine Chao is Mitch McConnell's wife. They were married 28 years ago. She was born in Taiwan and moved to the U.S. when she was eight years old.

There are some very solid connections between Elaine Chao's father's shipping business and the CCP. One might say some very solid connections.

Mitch, the corruption in you and your family might not be as well hidden as you think.
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Offline Articulate Ape

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Re: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2021, 09:01:55 AM »
McConnell is an oxygen thief and frankly just a thief period. He is as much a part of the swamp as Nancy Pelosi. The Senate needs a leader with a spine.
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Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2021, 10:03:13 AM »

There are some very solid connections between Elaine Chao's father's shipping business and the CCP. One might say some very solid connections.

Her father a shipping magnate and she was secretary of transportation.  Might be one of President Trump's bad calls....
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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Offline Eupher

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Re: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2021, 02:03:54 PM »
I was going to post this as a separate thread, but since Cocaine Mitch is a scumbag of the worst order and an oxygen thief, as indicated by Articulate Ape, here it is.

Apparently, Mitch McConnell has agreed to once again bail out the Democrats by reaching some sort of "agreement" with an even bigger thug than Mitch is - Chuck the Schmuck.

How many times has he said he wasn't going to do this, yet did it anyway?

To be fair, the article by Bonchie acknowledges that all the details aren't available yet, especially the part about Cocaine Mitch agreeing to extend the debt ceiling again. If Mitch caves (again), well, here we are again holding the bag.

Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer have reached a deal to fund the government through February. That comes as a prior continuing resolution that McConnell agreed to is set to expire tomorrow.

Democrats will now have even more time to negotiate their big-spending agenda, and it does not appear that McConnell was willing to use the threat of a shutdown to extract any concessions in the process. Some GOP senators had pledged to block any deal if federal funding for vaccine mandates was not barred in it.

Schumer took to the Senate floor today to announce the agreement. The details are sparse, aside from the fact that it includes $7 billion in new spending for Afghan refugees.

Very generous of Mitch, dontcha think?

The big question here is whether this continuing resolution includes a debt ceiling increase like the last one did. That raised the debt ceiling by $480 billion, and McConnell pledged at the time that he would not make such a deal again. The idea was that it would force Democrats to use one of their limited reconciliation shots to keep the government from defaulting. Did McConnell fold here on that point? I can’t say for sure — until we get the final word on what is and isn’t included.

Of note is that if McConnell did end up agreeing to raise the debt ceiling, I will owe you guys an apology. I had previously written an article suggesting he would not do that. If he goes back on his word and doesn’t force Democrats to use reconciliation, that will be a huge betrayal by the Minority Leader and a swing and miss by me.

Still, even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised in this deal (that deadline is December 15th), it is disappointing to see McConnell punt on at least getting something in return for handing Democrats another lifeline. And no, funding for Afghan refugees, most of whom haven’t even been properly vetted, is not a win for Republicans. That was actually something the White House wanted. Mike Lee was one of the senators asking McConnell to demand no funding for vaccine mandates in exchange for any deal.

And while I’m sure some people will assure me this is 4-D chess by McConnell, I’m not buying it until I get more evidence that’s the case. If this agreement was made because he wants to keep Joe Manchin in line, that’s still not a good excuse. It was several months ago, but it’s not anymore. At some point, Manchin can’t keep stringing Republicans along and he needs to own whatever decision he makes on the “Build Back Better” bill. Let West Virginia take care of him if he doesn’t do the right thing.

Unfortunately, McConnell has backed himself into a corner by insisting in the past that he will not shut the government. Doing so has left him no leverage, and why even fear a shutdown? When it happens, all we do is go about our lives while people that shouldn’t have government jobs in the first place sit at home for a few weeks. It plays into the hands of the left to pretend a shutdown is a catastrophic event — because it’s clearly not. Remember the last time a shutdown was spun as certain doom for Republicans in 2013? The GOP went on to win the Senate in 2014 and won the entire 2016 election, as well.

In short, stop being scared to play hardball. If you are going to make a deal, get something for your trouble. You have to eventually dare the other side to not blink. Otherwise, what’s the point?
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Offline Eupher

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Re: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2021, 02:26:25 PM »
More can-kicking.

Democratic and Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress agreed on a proposal to fund federal agencies through mid-February, clearing the way for a House of Representatives vote on Thursday that would be a critical step in averting a partial government shutdown.
If the House passes the measure, the Senate would then need to vote on the bill funding the government through Feb. 18 and send it to Democratic President Joe Biden sign into law ahead of the midnight Friday deadline for a partial shutdown to begin.

"This is a good compromise that allows an appropriate amount of time for both parties in both chambers to finish negotiations on appropriations," Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said.

A group of hard-line Senate Republican conservatives are threatening to delay consideration in protest against Biden's COVID-19 vaccination mandates, raising the possibility that the government could partially shut down over the weekend while the Senate moves slowly toward eventual passage.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who must quell the rebellion within his caucus to keep the government operating, reiterated on Thursday that there would be no shutdown. But he did not respond when asked whether Republicans would agree to move quickly by consenting to circumvent the Senate's cumbersome legislative rules.

"We need to pass it and that's what we'll be working toward doing," the top Senate Republican told reporters.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the debate and vote would take place on Thursday, after Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro said in a statement that "agreement has been reached on a Continuing Resolution."

Congress has until midnight on Friday to pass a measure that would maintain funding of federal government operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, amid concerns about a new rise in cases and the arrival of the Omicron variant in the United States.

A partial government shutdown would create a political embarrassment for both parties, but especially for Biden's Democrats, who narrowly control both chambers of Congress.


Congress faces another urgent deadline right on the heels of this one. The federal government is also approaching its $28.9 trillion borrowing limit, which the Treasury Department has estimated it could reach by Dec. 15. Failure to extend or lift the limit in time could trigger an economically catastrophic default.

The fact that the resolution extends funding into February suggested a victory for Republicans in closed-door negotiations. Democrats had pushed for a measure that would run into late January, while Republicans demanded a timeline extending into February or March to leave spending at levels agreed to when Republican Donald Trump was president.

"While I wish it were earlier, this agreement allows the appropriations process to move forward toward a final funding agreement which addresses the needs of the American people DeLauro said.

But she said Democrats did prevail in including a $7 billion provision for Afghanistan evacuees.

Once enacted, the stopgap funding measure would give Democrats and Republicans nearly 12 weeks to resolve their differences over 12 annual appropriations bills totaling around $1.5 trillion that fund "discretionary" federal programs for the fiscal year that began on Oct. 1. Those bills do not include mandatory funding for programs such as the Social Security retirement plan that are renewed automatically.

"Now we must get serious about completing (fiscal year '22) bills," Senator Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee, said in a statement. "If that doesn't happen, we’ll be having this same conversation in February."
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Re: In Case You're Wondering about Mitch McConnell....
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2021, 03:00:07 PM »
McConnell is an oxygen thief and frankly just a thief period. He is as much a part of the swamp as Nancy Pelosi. The Senate needs a leader with a spine.

You know ANYBODY in DC that matches that description?

I sure as hell don't...  :whatever:
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