Author Topic: Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.  (Read 384 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.
« on: September 02, 2021, 08:53:22 AM »
Star Member ColinC (3,007 posts)

Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court. Right now.
Push it forward or kick anybody against it out of the party. If we aren't going to use our majorities, we don't deserve to have them.


Star Member W_HAMILTON (4,499 posts)

1. **** that.

That stupid assed thinking is what got us in this position to begin with.

If people didn't shit on our nominee in 2016, we wouldn't have to be put through all of this.

And if you kick out people that don't agree with you, you won't have a majority.

Star Member ColinC (3,007 posts)

2. **** that.

That stupid ass thinking is what got us into this place in the first place. The idea we don't have to use our majorities to keep them, lost us 2010, 2014, 2016 and damn near 2020. If we want to not lose everything we hold dear, we need to act now and stop rolling over for the extremists. Millions of lives are lost because we did otherwise. Millions more likely will be if we refuse to fight back.

Millions?  :???:

Star Member W_HAMILTON (4,499 posts)

9. Oh bullshit.

Idiotic Green Party voters and other various idiots that don't know jack shit about how our electoral system works is what got us in this mess and them doling out the same advice that got us into this mess sure as hell ain't gonna get us out.

****ing vote Republicans out, up and down the ballot. Every time.


Star Member Demsrule86 (54,372 posts)

13. No. that is bullshit. What lost us 2010, 2014 and 2016 were message voters...pure and simple.

Our side didn't come out and vote in 2010 in order to punish President Obama for not getting a public option or Medicare for all... this allowed a Republican gerrymander the likes of which we have never seen. In 2014 same old message voting. I saw Obama called a used car salesman right here on DU... Democrats didn't show up in the midterm.

President Obama used his majority to get the ACA which was and is a big ****ing deal ...but it wasn't enough for some. And the irony here is that had we voted in 10 and in 14 we would have gotten additional legislation and at least one more SCOTUS appointment. It was a 5-4 ruling today. Consider the difference one more justice would have made.

In 16, some decided Hillary Clinton-one of the smartest women- of my lifetime wasn't 'pure' enough.

The but her email crowd which includes but is not limited to Jill Stein, Susan Sarandon, Nina Turner, and Brianna Grey...worked against our nominee and helped elect Donald Trump. Trump had three Supreme court was already assured if Hillary lost with McConnell's obstruction.

However, the 'but her email crowd' didn't care. This didn't have to happen. And our elected can't help us mostly because we have voted for enough of them.

Unless we demonstrate loyalty in every election by voting blue no matter who and stop ****ing message voting and sitting out elections because we didn't get something we wanted, we will not win, people will die and our Republic will die. it is that serious.


PoliticAverse (23,706 posts)

3. "kick anybody against it out of the party" - cause life would be better with Mitch McConnell

in charge of the Senate?

Star Member ColinC (3,007 posts)

4. No because nobody in our party would be stupid enough to vote against them if those were the stakes

Manchin and sinema would not be re elected as republicans and would not enjoy being in the minority. Those idiots are playing hairball sabatoging democracy while their caucus is letting them.

PoliticAverse (23,706 posts)

5. What makes you think Sinema is going to run again? And she's literally patted McConnell on the back

Also there are likely more than 2 Democratic senators that would oppose expanding the court.

Star Member Demsrule86 (54,372 posts)

14. It is this sort of idea that puts us in the minority and gives the GOP free reign. We have

a 50 50 majority, we can't lose anyone. I am not sure Sinema will even run next time.

50/50 majority?   :rotf:

Star Member Demsrule86 (54,372 posts)

17. Yes and this a familiar pattern...some don't vote for the Democrat because of one issue or

another, he/she didn't agree with them. So then we lose the majority or have a limited majority which is the case now. They expect our elected that they failed to support previously to somehow save them...and then punish our elected if they fail to do so...even though often it is impossible.

Star Member House of Roberts (3,662 posts)

6. One seat? Really?

Explain to me how losing each case 6-4 is so much better than losing 6-3?

Star Member ColinC (3,007 posts)

8. Actually in the most extreme cases, it would split it 5-5

Because Roberts is not one of the ultra conservatives on the court and would likely side with liberals in cases like, I don't know, abortion?

Star Member Demsrule86 (54,372 posts)

16. We need to take bold steps that will enable us to win elections...not what the OP is suggesting.

That will only cause us to lose the Senate and possibly another supreme court pick.

Star Member Demsrule86 (54,372 posts)

12. Right punish Democrats for not having enough of a majority...and make it worse. That my friend is how we got here...good old message voting.

I suggest a new strategy, vote in every election-including midterms, always vote Democratic...any Republican will always be worse.

You may feel Democrats don't deserve their majorities, but I feel that rank and file Democrats do not deserve Republicans. The courts are already 6-3 -largely because of small P and Green defectors in 16 who encouraged others not to vote for Hillary Clinton. But our elected are supposed to be able to save us from ourselves. Save yourself by always voting Democratic. It is the only way.

pinkstarburst (572 posts)

18. That's a non-starter

We don't even have the support for it within our own party, and if we do that, repubs will just add 5 more conservative justices the next time they hold the oval office. And "kick anyone out of the party" if they're against it is an equally bad idea. So what, kick Joe Manchin out so that he shrugs and says oh well, I guess I'll just join the republican party since I've been kicked out, giving McConnell control of the senate?

What we need to worry about right now is Breyer's seat. There is NO guarantee we will hold the white house in 2024. It was way too close in 2020. If Breyer doesn't resign during Biden's term, giving him a chance to appoint a young, liberal replacement, then he will be 86-90 during the term of the next president. If you think the conservative hold they have on the SC is bad now, imagine it with one more conservative justice.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2021, 10:13:40 AM »
Losers wanting to stack the deck. :rotf: Maybe the Dems should have run a viable Presidential candidate in 2016! :rotf:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 04:26:45 PM »
Star Member W_HAMILTON (4,499 posts)
...If people didn't shit on our nominee in 2016, we wouldn't have to be put through all of this.

Nobody had to shit on Hitlery Rotten Clinton, DUmbass. S/h/it was an arrogant, greedy self-absorbed shit-stain on the tighty-whities of humanity all on her own, with no help from friends nor enemies alike necessary.

Maybe if your sole criterion for a viable candidate wasn't that little (D) next to their name on the ballot, you could be less likely to cast a vote for candidates were were walking, talking sacks of excrement, eh?

Nah. They could completely remove all party affiliations from ballots, and y'all would still gravitate to the festering boils on the asshole of humanity...

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Offline Ferrance

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Re: Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2021, 04:45:21 PM »
Speaking of a (D) next to the candidate's name is all that's needed, this is a real headline from The Atlantic on 3/24/20:
Stay Alive, Joe Biden

Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal presence.
By Alex Wagner
It also might explain why everything has turned to crap almost instantly but hey just 3 1/2 more years of Weekend at Biden's left.
The Democratic party is longest running racist organization in the country. Going strong for over 200 years.

Offline SVPete

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Re: Really they just need to add one seat to the supreme court.
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 05:23:44 PM »
Star Member W_HAMILTON (4,499 posts)
...If people didn't shit on our nominee in 2016, we wouldn't have to be put through all of this.

Remember the PUMAcrat Hillary fans? Maybe she and they burnt bridges they shouldn't have burnt.

Remember Benghazi? So did many voters when they marked their ballots!
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.