Author Topic: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War  (Read 525 times)

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Offline BamaMoose

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DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« on: June 23, 2021, 04:14:17 AM »
The OP isn't impressive other than the fact that any time a DUmmie says "this isn't hyperbole" prepare for extra-strength levels of stupidity.

Star Member superpatriotman (5,651 posts)

The next election could be the last election

Not hyperbole.

American democracy is now in its death throes.

The responses, however, made this thread chuckle-worthy.

Moostache (8,828 posts)

9. Forward thinking people should be doing the following:

Securing the current nation's nuclear arsenal and decommissioning the ability to launch them

Securing munitions and weaponry to prevent it from being taken and used against citizenry

Reviewing all military chain of command for potential to break into warring factions or insurrectionists

Planning to rescue the citizens cut off from each other by geography but not ideology.
(This is particularly important in urban centers like St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Milwaukee, Atlanta and others that exist in a sea of "red-state" voters outside the urban areas.)

When it goes bad and the fighting starts in earnest, we will all be better off if the combat is limited to guerilla groups and light infantry only. I am quite confident that loyal troops and the armed forces of the United States would beat the ever-loving shit out of Y'all Queda and their neo-Nazi allies...but I am equally confident that those same freaks would not care about deploying nuclear weapons on American soil as long as someone convinced them it was the right kind of soil to bomb...

Ummm....what?  Even the other DUmmies are confused.

Dial H For Hero (1,001 posts)

12. Will you be one of the "forward thinking people" leading the charge to take over our nukes?

Moostache (8,828 posts)

15. No, I'll be killed as a dissident long before you die by bombings

I am not concerned with the outcome, it's a fait-au-compli in my estimation.
But for people who might still have ****s left to give about massive death tolls and horrors, they might want to look into it.

I did not mean "take over nukes" - I meant DISABLE THEM so that they cannot be launched against our own citizens, but go ahead and laugh it off. I'm sure there's no real danger of unintended consequences from 1000's of armed nuclear warheads that could be repurposed and launched, after all I heard somewhere that those tourists in DC on January 6th were really only delivering a protest message too.

Why is Biden's Stasi hunting Moostache?  At least he's bravely facing his imminent execution.

Dial H For Hero (1,001 posts)

20. If you truly believe you're going to be killed in the near future, why are you posting about it

rather taking steps to prevent it, or at least make it less likely? If I thought such a thing were in my future, rest assured that the last thing I'd be doing would arguing about it on DU!

As for the nukes, if you want to DISABLE THEM (your caps, not mine), that does rather presuppose that you'll need to get control of them in the first place, yes? That will of necessity require you to take them over, at least long enough to put them out of commission.

I would also point out that in addition to all of the nukes in the missile silos, you'll need to get control of the ones which are launched from fighters and bombers. Then there's the small matter of our boomers (nuclear missile submarines), a number of which are at sea at any given time.

This sounds like quite the undertaking! But please do elaborate on your plans. 

And a DUmmie with an actual sense of humor chimes in.

Jedi Guy (1,708 posts)

21. This would make a great screenplay, wouldn't it?
A scrappy band of dedicated progressives infiltrating the nuclear silos to take control of and then dismantle the nukes! Sneaking onto airbases to disable the bombers! Scuba-diving to slip into the launch tubes on the boomers so they can be taken out! Chris Pratt and Lin-Manuel Miranda as the leading men, Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong'o as the leading ladies! In summer 2023, the hottest movie will be... Blue Storm Rising.

Might have to work on that title, but still, I smell Oscar bait!


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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2021, 06:27:45 AM »
Why would we need nukes if all we have to do is misgender lefty?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2021, 06:37:56 AM »
Moostache (8,828 posts)

15. No, I'll be killed as a dissident long before you die by bombings

I am not concerned with the outcome, it's a fait-au-compli in my estimation.
But for people who might still have ****s left to give about massive death tolls and horrors, they might want to look into it.
:-) DU is so sophisticated, they use malapropisms in foreign languages.

Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2021, 09:31:14 AM »
Star Moron superpatriotman (5,651 posts)

The next election could be the last election

Not hyperbole.

(S)He's right! It's not hyperbole, it's :stoner: -grade paranoid fiction, :rotf:  :tongue: .
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2021, 07:39:17 PM »
Um, I'd imagine the Left as being more likely to launch nuclear attacks on American soil than the Right would be.
Oh, and in the event of a new Civil War, the Blue States would be mercilessly crushed, largely because we in the Red States have something they will never have: Unity.
A civil war requires that the people of one side band together, cast aside their petty differences, and unite for a common cause. Problem is, the Left cannot achieve this unity, as their self- righteous love affair with "Diversity" means their side has many factions that are virulently opposed to each other (Radical Muslims vs. Radical LGBTs, radical feminists vs. Transgender activists, radical environmentalists vs. Labor unions in industries that environmentalists oppose such as logging and mining, etc.), and are incapable of setting aside their differences. Hell, look at how many DU posts inevitably descend into bickering and infighting.
The Blue States' forces will thus be far more likely to destroy each other through infighting than to destroy us.
Here are a couple suggestions on strategies to further exacerbate this:
1. As the Red States have a near- monopoly on agriculture and food production, immediately cut off all food deliveries to the Blue States, and broadcast to the people in the Blue States that we have done this and will resume food deliveries to each Blue State when and only when that state unconditionally surrenders. Their people will immediately panic, and every crumb of food in the Blue States will be bought or stolen in a day, and eaten in no more than a week and a half. Within a week after that, the starving people in those states will be rioting, fighting each other over what's left of the food (The Blue States do have some farming and food production, but nowhere near enough to meet demand), and pressuring their leaders to surrender.
2. As most leftists are drug addicts, another strategy is to use intelligence resources to identify and locate as many of their marijuana farms, crackhouses and meth labs as possible. Then, over the course of a day or so, launch a series of black- ops strikes to take out each of them at once. Burn their pot plants, smash their equipment, flush their supplies, all of it. Then, make sure to block their allies in the Mexican cartels from being able to bring more supplies in. Then, wait for the druggies to inevitably start killing each other for what's left of the dope. I got the idea for this from something that happened when the Occupy movement was at its strongest: In one Occupy camp, one Occupier was shot and killed by another Occupier in a fight over a baggie of pot.
So, after letting them tear each other limb from limb for a while, we step in, and what's left of them will be starving, going through severe withdrawal, and pose no real resistance.
Thus, we win with very few casualties on our side.

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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2021, 06:51:45 PM »
Response to superpatriotman (Reply #8)Tue Jun 22, 2021, 06:33 PM
Dial H For Hero (1,017 posts)
10. If the Constitution is "broken", how do you propose fixing it, given that amending it is a practical

impossibility at this time?

Difficult but not impossible and the fix is getting closer to happening every day--just not in the way the primitives think it ought to be fixed.
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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: DUmmies Planning the Next Civil War
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2021, 07:11:45 PM »
Star Member superpatriotman (5,651 posts)

The next election could be the last election

Not hyperbole.

American democracy is now in its death throes.

If one changed the time stamp from 2021 to 2004, it would be exactly the same sentiment.  DUmmies were such blathering morons suffering under Bush Derangement Syndrome that they really thought this would happen.

The entire premise of the DUmp was founded on leftist anger at the 2000 election.  Their attitudes and politics are still the same.  The levels of outrage varies upon the day of the week.
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